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The origin of the name Bogdanov: "given by God" or are there other variants?

This is the reason why it is necessary to explain the origin of Bogdanov's surname as "given by God". It seems that everything, on this it is possible to put an end, but no, there are other nuances. The history of the name Bogdanov is not as simple as it seems.

Bulgarian roots

When Russia was baptized, the names were taken from the saints. It could be Fedot Ankirsky. They met Saint Fedot of Caesarea, who crossed himself, took the name Bogdan. When the baby was named by this name, they hoped that his life would be enlightened, like that of the great martyr, but difficult and righteous. Everyone always believed that there is a heavenly connection between the name and the person who wears it.

The origin of the name Bogdanov was formed in the XVI-XVII centuries, when Russia could ask the question: "Whose son are you?" Then the morpheme "-ov" was added in the answer. By the same simple principle, a patronymic was formed, for example, Mikitka Bogdanov. So later the name was formed.

Greek origins

Our Christianization came from Byzantium, where the Greek language was in common use. In the Orthodox empire, the name Theodote existed, which in Russian sounded like Feodor or Fedot, but in translation it meant all the same "given by God". It was the second, more understandable, option that went to the people, along with Fedor, whose meaning was not understood by all. That is, between Fedor and Bogdan one can put equality. Then it is clear the origin of the name Bogdanov, as well as Fedorov, Fedotov. At the same time, it becomes clear that they are namesake, no matter how different it sounds.

Old Slavonic name

There was Bozhko in Russia. Bulgarians still use it extensively. Its meaning is not at variance with the above. Just for Russia it was a diminutive, affectionate version of the name Bogdan. The origin of the name Bogdanov gave rise to other versions associated with the name Bozhko: Bozhkov, Bozhenkov. It is possible that the name of our great architect Vasily Bazhenov is somehow connected with Bogdan's name. But this is a pure assumption.

Analysis of the name Bogdanov

How subconsciously people perceive Bogdanov? First of all, as courageous, rude and cold people. On the second plan are such features as brave, big, majestic, good, and then already - bright, strong, fast, active. The meaning of Bogdanov's surname, which can be perceived in different ways at the emotionally subconscious level, turns out to have a great subtext for an outsider: he feels the force and pressure in his new acquaintance.

The principle of the formation of double surnames

In Europe, double surnames appeared in two ways: the name of the patrimonial estate or the surname of the wife was added.

In Russia, this process went on a different principle. The genus was branching, and the surname became double. In the XVII century began to submit petitions to get a second surname. For example, the genus of the composer Rimsky-Korsakov was very ancient.

Later, in the time of Catherine II, double surnames began to be formed according to a principle that was adopted from the Romans. After a significant military victory, the name of the place where the person gained fame was added to the surname.

Later, from the middle of the 19th century, many of our literary men added a pseudonym to the surname.

In the 20th century, this process has become arbitrary.


What else are interesting double surnames? Bogdanov is a nickname that has one more story. Bogdan often called an abandoned baby in diapers or an illegitimate child. They believed that he was given by God himself. These God's children became Bogdanovs. People's sayings are connected with this: "The baby is not baptized, so is Bogdan", "Bogdanushke - all the priests".

So there appeared double surnames - Bogdanov (a) plus one more. They were worn by men and women. Turgenev had a half-sister, whom the handsome father did not recognize. He easily started novels and was not interested in any of his children. He and his family behaved coldly and detached. When a girl was born out of wedlock, she began to wear the name of Bogdanov. Lutovinova's addition was added to her to associate with the hereditary estate of the Turgenevs. And it turned out - Bogdanova-Lutovinova. The well-known remarkable artist NP Bogdanov-Belsky reported that he was the son of a poor woman who did not have a husband, so he became Bogdanov, and Belsky was added from the name of the district where he lived.

There is nothing particularly difficult in the origin of the name Bogdanov. This beggar is often God's child, a foundling or just baptized infant, who must lead a righteous life. This name gave birth to the patronymic, from which the surname was subsequently formed.

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