
Peony herbaceous: planting and care of garden flowers

Peony herbaceous (planting and caring for which have recently become very popular) is a plant that has large fleshy perennial rhizomes and densely covered leaves annual shoots. Flowers of a final kind, which in most cases are pink or white (very rarely yellow), have a strong and pleasant aroma. The leaves of the plant are quite large in size. Peonies are herbaceous, planting and caring for which is carried out in suburban areas, in contrast to wild varieties reach 140 centimeters in height. The period of their flowering falls for the period from May to the end of July. This garden plant is divided into five main groups: terry, non-mar, semi-double, anemone and Japanese. Each of them has subspecies depending on the timing of flowering, use and coloring of flowers.

Place of planting

For a flower like a peony is herbaceous, planting and nursing begins with the choice of a landing site. In this case, preference should be given to an open and well-lit area, because in conditions of deep shade to achieve flowering is almost impossible. Unsuitable are those places, to the surface of which the groundwater is close, because in this case the roots can rot. As for the soil, it is best that the soil for such a plant as the grassy peony, planting and care of which is carried out on its own, was loamy and had a weak acidity. Before the start of frosts, the flower stems are cut at the ground level and burned. This ash must be sprinkled with places where the remains of stems with roots are located.

Planting and Care

Grassy peonies can be planted and transplanted only in the autumn. Each of the bushes is recommended to be placed at a distance of not less than one meter from the neighboring one, because the grassy peonies grow very fast. The landing site should be prepared in advance, approximately - a month. Fove size 60h60h60 centimeters filled with a mixture of compost, humus, garden land and sand in equal shares. Moreover, it is desirable to add approximately 500 g of bone meal and one tablespoon of iron vitriol. All the space that remains will be filled with garden land. At the beginning of landing, the place will be pounded and will not sink. For such a plant, as the peony is herbaceous, planting and nursing provides for constant feeding, mulching and watering. It is necessary to feed the plant three times, starting from the second week of May with an interval of three weeks. Watering is not very often, but abundant (at the rate of 2-3 buckets per adult shrub). After it, the soil must be loosened.

Reproduction of grassy pions

Grassy peony, the photo of which is located on the left, can be propagated at once by several methods - division, layers or cuttings. As for wild varieties, this process takes place at the expense of seeds. Division of the bush is considered the most common and effective way of reproduction. In this case, the role of the landing unit is a little girl, which has a part of the rhizome up to 15 centimeters long and 2-3 buds of renewal. It should be noted that herbaceous peonies are planted in a variety of places, but when decorating your site, you should prefer varieties with the original form and beautiful flowers.

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