
Homeland of chlorophytum. Flower room chlorophytum: care

There are many types of indoor plants that have perfectly taken root in modern urban conditions. Their benefits are assessed in different ways. Everyone knows the healing properties of aloe, calanchoe, geranium, etc., which are indispensable tools in the fight against many diseases. However, the leader for beneficial effects is chlorophytum - a "plant-vacuum cleaner", which cleans the air in the premises from various formaldehydes and phenols, emitted by furniture elements. Chlorophytum by right is considered a true friend and an indispensable assistant of each person.

Homeland of chlorophytum

Chlorophytum is a herbaceous plant, which in recent times belonged to the family Liliaceae. To date, researchers can not come to a common opinion about his belonging: some argue that the genus belongs to the family Agavovye, others - Sparzhevye.

The homeland of chlorophytum is the humid subtropical forests of South Africa and the tropical forests of South America. However, the plant also took root in the wild nature of Western Australia and Europe.

A bit of history

The first mention of the house plant dates from 1794. In European countries chlorophytum appeared in the second half of the XIX century. Due to its properties and unpretentiousness in the care of the plant has gained wide popularity with the florists. To date, chlorophytum can be found anywhere in the world. The plant is used in the design of residential and office buildings, educational institutions, as well as for gardening of adjacent areas.

Types of decorative plants

Room chlorophytum has many species. The most popular and decorative are only three:

  • Crested - its appearance resembles a lush bunch of long soft leaves with white stripes. The plant produces an arrow with many small white flowers. Then the flowers of chlorophytum turn into shoots. If you do not plan further reproduction of the plant, it is better to cut off the formed twigs, since they weaken the flower.
  • Curly - has some similarity with the crested. The difference lies in the curly form of the leaves, which hang from all sides of the pot.
  • Orange chlorophytum (winged, marmalade) - is very different from its "relatives". Dark green leaves at the base and on the tip have a pointed shape. Reproduction occurs with the help of seeds.

Beneficial features

Many people consider the plant (chlorophytum) a domestic weed. However, not everyone knows how useful it is for living quarters. Scientists have proved that the substance released by chlorophytum destroys about 80% of harmful microorganisms per day, including mold fungi.

One adult plant covers an area of 6 m 2 . Several chlorophytums can replace even an expensive air purifier and significantly improve the quality of oxygen.

Useful properties of the plant have not been fully studied. It is well known that the flower (room chlorophytum) effectively cleans the air of ammonia, carbon monoxide, acetone, benzene, nitrogen and formaldehyde while simultaneously releasing phytoncides useful for the body.

Along with the bactericidal effect, the ability to humidify air in a residential area is invaluable. Since the homeland of chlorophytum is subtropical South America and Africa, it grows mainly near water bodies. Due to this, the plant absorbs water well. If chlorophytum is abundant and regularly watered, along with phytoncides, moisture will enter the air. Especially useful is a flower for people who have all kinds of lung diseases. Surprisingly, the moisturizing and cleansing properties of chlorophytum will increase several fold if several tablets of activated carbon are added to the pot with the plant.

Very useful is the "green healer" for people who live in industrial areas and not far from busy roads where the air is heavily polluted. Flower (room chlorophytum) significantly reduces the incidence of respiratory diseases and allergic reactions.

It is also known that the plant effectively neutralizes radiation from the TV, microwave oven, computer and other household appliances. In addition, the flower absorbs toxins, which in a large excess allocate synthetic materials. Chlorophytum at home is ideally suited to children's rooms, workrooms and kitchen areas, as the leaves of the plant absorb the nitrogen oxide, which appears as a result of the operation of the gas stove.

The peculiarity of the indoor flower is that the greater the degree of air pollution, the faster and better the growth of chlorophytum. Emitted clean air is the guarantee of health and longevity of a person.

Cultivation of chlorophytum

Chlorophytum belongs to the category of the most unpretentious plants, but for its successful cultivation it is necessary to observe certain rules.

