
Decembrist. Home care

Decembrist is an amazing plant. Firstly, it's a cactus, but without spines. Secondly, this handsome man blossoms bright bunches in winter frosts. A magnificent gift to the hostess for Christmas is the Decembrist.

Care at home for the Decembrist must be done competently, remembering the features of this unpretentious plant, and then it will please you with a festive firework of red, pink flowers. Bright flowers of unusual shape give you a small piece of hot summer and warmth in the winter cold. And your heart will conquer the magnificent handsome man - the Decembrist.

Care at home should be done, remembering that the Decembrist is a plant of dense tropical forests, so hide it from direct sunlight. Putting it on the windowsill, it is enough to cover with a curtain, then the light will be somewhat muffled. It should be placed near the eastern or north-eastern window. In summer it is recommended to take a flower on a balcony or in a garden - under thick tree crowns. The Decembrist is unpretentious to air temperature. He feels well both in the cool (+2-4) and in the hot (+ 30-35) time of the year. However, the most comfortable temperature for this indoor plant is + 18-22 degrees Celsius. The heat and light-loving plant is a Decembrist.

Care in the home, you need to implement it, remembering the rules of literate irrigation, taking into account the time of year, the humidity level in the apartment, the features of the plant. We recommend using water of room temperature for watering the Decembrist .

It is important to remember that the Decembrist does not like dampness. If the moisture is too much, the roots of the plant can rot, and the flower will fall ill. Constantly watch the state of the earth coma, to avoid stagnation of water will help a thorough drainage of the earth. We recommend the following watering regime: often - in summer and in spring, reduce watering in autumn and winter.

How to multiply the Decembrist? For transplantation, use sod and leaf land with a mixture of peat, sand and charcoal. Transplant the plant before beginning budding or after the flowering period, early spring. For the reproduction of the Decembrist, cuttings are used - parts of the stem, which consist of 2-3 leaves. These cuttings are left for a day, so that the vitreous film appears on the site of the cut, and then placed in a pot of sand.

Decembrist - a fairly "lazy" plant, so often the florists have a question how to make the Decembrist blossom. In early October, put the plant in a shaded place, significantly reduce watering, completely eliminate the introduction of any fertilizer. Such a strict regime should last about two months. After that, again place it in a sunny and warm place, increase the watering, while the plant needs to turn to the light source, changing the location of the flower. Otherwise it will only bloom on one side.

At last the Decembrist flared up with the bright fire of his flowers! In this case, the plant can not be moved. During this period, it becomes very gentle and demanding, so you need to spray every day with warm water and thoroughly water it. Do not let the soil dry out! As a result of such actions, the flower will actively form new buds. And the Decembrist will blossom.

Care at home for the plant, flower growers are advised to exercise in an atmosphere of love and warmth of your heart, and the Decembrist will thank you with his unearthly beauty.

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