
Pear Ljubimitsa Klappa: a description of the variety, subtleties of cultivation and care

No gardener represents a full-fledged fruit garden without several pear trees. And to the choice of this plant, all without exception are very serious. As a rule, the main requirement for the pear variety is the taste of fruits, or rather their juiciness and sweetness, and only then they look at characteristics such as winter hardiness and exactingness to the soil. Pear Ljubimitsa Klappa, the description of which is set forth in this article, is a great combination of high taste characteristics and unpretentiousness. It is called the queen of pears.

How did the variety come about?

The Clupp Favorite was created in the late 19th century in America by a certain citizen named Klapp. That's where the name of the variety came from. It is not known for certain what sorts of pears are the basis of it. Currently, breeders have come to the conclusion that one of the "parents" of Lyubimitsa Klappa has become a pear of the Forest Beauty variety. Whatever it was, but Lyubimitsa Klappa's pear is still a huge success among gardeners all over the world, as it differs from others in magnificent taste. She became a favorite not only for her creator, but also for those who at least once tried her fruits.

The appearance of the tree

All those who are interested in this variety, for sure it will be interesting to know how the pear of Lyubimitsa Klappa looks. The first thing that the gardener draws attention to is the size of the tree, because this characteristic will help to plan properly the planting of plants. The tree of this variety is large. The crown is sprawling, broad-pyramidal, reaching very high dimensions. Very often in the middle belt, Lyubimitsa Klappa pear is grown in the form of a low tree, so it is easier to protect it from severe frosts and thereby increase yield.

Branches on the tree are sparse, making the crown look delicate. The leaves are lanceolate, smooth, dyed green. The bark on the stem of the seedlings is lighter in comparison with the older pear trees. Young shoots are colored brown, the older branches are gray. The Pear darling of Klippa blossoms a little later than other varieties, so that the flowers are not affected by late frosts.

What does the fruit of Lyubimitsa Klippa look like?

The pear fruit of this variety is distinguished by its excellent taste. Their form is typical for a representative of this group of plants. The average fruit weight is 120-200 g, due to which the high yield from one tree is achieved. Ovaries on the tree look very unusual, since they are completely painted in a dark red color. Mature pear varieties Lyubimitsa Klappa, or rather, her fruit, is brightly colored: the yellowish surface is decorated with a bright blush covering its large surface. The flesh of the fruit is white, very tender, melting in the mouth. A pleasant pear flavor is inherent in the variety. Ripen fruit in late July or early August. The removal of fruits must be carried out shortly before they reach full maturity. Pears are stored for a short time, about a month, so it is better to consume them fresh. In addition, the variety is perfectly suited for making mashed potatoes, jams combined with more acidic fruits and berries, as well as compotes.

How to form a tree: tips for experienced gardeners

Despite the fact that Lyubimitsa Clappa pear belongs to winter hardy varieties, the tree is often damaged by frost, which affects the amount of harvest in the future. To avoid this, it is important to properly form the crown of the tree. Knowledgeable gardeners who grow this variety of pears, try to form a tree in such a way that it grows not too high. For this, at the age of 3-4 years, it is necessary to cut out the central conductor above 3 tiers of branches. In the following, it is important to cut out branches growing from the center of the crown vertically. Thanks to this method, the pear of Lyubimitsa Klappa, whose reviews are always positive, does not grow above 2 m. Otherwise, the care of the tree is reduced to sanitary pruning and the gradual replacement of old branches with young ones.

How to properly feed the pear?

Care of the crop begins with the moment the planting is planted. As a rule, the roots of young pears are very sensitive to fertilizers, so they are better to make after the tree is strong enough and well-rooted. And before that, it can grow beautifully with the help of organic materials: a compost added to the planting pit, peat and completely reparted manure.

Autumn top dressing of a young pear tree is reduced to introducing into the near-root circle the same set of organic materials, as well as phosphate-potassium fertilizers. In adult trees, the situation is somewhat different. Since the roots of the Lyubimitsa Clappa pear lie deeply, superficially introduced top dressing does not reach the goal. In this case, it is advisable to apply such a method as the construction of wells along the perimeter of the crown, into which the solution is poured.

In the spring, the pear needs nitrogenous fertilizers. The most suitable for this is ammophoska. In dry weather, you can spray the solution with the crown of a tree, and during the rain, pour it into the wells. Nitrogen fertilizing should be discontinued from the second half of the summer and introduce potassium and phosphorus into the diet of the pear tree, thanks to which shoots mature much faster. If the soil in the garden is acidic, it is important to add to the list of compulsory fertilizers those that contain calcium. To avoid its excess, which can lead a tree to magnesium starvation, you can use the ash, bringing it under watering in the near-barrel circle.

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