
"Colm" from alcoholism. The drug "Kolme". Instruction, reviews

In Russia, every year, the number of people for whom drinking is a necessity, a daily need is increasing. As a result, the number of patients with alcoholism also increases. According to WHO, this pathology is on the third place among the most dangerous diseases leading to death, second only to oncology and cardiovascular disorders.

Problem as a whole

Unfortunately, in most cases complaints do not come from the alcoholics themselves, but from their relatives, relatives, friends. Often the most popular questions are the possibility to save the patient from dependence forcibly, without his knowledge, and choosing the most effective method or medicine. As a rule, such questions arise when the dependence is chronic. They begin to ask those who are already very tired of the situation, do not feel the strength to endure further, and the conclusions from drinking-bout at home, coding, courses of therapy in narcological hospitals have already been tried many times. And over time, all these methods help less and less.

What is the dependence on alcohol?

The systematic use of alcohol provokes serious disorders in the activity of all organs and systems of the body. A person who regularly takes alcohol, noticeably decreases mental activity, develop various kinds of psychosis. Gradually the emerging dependence on alcohol makes a normal citizen an outcast, completely devoid of a sense of responsibility and will. Unfortunately, there is no panacea for this disease. Therapy of alcoholism should be carried out in a complex way using the mechanisms of psychological influence, physiotherapy methods, medicines. On the way to get rid of this disease, the support of relatives and relatives is of special importance. The whole process of healing can be divided into several stages.


The first step for a person who is dependent on alcohol will be awareness of the existing problem. In addition to the patient's real desire to get rid of pathology, absolute refusal to drink alcohol for several days (or weeks, depending on the stage and method of therapy) is a prerequisite. As practice shows, patients are very difficult to endure this stage.

Formation of alcohol intolerance

It should be noted that therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating dependence on alcohol should be prescribed and monitored by a specialist. As with many other serious diseases, self-medication is inappropriate in this case, moreover, it can lead to serious consequences.

Today there is a fairly large number of methods by which a strong aversion to alcohol is formed. One of the most popular drugs is the drug "Disulfiram" and its derivatives. This drug when combined with alcohol provokes a special reaction of rejection in the body. The patient feels very bad, his temperature rises, his hands begin to tremble, his heart rate increases. In this case, the patient feels a strong dislike for alcohol.

Another means by which alcoholism is treated is Kolme. As an active ingredient, cyanamide is present in the medicament. Unlike disulfiram, this substance has a lower self toxicity and does not provoke an antihypertensive effect. The undoubted advantage of cyanamide is its selectivity: the compound blocks only the aldehyde dehydrogenase, without affecting other enzymes. Further in the article, more about what the "Colme" preparation is.

general information

Why do many experts recommend the drug "Colm" from alcoholism? The reviews of many patients indicate not only the high effectiveness of the medication. The medicine has no taste and smell, which greatly facilitates its reception. Drops from alcoholism "Kolme", whose price is from 1100 rubles, do not need to be diluted in a liquid - the product is ready for use. The medication can be added to soft drinks, to food - it does not lose its effectiveness. What other benefits does the "Colme" (from alcoholism) have? The experts' reviews confirm the safety of prolonged use of the medication. The drug is low in toxicity, does not provoke many side effects, which, for example, are characteristic of other drugs.

pharmachologic effect

The "Colme" remedy is a cure for alcoholism. The responses that are found about this drug are mostly positive. Not only patients themselves, but also doctors mark many advantages of this remedy, which in some cases makes it a drug of choice. One of the main features of the action of the medication is that the patient ceases to consume alcohol on the first day of taking the remedy.

