
How to plant seabuckthorn: step by step instructions

Some gardeners give a low estimate of a tree such as sea-buckthorn. They argue that the berries of such plants are not tasty, they are difficult to collect. The tree gives a thick shoot, which is difficult to get rid of even after the uprooting of sea-buckthorn. However, such a characteristic is inherent only in wild varieties.

Garden buckthorn is characterized by absolutely opposite reviews. It gives sweet and sour tasty berries that do not burst in the hands when harvesting. They can be preserved, added to various dishes. Also this is a famous medicinal plant. помогут разобраться советы опытных садоводов. How to plant seabuckthorn will help to understand the advice of experienced gardeners. A step-by-step instruction for carrying out this process will be discussed in detail later.

general characteristics

, в первую очередь, необходимо ознакомиться с основными особенностями этого растения. When studying the question of how to plant sea buckthorn , first of all, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the main features of this plant. It lives in nature on the shores of the seas and rivers. Sea-buckthorn belongs to the Lochov family. Cultivated both short and tall varieties. Their leaves are gray-gray in color. They are thin and sharp. Flowering occurs earlier than leaves appear. This process is not characterized by high decorative. It may even seem that these are not flowers, but small leaves.

Most often gardeners grow buckthorn sea-buckthorn. It is widespread all over the world. Also, the sea buckthorn is cultivated. In nature, this species grows in the mountains of Nepal, India and southern China.

A sea buckthorn is considered to be a frost- resistant tree . растение, зависит от условий климатической зоны. How to plant and grow a plant depends on the conditions of the climatic zone. If in the cold period there will be sharp temperature changes, the tree may be slightly frozen. Especially it is noticeable on the rudiments of male inflorescences. Yields are directly dependent on environmental conditions. Fruiting begins on the 4th year of the growth of the tree.

Seabuckthorn loves sunlight. If it is not enough, the seedlings develop poorly. During fruiting, sunlight stimulates high yields. Berries differ in sweet and sour taste. In garden species, fruits have an average or large size. They may have an orange, reddish or yellow-orange hue. Berries are consumed raw, close the conservation, add to various dishes. Of them, make cosmetic and medicines. Sea buckthorn oil is especially appreciated. He is appointed in a complex for the treatment of various ailments. Fruits enrich the body with vitamins and minerals.

Features of pollination

Cultivated in the gardens of sea-buckthorn has a division into female and male trees. This means that such plants are pollinated when the wind blows. Therefore it is important to have on the site not one but several trees at once. It is also important to know at what distance to plant seabuckthorn. The seedlings should be close to each other. The distance between them should be from 5 to 10 m.

Determination of the sex of seedlings is possible in spring, autumn or winter. During this period there are no leaves on the branches. Female kidneys are much smaller. They are covered with 2 flakes. The male kidneys are large. They have about 5-7 scales covering the developing inflorescence.

One male plant can have from 1 to 8 female trees. It is important to assess which side the wind blows in the spring. From this side it is necessary to plant a male plant. Trees of the female should be placed on the site by a group. They can surround the male species of sea-buckthorn. Also they can be planted opposite.

Some gardeners argue that next to one female plant, you can plant two male trees. This is due to the increased vulnerability of the latter to unfavorable weather conditions. Planting two plants increases the likelihood that at least one plant will survive. Female species are more hardy. Male trees can be very close to each other, literally at a distance of 1 m.

It is also important to consider with what you can plant seabuckthorn. Female seedlings should be of good quality. Male trees can also be wild. However, in order to improve the quality of the crop, it is recommended to plant next to the female type of sea-buckthorn, the varieties "Darling", "Aley" or "Ural". They are well established in the conditions of the Moscow region.

Planting time

Some gardeners may have a question about when to plant seabuckthorn. этот процесс происходит проще. In the spring or autumn, this process is easier. However, the first days after the snow fall are considered the most correct period for planting. According to experienced gardeners, plants planted in the soil in spring, get better. In the autumn period, the root system does not have time to prepare for future colds. Especially negatively it is affected by thaws and sharp frosts. During this period, the tree begins to awaken from hibernation. With a sharp cooling, it can freeze.

It is especially not recommended to plant in autumn plants that are not bred in this climatic zone. Otherwise the sea-buckthorn will be ready to wake up in January. The onset of frosts may adversely affect its development.

An open root system may have the sale of seedlings of sea-buckthorn. такие растения, мнения садоводов сходятся. When planting such plants, the opinions of gardeners converge. They recommend this process as soon as possible. In the first days of spring, sea buckthorn is required to be planted on the site.

