Category: State and Law What does it mean to be a patriot and who has the right to wear this proud title? Law The concept of the constitution and its essence Law Administrative division, flag and emblem of the Amur Region Law Classification of States: the main options. Classification of States Law Notarised power of attorney Law What is the freedom of the individual Law Evacuation of vehicles: law, grounds, order of evacuation Law A former husband against a trip abroad of the Motherland of his child - what to do? Law Biography of Natalia Poklonskaya. The Prosecutor of the Republic of Crimea Law Privatization of the country plot. Free privatization of the suburban area. Advice of a lawyer Law Where to pass medical examination for the rights. Getting medical help Law Tax control. Organization, forms and methods of control. Inconsistency of tax indicators as a basis for inclusion in the annual schedule of inspections Law Judicial Order for Debt Collection: Sample Law The status of a poor family: how to obtain, the amount of benefits, the necessary documents and conditions Law Art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation Law Registration and terms of registration of ownership of the apartment Law A plaintiff is a person who ... Who is the plaintiff and what are his rights? Law 135-FZ: Law on Charitable Activities Law Heraldic symbols of the Trans-Urals: the coat of arms of the Kurgan region, the flag and their meaning Law Art. 113 of the LC RF. Prohibition of work on weekends and non-working holidays Law Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - "General grounds for termination of the employment contract" Law The concession agreement is a sample. Federal Law on Concession Agreements Law Executive power Law The State Duma of the Russian Federation: powers and functions. The State Duma of the Russian Federation is ... Law