
Hops cones, and their useful properties

It's hard to say when the plant started growing hops in Russia. But everyone knows from the school bench that it was used in antiquity instead of yeast when making bread. And also many have heard that for a long time cones of hops enjoy the glory of a valuable medicinal product both in folk medicine and in traditional modern pharmacology. And today hops are very popular. Its cones are widely used in the manufacture of medicines, in the brewing business, in homeopathy and in the funds of folk healers.

Common hop plant

Hops - a perennial climbing plant with large carved leaves. The stem of hops reaches 6 meters in length, and it blooms from July to August, with two kinds of flowers:

  • Staminate (masculine) - inflorescence in the form of a panicle, greenish-yellow;
  • Pistillate (female) - an inflorescence in the form of a cone with large scales.

Hops prefer to grow on chernozem soil. In nature, it can be found in oak forests and alders, on the banks of rivers and along the road. In the forests, male specimens usually grow, and women are planted on plantations and in gardens, where they are popular because of their inflorescence "shishechkam."

Hops cones in medicine

Modern medicine uses hop cones of tender green-yellow color, harvested in August-September and dried in a natural way, that is, without using ovens and ovens.

The most valuable for medicine are glands, which crumble when shaking dry cones. They contain a large number of essential oils, phytoncides, resinous substances. Along with this, glands contain vitamins of group B and PP, tannins and organic acids.

In medicine, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing, diuretic, anticonvulsant and hypnotic action of hops are valued. Therefore, it is added to tinctures, ointments, herbal preparations.

Ointment with hops

In the pharmacy, for the preparation of the ointment, a powder is taken from hop iron and lanolin, in a ratio of 1: 1. Apply ointment for joint pain, you need to rub the joints and wrap up a warm shawl. Ointment can be prepared at home, replacing lanolin with lard.

Homeopathic preparation "Apollo"

Complex homeopathic remedy "Apollo" is intended for men as an emotional regulating agent, for prolonging the time of sexual intercourse. The structure of "Apollo" includes plants: skullcap, hops, eleutherococcus, chamomile. And as pharmacological compounds: glycine, magnesium and lactose. Take adult men according to the scheme indicated in the annotation: 1 capsule 3 times a day. Before use, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor to avoid side effects.

Phytotherapy for insomnia

Often in the struggle with the painful state of insomnia, doctors recommend a decoction of herbal tea, which includes: passionflower, skullcap, hops and initial letter in equal parts.

A good hypnotic and soothing remedy is the powder of their hop cones, which must be taken at night.

Hops cones as a folk remedy for breast augmentation

In the common parlance it is believed that if you regularly drink tea from hop cones, your chest will start to grow. By the way, this is quite plausible information, since in hop contains a considerable amount of estrogen of plant origin. But to achieve the desired result it is necessary to be patient, it is a long process.

Tea is cooked in a thermos, a glass of boiling water will be needed for a tablespoon of cones. Brewed at night, drunk the next day, before dividing the resulting amount into three parts. Take infusion for 21 days, after which a break for a week. The general course is not more than six months.

Hops cones have contraindications to the use

Note that hops are a poisonous plant. Therefore, its derivatives should not be used for a long time and in large quantities. When an overdose of drugs containing hop cones may occur dizziness, malaise, stupor and constant drowsiness.

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