Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Yellow flowers - separation or love

Yellow flowers in a dream can portend both positive and negative events. Very important are the circumstances under which the dream was dreamed, and the sensations with which it was accompanied.

Collection of dream-books: yellow flowers - what's in dreams

If a bouquet of yellow flowers was dreamed , then such a dream means jealousy, doubt, fear and uncertainty. To see flowers is to the state of active search for the second half and openness for new experiences and impressions. The more and the dream is bigger and brighter, the more interesting and meaningful the life of a person will be. As the dream book says, the yellow flowers with which the garden is seated, mean that a person will have new forces for activity.

Yellow is a symbol of hope. Therefore, such a dream can mean faith in a better future. However, if the yellow flowers are pale, wrinkled or with yellowed leaves - the aspirations do not come true. Give a person - to part with him. To tear - to well-being. Pleasant aroma of flowers - to pleasure, joy and consolation.

Yellow roses dream of a friendly relationship. Also, this dream can mean a secret love that can lead to parting with the current elect. Mimosa - to vain sputtering of feelings and waste of time.

Yellow daisies - to indecision in feelings, as well as to jealousy of the spouse because someone is giving the dreamer too bright and persistent signs of attention.

Yellow tulips are a symbol of spring, sexuality and sunlight. They can also mean wealth and separation from a loved one because of treason, betrayal and deceit. If the dream is associated with a person, then the relationship with her in real life is full of hypocrisy and lies. Get tulips as a gift from a lover - to his infidelity. If the red and yellow flowers dreamed, the dreamer expects fun, joy and reciprocity in feelings.

Dandelion dreams of a happy family life, a happy marriage and a healthy offspring. Also, this flower symbolizes the truth and dreams to joyful moments of time. Collect dandelions - to implement plans due to a good coincidence.

Miller's dream: yellow flowers - which means sleep

The alley with yellow chrysanthemums in combination with white means a loss that will be accompanied by sadness and sharpen the susceptibility of the dreamer. Flowering in the green grass dandelions - to good luck and happy alliances.

Azara dream book

Yellow flowers dream of treason in love. Sniffing in a dream - to a wonderful and joyful waking. Go along the alley with white chrysanthemums in combination with yellow - to nostalgia for past love.

Male dream book

A bouquet of yellow flowers dreams of a break in relations.

Lofa dream book

Yellow roses dream of friendship. Narcissus - symbolizes the display of one's own "I", the self-centeredness and narcissism of the dreamer.

Hasse dream book

Yellow daffodils in combination with white - to the infidelity of a loved one.

Kananita dream book

Yellow roses can dream of fright or treason.

Roma Dream Book

White daisies mean the fidelity of the second half. Yellow daisies symbolize the jealousy of the dreamer's wife (wife) due to the fact that someone is giving him eloquent signs of attention.

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