Food and drinkRecipes

Domeji: Japanese cuisine

In the national cuisine of Japan, rice is of paramount importance. From it they do everything from cold snacks and desserts. And also - vodka and wine. Wheat and rye are not very popular here. Therefore, bakery products, Japanese are prepared from rice flour. In this article, we will introduce you to several original recipes. For some, flour domeji is needed, and for others - siratama. Rice in Japan was cultivated since antiquity, so many varieties of this herb were bred. One of them is motigome. It differs from other varieties of rice with extraordinary stickiness and high sugar content. And domeji, and siratama are made from motigome. Just the production process is somewhat different. In addition, many dishes are prepared directly from rice grains motigome - for example, a very popular in Japan cake of urine.

How is domeji flour cooked at home

Fashion is a great thing. After visiting Japanese restaurants or sushi bars, we often want to reproduce the dishes we liked in our own kitchen. And then the Europeans are waiting for a lot of difficulties. Not only that the gastronomic preferences of the Japanese are somewhat specific, so also the ingredients for the dishes are very exotic. Algae, special beans, sesame oil, ginger ... And if wasabi and ingredients for sushi can still be obtained in supermarkets, other products for Japanese cuisine are very difficult to obtain. In the Land of the Rising Sun, on the shelves of any grocery store you can find different kinds of rice flour. But we have this thing fixable, if we get a special rice motigome. In appearance, these are short matte grains. If you grind them in an ordinary European coffee grinder to the state of a fine powder, you get the domeji flour. And already from it you can cook a lot of dishes - at least the famous vagasi cakes.

What to prepare from motigome

This sort of rice is usually steamed. From mochigome make sweet mirin wine. In fact, this sort of glutinous and sweetish rice is not suitable only for frying. It is added to the soup dzosui. From it prepare festive dishes of Japanese cuisine sekikhan and ohagi. How to weld motigome correctly? You should thoroughly rinse the rice with cold water, and then throw it back on the sieve. Start cooking after one hour - during this time, the grain will absorb the remaining water and dry. In Japan, a special bamboo steamer is used for this rice variety. But if you are preparing a motigome on the water, you need to mix it in the proportion of one to four with other varieties of this cereal.

Flour of Shiratama

Here the cooking process is more complicated. The sticky rice motigome is first soaked in water for a long time to soften. Then it is wiped through a fine sieve and the mass is dried. It turns out to be very sticky, consisting almost of solid starch flour. It is used for making sweet dumplings and vagasi cakes. This flour has a delicate aroma and consistency of fine powder. Along with the egg and cold water, it serves as the main ingredient of tempura batter. Often semi-transparent noodles are prepared from this rice flour. It is noteworthy that the flour of siratama has a neutral taste. Therefore, it acts as a good background for other products with a more intense flavor. But enough theory! Let's start cooking rice flour.

Japanese pizza oeconomiaki

In the national cuisine of the Land of the Rising Sun, there are many dishes that use rice flour. Recipes - very different, from products with fresh pastry to sweet cakes. Okonomi-yaki to do very easily. Unlike European pizza, you do not need a special oven - a cake is fried in a frying pan in just five minutes. In the choice of the filling you are absolutely free. Rice flour (250 grams) can be made independently with a coffee grinder. We add salt and soda to it on a teaspoonful. Gradually we will pour a glass of chicken broth. We knead the dough and set it aside for half an hour. Egg, cabbage and 150 g chicken fillets finely chopped. In a heated frying pan pour a spoonful of vegetable oil. We spread the dough, form the edges. Fry on low heat until golden brown, then turn over, pour oil on as needed. Lubricate the cake from one side with ketchup, lay thin slices of cheese (100 g). On top of the filling, cover the dish for a couple of minutes, so that the cheese melts. Ready sliced pizza soy sauce.

Potter for tempura

"Heavenly food" - so literally translated the name of the dish, which is rightfully proud of Japanese cuisine. Tempura recipes are very diverse, but the technology is the same: pieces of seafood, fish, vegetables or meat are dipped in stew and fried in sesame oil. Breading in this case is of paramount importance, because it protects the main ingredient from deep heat treatment. As a result, you should get a crispy, appetizing crust on top, and inside - a gentle, almost raw content. In order to make temar for tempura, you need to take 300 grams of siratama flour and mix it with one chicken egg. Gradually add a few spoons of cold water to achieve a consistency of thick sour cream. If you add a little bit of beer or soda to the dough, then when frying it will turn out to be a bubble crust.


In order to cook these Japanese crackers, you will need a siratama - a very sticky rice flour. Recipes of sweet senbey suggest the use of domeji. We also need a little ordinary flour. If we use only rice, the crackers will come out too hard when cooling down. So, mix half the glass of wheat and rice flour, add salt to taste, four spoons of sesame and a pinch of baking powder. Slowly add water and knead the soft and elastic dough. We wrap it in a food film and put it in the refrigerator for one hour. After this time, we roll the dough on the surface covered with flour. We form thin sausages, which we cut into flat cakes. We lay the tray with cooking paper. We stack the crackers and bake them at 200 degrees for five minutes. We turn to the other side, we prepare another 10 minutes. Serve with green tea.

Yaki Gyosa

These dumplings are prepared almost the same way as ours. But there is also a specificity - otherwise it would not be Japanese cuisine. Gödze recipes provide for adding other ingredients to meat and onion stuffing. Among them are soy and oyster sauces, sugar, sake, sesame oil, garlic, ginger, chopped steamed cabbage and black pepper. In the end, starch is added to the mince, then everything is cleaned in the refrigerator, infused. Dumplings for dumplings are also prepared in a special way - the Japanese way. Three glasses of rice flour mixed with a teaspoon of salt. Gradually pour in a glass of chilled water. The dough should come out very elastic. It should be wrapped and allowed to stand for an hour. After that we make pelmeni in the usual way. But gödze is not cooked, but fried - on any vegetable oil. When the sides of the dumplings blush, pour boiling water into the pan. Reduce the fire to a minimum. Cover the frying pan, wait for the complete evaporation of the liquid.

Mitarashi Dango

This is a very popular dessert in Japan. For its preparation flour domeji is used. It is mixed with sugar and warm water and knead the dough. It forms balls, which are thrown into boiling water or boiled. Dessert watered with various gravies - chocolate, jam. In the mantaras of dango, this is a soy sauce, heated with starch and sugar syrup.

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