The tree does not like transplants. If even a small part of its roots are damaged, growth and development slow down noticeably. Therefore, an early transplant is shown to young seedlings.

If the sea-buckthorn was grown more than a year in a container, it can be planted in the open ground even in summer. In this case, the plant easily transfers the adaptation period. However, sea buckthorn, which grows in a tub for less than a year, is not recommended for planting in open ground. In this case, it has not yet hardened its root system and may die.

Choose a place for transplantation

, следует рассмотреть особенности выбора участка для нее. Determining when to plant a sea buckthorn , you should consider the features of the choice of a site for it. It should be a well-lit place. The tree is planted in the garden. Sometimes he gets a place in the garden. This option is less preferred. The roots of the tree are shallow. Their bulk is at a level of up to 40 cm below the ground.

Roots can grow far beyond the crown of sea buckthorn. If vegetables are planted in the garden, the tree can adversely affect their development. Also, the occurrence of roots close to the surface can lead to their accidental damage, when the owners decide to dig up the garden. Any injuries to the roots of the tree are bad.

, следует отдать ей участок на краю сада или огорода. When studying where it is best to plant a sea-buckthorn , you should give her a plot on the edge of the garden or vegetable garden. There is a minimal risk of damage to the shovel of its roots. And the tree itself will not interfere with the growth of other crops on the site.

It is better to choose a place for a sea-buckthorn in the garden. Well-behaved buckthorn on light and fertile soils. He does not like drought. Soil should be moist, but not waterlogged. Groundwater should not approach the surface closer than 1 m.

It is not necessary to plant the plants where the stone fruit trees had recently grown. This will protect the plant from disease.

Recommendations for choosing seedlings

, необходимо уделить внимание выбору ее саженцев. Considering where to plant seabuckthorn on the site , it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of her seedlings. This will determine the quality of the crop, its abundance. Experienced gardeners do not recommend buying seedlings from unfamiliar sellers. In this case, it is impossible to give guarantees that the plant will plant the pure plant variety.

It is best to buy biennial plants for transplant. They have from 3 to 5 basic roots. Their length should be about 20 cm. There must also be a sufficient number of small, secondary roots. The stem of a two-year-old sea-buckthorn is usually 35-50 cm. Its diameter is approximately 7 mm. Several shoots leave the trunk.

The bark should not exfoliate. It is elastic, free of defects and scratches. If the wood has a brown tint, this indicates the freezing of the plant. They should not be purchased. Such seedlings do not take root.

Transplantation of an adult plant

, необходимо изучить тонкости этого процесса. Having considered where to plant seabuckthorn on the site , it is necessary to study the subtleties of this process. Seeds do not cultivate this plant. With this method of reproduction, varietal traits are lost. In this case, the fruits will not be so delicious, their collection will be difficult.

Transplantation is performed for cuttings or plants with root shoots. In the first variant the procedure can be carried out even in the autumn. To transplant a tree with root shoots, you will have to show maximum patience and endurance. With such a transplant, it is extremely important not to harm the seedling.

The roots of sea buckthorn can reach a length of several meters. Therefore, digging them for a transplant, does not damage the plant at all. To prevent wilting plants, when transplanting the root system, the above-ground branches also need to be partially cut. This year it will reduce the ability to bear fruit and develop rapidly. However, this method will save the power of the plant.

, необходимо рассмотреть рекомендации, которые применяются практически ко всем плодовым растениям. To understand how to plant seabuckthorn in the spring , it is necessary to consider the recommendations that apply to virtually all fruit plants. The diameter of the pit should be 50 cm, and the depth - 40 cm. The root neck should be at the level of shrinkage of the earth. It is not recommended to apply too much fertilizer. Enough buckets of compost and superphosphate.

If the soil on the site is highly acidic, it must be proclaimed. For this, 500 g of hydrated lime is applied per 1 m² of the area. For heavy loamy soils, air permeability is increased. To do this, the top layer of the soil is mixed with humus and river sand in equal proportions. You can add 40 g of potassium salt and 250 g of superphosphate. After transplanting the soil should be poured and covered with a dry layer of earth.

Transplantation of young cuttings

Seabuckthorn can be transplanted and green young cuttings. This is a fairly effective method. . In this case, it is also important to determine where to plant seabuckthorn . From a young seedlings it is recommended to place under the crown of an adult tree. Here they will not be exposed to direct sunlight. However, the process of propagation by propagation by cuttings begins with the growth of shoot in greenhouse conditions.

The transplantation process is recommended to be performed in the summer (early June). To do this, cut the stem about 15 cm long. Three sheets from the bottom must be removed. Then the cut is recommended to be treated with a growth stimulant. Such solutions are on sale in specialized stores. Some gardeners do not use it.

