LawState and Law

The pre-trial detention center is ...

As you know, it's never worth to renounce money and prison. In life, everything happens. The reasons why a person is in places "not so remote", there is a great variety. And, of course, a common man in the street is often at a loss to understand the specifics of the Russian penitentiary system. It is not a secret for anyone that a person who has committed a "serious" unlawful act will be isolated from society and placed in jail before being sentenced. And many can not give a transcript of this abbreviation.

We will deal with this issue in more detail.

What is SIZO

The SIZO is a guarded room in which persons suspected of committing crimes are kept. However, the verdict of the court regarding their further fate has not yet entered into force. It should be noted that minors, sick, women, as well as persons who first committed a wrongful act, are held in separate cells.

SIZO is a remand center. The person who gets there, thinks that his happy life is over. Yes, the picture, when inmates exhale an unpleasant smell of sweat, and next door is a toilet, not the most pleasant. However, you can adapt to any conditions, and you should not "give up".

So, the SIZO is the place where the "potential" cons are.

In the remand prison are also those who in the near future must go to corrective labor institutions to serve their sentence. Also there people are determined who will be engaged in economic activities in the SIZO.

For malicious violators of the regime of detention there is a cell - an isolated cell, where they are kept, only one by one.

Of course, staying in a SIZO is an effective measure of punishment, since it is here that a person begins to comprehend his "dark" deeds and deeds.

What awaits the suspect in SIZO

The arrested person enters the detention center. What's next? First it is determined in the quarantine chamber. Why is it called that? This is due to the fact that in this room are carried out preventive measures of infectious ailments. It is here that doctors examine a potential criminal and determine if he is sick. First of all, he works as a paramedic. He in writing records all the special signs of the suspect person, for example scars, physical defects, birthmarks and so on.

In cases of violence, which occurred in the pre-trial detention cell, it is necessary to tell the doctor who is obliged to record them.

SIZO and bullpen are not the same thing

The detention facility is different from the bullpen in that the first structure is assigned to the Ministry of Justice of Russia, and the second - to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This differentiation was chosen not accidentally, but to ensure that human rights are strictly observed. Unfortunately, in practice this sometimes does not happen.

Specificity of medical examination

When entering the remand center, physicians only formally inspect the patient to make sure of his "good" health, otherwise the prison administration may, in case of unusual situations (for example, death of a prisoner), be accused of negligence.

When the suspect is in quarantine, he must submit all necessary tests, including tests for HIV infection and syphilis. The term of the prisoner's stay in the quarantine cell depends on various circumstances, including the geographical location of the detention facility.

On the first day of a potential criminal, the SIZO employees give out a bar of soap, then he takes water procedures, and after that he is photographed and photographed from him. The above documents are attached to the personal case of the prisoner.

What can I take with me to the SIZO

Naturally, prison, jail are special conditions for life, therefore it is forbidden to have objects and things that make it comfortable for prisoners. They are entitled to use only basic necessities. What does it concern? Of course, it's a bowl, a glass and a spoon. Naturally, these kitchen accessories should not be glass. Also prisoners are allowed to have a reboiler, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, towel, disposable shaving tools, pasta and washing powder.

By the way, cosmetic accessories, as well as notebooks and pens are not excluded. Lovers of tea or coffee may not worry, these drinks in the SIZO are not prohibited. It should be noted that all things and products must first be poured and transferred to a polyethylene container.

What can and should be transferred

Continuing the topic of foodstuffs that relatives of convicts can transfer, it should be emphasized that in the SIZO this issue is simpler than in the zone. In the prison, the law allows future prisoners to receive, store and buy food for their money. However, they should not be pre-prepared by heat treatment and not be expired. It is strictly forbidden to transfer yeast and alcohol-containing beverages. It should also be taken into account that employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service can taboo certain types of food products. It should also be remembered that the maximum weight of the transmission should not exceed 30 kilograms. This rule is designed for 1 month. It should be noted that in various constituent entities of Russia the question of the number of grubs for prisoners held in SIZOs is decided individually. In particular, the investigation isolator 1 located in the Irkutsk region has established that a person detained in custody can not carry more than 50 kilograms of food.

There is no need to transfer expensive delicacies, it is better to focus on the most necessary: tea, coffee, biscuits, sweets, pasta.

The organization of meetings

As is known, visits to jail are the prerogative of the investigator, who at the trial stage in the case enables the defendant to communicate with his relatives and friends. As a general rule, he can count on 2 visits per month. At the same time, the administration of the SIZO, because of the congestion, is in favor of reducing the above-mentioned number of visits exactly twice. After the verdict comes into force, permission to communicate between the convicted person and his relatives "face to face" is already given by the judge.

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