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League of Legends: a guide to Lux. Description, passage and recommendations
Lady Shining Suite has always been and remains a real headache for both the midsection and the entire enemy team. She has literally everything in her possession: damage to the area, mass control, a shield for herself and teammates, as well as an absolute skill with a short recharge time, beating half a card. If you or your team members by carelessness gave it a few kills, then stopping this pretty beast will already be extremely difficult.
Nevertheless, this champion is considered one of the most balanced in the League of Legends. Suite (guide, season 5) in the past was more suited to the role of support, but after some improvements this year, firmly entrenched in the middle line. But sometimes (on average and low ELO) it can still be seen on the botlein as a support.
So, we are fighting for the victory in the "Cave of the Summoners" and present to your attention the Luxury Guide (season 6) for the champion on the middle and bottom lines.
All the skills of the hero spend mana, and at the first level the indicator melts just before your eyes, so use all the skills you need very carefully, and an extra sweep for an enemy harass or farmer can cost you life. To miss any skill of this champion is quite difficult. Sometimes beginners are experiencing certain problems with "Shackling the light", but after a dozen games everything should come back to normal.
In contrast to last season, LOL, Lux (guide, season 6) this year received some advantages, namely the area of defeat of the "Luminous singularity" along with the slowing effect was increased, which allowed to further dominate the line. In the rest everything is still the same.
"Illumination" (passively)
Due to this passive ability, after casting each attacking skill, Lux gets a pretty good bonus damage to its autoattacks, provided that one of the skills touches the opponent. Given that the two skills of the champion have control, to get to the enemy "from the hand" will not be difficult.
Especially good is the passive ability at the very beginning of the game, when each pass is on the account, and any additional damage plays a big role in the line-phase. It should be separately noted that only Lux can inflict bonus damage to the "illuminated" enemy, while for other champions this mark is useless.
"Shackling the light" (Q)
This is the basic control skill with which you can give a complete sweep and easily (if successful), if you do not kill the enemy, then force him to return to the base. In combination with the passive ability, the enemy will significantly ask for health.
The only problem for many newcomers is the hit of "Fumbling Light." Last year's guide to Lux did not take into account misses Q-shkoy, as the skill flew quite quickly and could be reached almost with your eyes closed. But in this season the speed of the flight has significantly increased, so throw skills are on the course of the enemy.
"Prismatic barrier" (W)
The only (not including spells) defensive skill is Lux, which, if used correctly, can help not only the champion, but the whole team. The ability can be cast at a decent distance and through all sorts of obstacles, and this is a great advantage in timfights and ganks.
The advantages of this skill include the fact that the Suite does not need to fall on its own to get a barrier, so you can throw W at any place if you beat the line-phase. Also worth noting that the barrier is imposed twice, that is, at the time of the flight from the champion (time) and back (two).
"Luminous Singularity" (E)
Excellent fighting ability, beating on the area, and in addition, also slowing down the opponents who got into it. The first caste forms a sphere on the ground, which prevents the advance of the enemy, and the second use of E explodes the singularity, damaging all those who are in it.
This ability allows you to keep the enemy at a distance and relatively easy to farm. Also, skill is very useful if you need to escape from a large number of opponents. Hyde on Suite in season 6 implies the domination of the champion on the middle line, as it will open as a support on the botlein only towards the end of the game, because it depends heavily on the farm and the collected items. Therefore, the only thing you can give your kerry on the bottom line is a camp with Q and very little protection from the Prismatic Barrier, and as for the "Luminous Singularity" and the absolute skill, they will be ineffective without the necessary magical artifacts.
"The last spark" (R)
Very powerful absolute skill, beating a considerable distance. The beam has a rather impressive area in width, so there should not be any special problems with the hit. Due to the long range, the Ultimate can be used not only to finish the opponents.
Here, also, is the reflex of neutral monsters in the enemy forest, and dragons, and even Baron Nashor. If you accurately calculate the damage from the absolute skill, then the enemy team will simply be furious when you once again cover some dragon, staying at a safe distance from the place of the main events.
Hyde on the Suite (Mead)
As for the summoner spells, for Lux, they are slightly different from the main set of mages. In one of the slots we must take the "Jump", and in the other - "Healing", or "Barrier". "Ignition" is of little use for such a set of skills, because after a complete pause and thanks to a passive ability, the enemy simply will not have a chance. Moreover, Lux does not have built-in skills to escape, and therefore "Ignition" will simply be useless when you are squeezed into a vice.
"Barrier" should be taken if against you on the line is a champion with a good burst of damage, like Yasuo, Sindra or Cho'Gata. In other cases, "Healing" is the best option to survive the harass of the enemy or the next gank of the forester.
The order of skills, talents and runes
Hyde at the Suite on the middle line strongly recommends focusing on the pumping of the "Luminous Singularity", since it has a very long casting range, and when the level increases, the damage of the skill increases significantly. And the enemy is much easier to get this ability, than any of its other arsenal.
In the second turn, we shake our control - "Fumbling light." If you can get your Q into the enemy, then without any problems send the opponent to the fountain with the remaining skills, since he will simply have nowhere to go, and on ganking it is an indispensable skill.
We pump the last W, because we will be helped by Healing and Barrier to survive the haras on the line and the enemy forester rides. Absolute skill of the champion we lift, naturally, out of turn.
As for the runes, everything here is the same as for all other magicians: quintets for AP damage, stamps for punching, and seals with signs for resistance. In talent, it is better to take the "Lord of Thunder", which is ideal for Q, E and R.
Since last seasons, the magicalization of magicians has changed dramatically. This year (more specifically, this fall), AP-procurers are being collected in a completely different way, and this is the whole League of Legends.
Suite (guide, season 6) is extremely demanding for mana and for shortening the recharge time of skills, so the ideal first artifact will be "The Unholy Grail of Athena" or, optionally, "Morellolectonomikon", which will give us both the first and second.
The next item will be boots for magical punching and further on the circumstances.
If you are on the line is a champion with physical damage, it is clearly not superfluous to buy "Sandy hours of Zhoni." In the middle of the game you can buy a "Rabadon's Hat" or "Echo of Ludin", and towards the end - something to punch, like "Staff of the Abyss" or "Masks".
In any case, one guide on the Suite can not cover the entire alleged composition of the enemy team, so if you have any doubts, then go to this build by default. In the rest everything is simple - damage and punching.
Suite - support (guide, season 6)
The difference between the support champion and the online phase is not that big. Runes and talents are similar, but in summoner's spells instead of "Barrier" or "Healing" it's better to take "Exhaustion" to help your kerry survive the enemy's burst.
Changes also touched on the champing of the champion. Instead of "Morellonomikona" or "The Unholy Grail of Athena" you will have to collect "Claims of the Ice Queen". Firstly, it will at least somehow improve your heavy financial position of the champion of support, and secondly, it will greatly simplify all kinds of persecution, thanks to the active ability of the artifact. If the forester persistently does not want to wield his forest, and the kerry does not buy pink wards, it will be superfluous to additionally purchase the "Seeing Stone" in order to successfully avoid the ganks and counter-dzhangla. Yes, and dragons with Baron Nashor, too, does not hurt to always keep in full visibility.
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