будет целесообразнее всего. For the cuttings, it is necessary to prepare a soil mixture, where it will be most expedient to plant the sea-buckthorn . For this, fertile soil is mixed with sand and peat. Grow the plant is necessary in greenhouse conditions. The temperature should be about 28 ºС, and humidity - 90%.

The stalk is regularly watered or sprayed from the spray gun. With the appearance of rootlets, it is possible to feed the plant with mineral fertilizers. Then you can start to gradually ventilate the greenhouse. After 2 months, the film can be removed completely. In spring, the hardened cuttings are planted on the site.

Reproduction by stiffened cuttings

следует рассмотреть еще один интересный способ. Considering how to plant seabuckthorn in the spring, one more interesting way should be considered. The stiff cuttings are also capable of rooting. They are prepared in autumn or winter. To do this, cut several shoots, the thickness of which exceeds 5 mm. So that they do not begin to develop ahead of time, the material for seedlings is buried in the snow.

In the spring, you can start the process of breeding sea-buckthorn. From the blanks make lengths of about 15 cm. They are kept in water for several days. If you leave the blanks here for 2 weeks, small roots will appear, the kidneys will form.

Cuttings must be planted in fertile soil. They are deepened by about 15 cm. Above the ground there must be an escape with 2 buds. Grow stalk in greenhouse conditions. The air temperature should be about 27 ° C. High humidity is maintained. When the plant is 50 cm high, it is planted in the open ground. , следует определить с перечисленными ранее рекомендациями. Where to plant sea buckthorn on the site , should be identified with the recommendations listed above.

Plant cuttings at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The soil is well tamped and watered abundantly. By the autumn, the roots of the plant can be strengthened and sufficiently developed. The plant will be able to winter.

other methods

Seabuckthorn can be propagated on the site by root shoots. This is one of the easiest ways. Such processes appear at the tree 4-5 years after planting. To take offspring for a transplant, they need to be separated by a shovel from the mother plant. Plants are planted in the ground and kept in greenhouse conditions. They are watered, maintain a sufficiently high temperature and humidity. Before landing, the sea buckthorn must be hardened. It is aired, weaning from the hothouse climate.

отросток сажают в политый грунт. Next, deciding where to plant seabuckthorn, the process is planted in the watered soil. By the fall, he will develop strong roots. During this period, you can transplant the plant to a permanent place of growth. However, it is recommended that this procedure be carried out in the spring.

If the gardener wishes to speed up the process of forming offspring on the maternal tree, he can trim the skeletal root. It is some distance from the plant. The cut location must remain open. Many offspring are formed here. By the second year they have a developed root system. In the spring they can be transplanted into a previously prepared fossa.

It is also possible to inoculate cuttings to sea-buckthorn. This process is most often produced if a male tree has died. In the crown of a female plant, cuttings of the opposite sex are planted. Literally a year later the branches develop well and will be able to pollinate inflorescences. This method is also used for a limited area of the site.

Further Care

необходимо обеспечить ей правильный уход в дальнейшем. Having considered how to plant seabuckthorn, it is necessary to ensure her proper care in the future. In early spring, it is necessary to form the crown. At this time, the kidneys have not yet blossomed. Tops are cut off in the second year after transplantation.

After 4 years, sea buckthorn needs pruning. The sprouting branches impede the development of the tree, reduce the yield. Therefore, when pruning, you should not regret even fruiting shoots. It is best to remove branches parallel to the trunk, as well as dry shoots. After 8 years of growth, this procedure is extremely necessary. This allows you to rejuvenate the tree, to avoid its vulnerability and exposure to various diseases.

It is also recommended to sanitize sea buckthorn. Dry branches are removed from the branches, and then cover various holes. Also remove the fungus along with the affected branches, conduct treatment with special solutions. These simple actions allow growing seabuckthorn not only for economic, but also for decorative purposes. The tree will grow on the site for a long time, its yield will remain consistently high.

Also it is necessary to pay attention to watering, timely top dressing. Once in 2-3 years, it is necessary to contribute 4 kg of organic fertilizers and 50 g of superphosphates to sea buckthorn. In spring, a very small amount of nitrogen can be injected under the barrel. It is also recommended to make non-root dressings with a solution of urea (20 g) with water (10 l).

каждый садовод сможет вырастить это прекрасное дерево на своем участке. After reviewing the basic recommendations on how to plant seabuckthorn, each gardener can grow this beautiful tree on his plot. The plant will please both its appearance and abundant harvest.

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