LawState and Law

The concept of the constitution and its essence

The Constitution must be present in any modern democratic state. The concept of the constitution implies the existence of a fundamental law, in which all the rights and obligations of the population of a particular state are as clearly as possible spelled out. Absolutely all people in the country must unquestioningly obey these rules. This applies even to citizens of other states who are permanently residing or temporarily residing in a foreign territory. The phrase "ignorance of the law does not absolve from responsibility" very accurately characterizes the democratic orientation of any country. That is, if you committed a crime in the territory of another state, but did not know that you can not do this, it absolutely does not justify you and you will bear the established responsibility. This is what many functions of the constitution are.

In many countries of the world the most terrible crimes are those that were committed precisely against the fundamental law. Naturally, for such crimes the criminal system usually provides the most severe penalties. The leaders of those states, where the death penalty has been permitted to this day, are the most rigid . Thus, politicians show their citizens that first of all it is necessary to respect their laws and in no case to transgress them. To date, this is the concept of the constitution in virtually all states of our planet.

If you make a short digression into history, you can see that those countries that just formed, immediately appointed people who were supposed to make up the constitution. This was done so that people were afraid of something and did not do everything that they want. Thus, the leaders of the new state carried out preventive actions, which did not allow waking up the chaos in their territories.

There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. For example, in the UK the concept of the constitution has remained a concept up to the present day. In this great state there are no written laws, only oral ones. This is an amazing fact, but the excellent development of the citizens of this country lies in love and deep respect for their queen, as well as everything connected with their state. Such a method of leadership can be applied only in those countries where the mentality of the people is built on respect for their political leaders. Here is such a very original essence of the constitution in Great Britain.

Unfortunately, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, it is very risky to apply such a system of government management. After all, the population then will not know what can not be done, and what punishment can follow for the commission of illegal actions. In addition, because of the very high level of corruption in our countries, it is better not to take risks. After all, almost the entire judicial, prosecutorial and law enforcement branch of the law will immediately begin to take a lot of simply absurd decisions. They will explain this by being guided by good intentions, and since there is no written legality, it can not be said that they will be wrong. Here's to you an illustrative example of the very real chaos and prosperity of the criminal structure.

Thus, it can be concluded with confidence that for people with our mentality the very concept of the constitution should already frighten, thereby preventing illegal actions and carrying out crime prevention. In the presence of written laws, our citizen, before deciding on an offense, first examine all the consequences of this act. After he sees these figures, it is possible that he will change his mind about going against the constitution.

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