Beauty, Cosmetics
How to draw eyes with black pencil and does it fit?
Everyone knows that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But, like all mirror surfaces, the eyes also need to be cleaned from time to time, give them more time and take care of them. To do this, there are many modern cosmetics, as well as recipes for traditional medicine. In addition, modern cosmetics used in make-up allow you to visually change the shape of the eyes, give the look of tenderness or aggressiveness, and make the look more sexy. To do this, you just need to learn how to draw your eyes with a black pencil, how to apply shadows and mascara. With the help of even minimal cosmetics, you can achieve maximum results if you know how to paint "women's arms". After all, according to statistics, more than fifty percent of men interviewed say that in a woman they are primarily attracted by the eyes, and a charming look disarms and makes their hearts beat more often.
If only men knew how much effort and effort it took to get this fascinating look! At least, in order to learn how to bring your eyes in black pencil, you need to try for a long time. Let's look at this topic in more detail.
There are a number of nuances that every woman needs to know. For example, choosing a pencil for eyeliner is not necessary in combination with makeup, but depending on the color of the eyes and facial skin, as well as the clothes and hairstyle chosen. Gel eyeliner , for example, will not look blue ink, what color it would be.
All women know how to gently draw their eyes from the inside, but how to draw your eyes with a black pencil from the outside, no. And not only black, just black color is the brightest for podvodki, and any dash aside immediately catches your eye. So, before applying the liner, you need to degrease the skin on the eyelids or lightly powder them. This is especially true when a water-resistant eyeliner is applied . If the powder is below, then it will be easier to wash it with cosmetics. Waterproof eyeliner is better suited for application from the inside, as the day eyes become tired and watery.
It is better to apply external podviku one line, one movement. Remember that daytime makeup does not involve drawing a pencil. And if you still decide, then use soft, light colors of pencils.
As we noted, the choice of the color of the pencil depends on the color of the hair. For example, brown-haired women need to know how to bring their eyes in black pencil, since all their roughness is best visible on their face, it is better not to draw arrows on eyelids. And in general, it is better to use only shadows.
Green-eyed white-skinned girls need to use a green or gray pencil, since the black color will not look at them. It should be noted that, ideally, a black pencil should only be used by the gray-eyed and blue-eyed.
Another age-old problem is that you need to pick the right pencil. The main thing here is the composition and firmness. It is believed that the pencil should not be very soft, but in practice the soft lead is easier to apply and has a rich color. However, the soft pencil does not last long, it spreads and leaves a mark on the skin under the eyes. However, it is better to buy a soft waterproof pencil, and this will be the best solution to the problem. In addition, you can always try new options to find the most suitable for yourself.
Pick up a pencil, suitable and for the price. But do not forget that eyes can not be spoiled, it's better to spend a little more money and buy expensive and quality pencil than to spoil your eyes with bad and incomprehensible where produced goods. Do not hurt your eyes for nothing.
In addition, remember that you should not draw huge arrows in front of your eyes or paint them with military coloring. After all, a pencil is just an addition to makeup, and not vice versa. Do not overdo it!
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