The mechanism of drug activity is based on the ability to block aldehyde dehydrogenase. This enzyme is involved in the process of ethanol metabolism. The blockade of aldehyde dehydrogenase increases the content of acetaldehyde - one of the products of the decomposition of ethanol. With an increase in the concentration of this metabolite in a person, the condition worsens: dyspnea, tachycardia, nausea, flushing of the blood to the face, and others. These and other manifestations make drinking extremely unpleasant, provoking an aversion to the smell and taste of alcohol-containing beverages. The sensitization action that the "Colme" agent (from alcoholism) exerts approximately 45-60 minutes later and lasts about 12 hours. This activity comes faster and lasts less than that of disulfiramide. But in many cases, experts recommend instead the "Colme". Drug from alcoholism "Disulfiram" has a high toxicity and has a negative impact on vital internal organs. This medication has many side effects and contraindications.

Means of "Kolme" (from alcoholism). Instructions. Indications and contraindications

The medication is recommended for patients with dependence on alcoholic beverages in chronic course. The drug is also prescribed to prevent the recurrence of chronic alcoholism after passing the patient to a therapeutic course. Contraindications include severe hepatic and renal pathologies complicated by impaired functions of these organs, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. The preparation "Colme" is not prescribed for pregnant and lactating patients. Contraindicated taking the drug and intolerance of components.

Method of reception

The use of "Colme" (from alcoholism) should be done only after consulting a doctor. The dosage of the medicament is established personally. This takes into account not only the stage of alcoholism, but also the general condition of the patient, its tolerability, age, predisposition to any allergic reactions, and so on. Means take inside. The recommended dose is 12-25 drops twice a day (36-75 mg each). Between receptions should be observed interval of 12 hours.

How do I dose the "Colme" remedy (from alcoholism)? The patients' testimonies indicate the simplicity and convenience of taking the medication. For precise dosing in the package there is a special bottle. The patient or his relative can easily open the ampoule with the medicine and pour its contents into the vial. When the drug is taken directly, the cap of the container should be closed tightly.

Reaction to alcohol when taking "Colme". Reviews

Treatment of alcoholism, as already mentioned above, involves several stages. One of them is the development of rejection of alcohol. This process is accompanied by various unpleasant sensations. As the patients themselves say, if you drink an alcoholic beverage, then there is a ripple in your head, weakness, difficulty breathing. Among the manifestations of the reaction to alcohol, there are also vomiting, reddening of the skin, difficulty breathing, tenderness in the chest. In some cases, the visual function is impaired, tachycardia appears, and the pressure decreases. The severity and intensity of these symptoms will depend on the dosage of alcohol itself taken concurrently with the "Kolme" medication. From alcoholism you can get rid of it faster if you try to restrain yourself and limit yourself in drinking. In addition, the less harmful a drink is taken, the easier it will be to tolerate therapy.

additional information

The main condition for the successful treatment of alcoholism is the patient's voluntary desire to get rid of addiction. In this regard, the initiation of therapy should be carried out with the consent of the patient and only under medical supervision. When prescribing a medicine, it is necessary to take into account the likely reaction to ethanol, which may be present in various foods. Initiation of therapy should be no earlier than twelve hours after the last intake of alcohol. Particular care should be taken with those patients in whom a reaction to the use of a drug at the same time as drinking can lead to serious complications. In the case of prolonged therapy, regular monitoring of thyroid activity is necessary. When an overdose is likely to increase adverse events.

Reviews of doctors

Many experts consider the "Colme" agent to be one of the most powerful medicines used in the treatment of alcoholism. As some doctors note, according to observations, when taking a drug in a sober state, alcohol consumption becomes impossible for at least several days. But if the medicine was drunk, when there is still ethanol in the blood, then the effect is unlikely. This may be due to the fact that the active component of the agent has the ability to block an aldehydrogenase not bound to ethanol. Experts warn that to give the drug "Kolme", as well as other funds from alcohol dependence, without the knowledge of the patient is very dangerous. In the case of a large number of patients receiving alcohol, severe consequences may occur, even to a coma.


It should be remembered that alcoholism affects both the emotional and physical state of a person. After passing the therapeutic course to get rid of this dependence, you should undergo a general examination, visit a therapist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, urologist and others. Do not forget about the consequences that alcoholism causes. Often, their elimination takes no less time than getting rid of the disease itself. Particular importance - both at the stage of the treatment itself, and during the rehabilitation period - has the support of relatives and friends.

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