Food and drinkDessert

Chocolate sausage: pamper yourself and children

Chocolate sausage is a favorite baby treat. Many young culinary specialists begin to comprehend the culinary basics from this dish. But many adults also do not mind eating this dish, and it takes only half an hour to cook it.

To prepare six servings, you need to take three hundred grams of the most common cookies, a two-hundred-pound packet of butter, three tablespoons without a glass of cocoa powder, a glass of sugar and a glass of walnuts. Half a portion of the cookie should be broken by hands into large pieces, and the second half shredded in a blender. On a water bath, melt the butter and add sugar and cocoa powder. All ingredients should be well mixed and sprinkled with shredded walnuts and biscuits.

The dough is thoroughly mixed, put into cellophane bags or tracing paper and roll out. Everything, chocolate sausage is ready! It is necessary only to watch, that the dough turned out not so friable, therefore it is necessary to pour in cookies not all at once, and in portions. From this number of products can be two or three sausages. Before you serve this dish on the table, you must hold the sausage for about two hours in the freezer. During this time it will acquire the necessary consistency and it can easily be cut into circles. Nuts not necessarily take walnuts, you can take any other, according to your taste.

Chocolate sausage from cookies, the recipe of which was described above, can be prepared with the addition of dried apricots, prunes, raisins or seeds. This dish is good because it does not require much energy and time or some special products to create it. There are several recipes for making chocolate sausages.

Tell you how to make chocolate sausage in another way. It will take one glass of sugar, 600 grams of biscuits, three hundred grams of butter, three tablespoons of cocoa powder, six tablespoons of milk and one egg. Nuts are added if desired. You can do any, but better than a Greek - ten to fifteen.

First you need to prepare the nuts: they need to be cleaned and pounded into small crumbs. Cookies should also be crushed, but not too much, but so that small pieces remain. In a deep bowl, chopped nuts and cookies are poured out and thoroughly mixed. Now for a couple you have to melt the butter. The cocoa powder is thoroughly mixed with sugar and milk and combined with the oil.

The mixture should be brought to a boil with continuous stirring, after which it is immediately removed from the heat and allowed to cool. In the meantime, you need to prepare an egg, for this you need to pour it into a separate cup and shake a little, and then, continuously stirring, pour into the chocolate mass. In the finished cream pour out a cup with cookies and nuts and mix everything well. Then put the mass in cellophane and form in sausages. To prevent the dish from falling apart, the dough should be compressed as tightly as possible to allow air to escape.

Chocolate sausage according to this recipe can be prepared without milk. The prepared dish, before being put on the table, is aged for two to three hours in the freezer, then cut into pieces and served with tea or milk.

And here's another very simple recipe for this sweet dish. This chocolate sausage is prepared with condensed milk. Half a slice of condensed milk should be taken two packets of cookies of 200 grams each and three tablespoons of cocoa powder. You can take not ordinary condensed milk, but boiled or custard. Cookies are crushed, as in the previous recipes, you can just shred a cracker.

In the cup, place softened butter, condensed milk, cocoa powder and mix everything to make a viscous light brown mass. Then the cookies are poured into the received mass and everything is thoroughly mixed. After that, the dough is molded by placing it in cellophane bags, and for two hours is put into the freezer. Before serving, sausage is cut into slices.

Prepare this dish, pamper yourself or your family members.

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