The most acceptable temperature for flower maintenance is moderate. In the cold season, it should be at least 18 degrees. Sharp temperature drops chlorophytum tolerates quietly, but this affects its appearance. It is better to protect it from drafts and choose a location away from windows with large slits.

Chlorophytum flowers love light, but direct sunlight is not well tolerated. The ideal location for the pot is the western or eastern side. If you choose the northern window, it will certainly affect the decorative qualities of the plant. You can arrange chlorophytum in the south side of the apartment, while you should take care of a moderate dimming.

Chlorophytum in the home: care

In the period from spring to autumn, the plant should be watered abundantly. The substrate must always be moist. With the onset of winter, the frequency of irrigation should be reduced to a moderate level.

Chlorophytum, whose leaves like moisture, gratefully meets spraying, which must be carried out in the summer. In winter, spraying should be carried out only if the plant is very close to the radiators.

From March to August, the flower needs to be fed with special fertilizers for ornamental-deciduous plants. It is necessary to perform the procedure once in several weeks.

Plant transplantation

Young plants need to be transplanted every year, adult specimens of chlorophytum - once in 2-3 years. The ideal period for this procedure is February and March. The mixture for transplantation is best prepared independently in the following proportions: 1 part of leaf land, sand and humus to 2 parts of sod land.

If chlorophytum is not transplanted on time, there will not be enough room for the growth of massive and rapidly expanding roots. Therefore, for planting it is better to choose large spacious pots and take care of good drainage.


Reproduction occurs by rooting the daughter outlets or by dividing the rhizome with a part of the rosette of the leaves during the transplant. Thickened parts of roots and other sections should be sprinkled with crushed charcoal or sulfur in order to avoid decay. You can put the child sockets directly into prepared pots or soil, the same as for adult chlorophytums. Cover and spray sprouts are not necessary.

Growth Problems

Despite the unpretentiousness and high decorative qualities, there may be some problems with the cultivation of chlorophytum.

  1. Inadequate watering, sudden temperature changes and improper feeding can lead to a change in the color of the tips of the leaves (they will acquire a brown tint).
  2. The lack of sunlight and a tight pot are the causes of the loss of brightly colored leaves.
  3. If the temperature is too high and the lighting is insufficient, the leaves become pale and soft, which can lead to their fall.
  4. In winter, when the temperature is low enough, you should not over-water the plant, as this contributes to the appearance of brown spots on the leaves.


Chlorophytum can be affected by various pests, including scabies and spider mites.

The shields are in the form of plaques or protuberances. They reach 2-3 mm in diameter. They have a rusty, and sometimes a translucent brownish color. The pest is located along the surface of the leaves, along the main vein from the upper side. It feeds the scabbard juice of the plant, which leads to the loss of leaves. To get rid of the pest, the flower is wiped with a soap sponge or alcohol solution, after which it is irrigated with a systemic insecticide.

Since the homeland of chlorophytum is a subtropical climate, the plant loves moisture. Excessively dry air causes the appearance of a spider mite. It is a small arachnid pest, no larger than 1 mm in size. It is almost impossible to see him with the naked eye. To search for the tick, first of all, follows on the reverse side of the leaves, where it is possible to notice traces of moult pest, similar to small crumbs or dandruff. To combat the tick, the plant is wiped with soapy water or rinsed under a shower. In case of severe damage, chlorophytum is sprayed with an insecticide. In order to prevent the plant should be regularly moistened with the help of ordinary water.


Chlorophytum, the photo of which you see in the article, is a very beautiful plant that fits well into any interior. The plant has long arc-shaped leaves with longitudinal white stripes (sometimes without them). Recently, plants with broad leaves of lanceolate form have gained great popularity.

In the interior the flower is used as an ampel plant, which is suspended on a wall or installed on original supports. Chlorophytum, whose photo surprises with its diversity, looks good on a table or windowsill, where it perfectly suits.

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