
Adonis spring - a beautiful flower with healing properties

Adonis spring - one of the few plants whose medicinal properties have long been appreciated not only folk, but also traditional medicine. What is remarkable about this beautiful flower?

Adonis spring refers to the family Lyutikov. It has a lot of other (folk) names: spring, old-school, hairy, golden-bladed, bathing.

Adonis is a flower that refers to perennial wild herbaceous plants with several stems (usually 3-4) reaching up to 20 cm at the very beginning of flowering and growing to 40 cm and more after flowering. The stems of the plant at the base are covered with scaly brown leaves. Adonis spring has sedentary cauline leaves (palmate-dissected, regular, divided into five lobes). Their shares are narrow, entire, bare. The plant has large, single, yellow flowers. After flowering oval fruits are formed with a hooked, bent down column. Flowering occurs in April-May, and adonis fruits spring in June-July. The full development of the goritsvet comes at the age of 50 years. Adonis is a plant, all parts of which are extremely poisonous.

The area of growth of this medicinal plant is quite wide. It can be found on the fringes of forests, on open slopes, in steppes and meadows in the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Russia. Industrial billets of this plant are produced in Western Siberia, the Altai, the Stavropol Territory, the Novosibirsk and Kemerovo Regions, the Middle Volga and Bashkortostan. Gorisvet can often be found on limestone soils.

Adonis spring refers to those plants in which all the overground parts of the plant are stored. The harvesting period from the beginning of flowering to the moment of shedding of fruits. The workpiece is produced in this way: by a sharp knife or a sickle, the entire herbaceous part of the plant is cut, leaving the lower part of the stem located slightly above the lower leaves. At the time of cutting, try not to damage the delicate root system. It is strictly forbidden to tear out the gorisvet from the root.

Since adonis belongs to endangered species of plants, and no one has yet learned how to cultivate it on an industrial scale, conservation measures are being carried out throughout the country to preserve the population of the hornstorm. When stocking up medicinal raw materials, a large part of the plants are left untouched. When collecting goritsvet try to observe a strict periodicity: at one place, plants are harvested no earlier than 4-5 years after the previous cut. On the territory of many regions of the country, entire canvasses of Adonis spring have been created.

The collected grass is dried in the shade, in the air or in special dryers. The temperature in the dryer is 40-50 ° C. It is inadmissible to dry the grass, bundled in bundles, because in this case it turns black.

Adonis spring contains up to 0.8% of cardiac glycosides. The richest are leaves and green fruits. A total of 25 cardiac glycosides were found in the Goricveta . The herb of the plant contains cymarin and K-strophanthin-b. The special Gorenic cardoline - adonitoxin - is hydrolyzed to l-rhamnose and adonitoxigenin. In addition to glycosides, adonis spring contains 2,6-dimethoxyquinone, flavonoids (up to 1.2%), phytosterol, steroid saponins (6-9%), choline, organic acids, ascorbic acid, coumarins, carotene, alcohol adonite. They store the grass in a dry and dark place. The maximum shelf life of raw materials is one year.

Apply adonis and drugs from it most often with heart disease. He is appointed and with cramps, malaria, colic, colds, kidney diseases, dyspnea, hysteria. It helps with swelling of the feet and dropsy. Use this tool is only necessary for the doctor's prescription. Contraindications: gastric and duodenal ulcer, pregnancy.

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