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How to put a newborn to sleep? The most effective ways
It's no secret that newborn babies do not sleep at all like their parents and older children. Even during pregnancy, future moms begin to wake up without the need in the middle of the night, but also as quickly fall asleep again - so their body prepares for the appearance of the baby to the light and adapts to the regime of sleeping crumbs. However, the question of how quickly to put a newborn to sleep, often becomes the cause of many troubles and worries.
In the way to put the newborn to sleep, an important role is played by warmth. You can make a cozy nest of a blanket or a blanket, similar to a cocoon, yourself. And perhaps the warmest place would be his father's breast. Each child is individual, but make sure that it does not overheat. The neck and back in the upper part should be warm, but not hot and, of course, not wet. But the legs and hands can be cool at the same time.
It is important to observe the daily routine. If a crumb has woken up at night, do not give him noisy toys, speak in a low voice and do all the actions in the soft light of a night light. In the afternoon, it's quite the opposite - focus on wakefulness, talk, play with the child. Accustom him to the regime of the day, but not to sleep - do not wake up or put the baby to bed.
There are other ways of how to put a newborn to sleep. For example, some babies instantly calm down if they are given a light massage, stroked the back, legs and pens. You can apply a relaxing aromatic oil of lavender.
Do not worry anymore about how to put a newborn to sleep, you will be able to use a variety of trays. This can be broths of chamomile, valerian, mint, lemon balm, motherwort, string. As a rule, they are made by courses and only after consulting with specialists - it is necessary to understand that the baby may have allergies to certain components.
If you decide to teach your baby plenty of sleep and observe some kind of regime, starting from 5 months you can practice radical ways. For example, some experts advise not to let the baby fall asleep until the last, but at the same time distract him, trying not to let him cry. Not every woman can stand such a purely psychological, but after a few weeks it will bear fruit.
So, now you know how to put a newborn to sleep at night or day. Remember that children do not want to sleep constantly. From time to time they need to stay awake, learn and study the world around them. Do not force the baby to sleep, if he really does not want to.
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