
Liberals are free-thinking people

The liberal ideology owes its appearance to the development of the productive forces, the further improvement of social relations, the expansion of the rights of women and other social groups in the period of active metamorphosis and the emergence of modern European states. Liberals are people who advocate the freedom of the individual in all its various manifestations, the only restriction for the unlimited development of the individual, according to the liberals, are laws that should restrict and harmonize the interests of all social groups in society. The basic ideas of liberal ideology appeared in the era of enlightenment. In the 19th century, liberalism was further developed in practical and theoretical terms and became the basic principle for a number of politicians.

The liberals of the 19th century considered individual freedom to be the most important value and sign of the progressiveness of society, but at the same time liberal ideology recognized as truly free only the person who is responsible for his actions. Liberals are supporters of a lifestyle that provides a comfortable and safe existence from external coercion. The indisputable factor of the liberal ideology is private property, as well as the existence of a civil society whose participants have the right to independently solve problems without undue interference of the state in certain spheres of society. To guarantee against the tyranny of the state, the liberals suggest introducing state responsibility to citizens, the law and the principle of separation of powers into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial, each of which operates exclusively within its competence. Liberals are people with an outlook of a free man who is responsible for his choice, well-being, and also appreciates and understands the benefits given to him from birth.

In the economic sphere, the views of liberals can be characterized by the concept of market relations unlimited by the state. The main condition for successful economic development, in their opinion, is competition, which itself will identify the most effective participants in the national, and then the global market, without state intervention. It only required guarantees of protecting entrepreneurs from the arbitrariness of bureaucracy and bureaucracy. Every man builds his own welfare - this is the slogan of the liberals of the 19th century. Rapid industrial development has increased the number of employees, and to maintain influence, liberalism has undergone revision.

Liberals of the 20th century - neo-liberals - rejected the position of non-interference of the state in the market. In their opinion, it should carry out reforms that contribute to the social protection of the poorest sections of society. This was done in order to prevent mass outrages and revolutionary outbursts, to achieve the elimination of class hostilities and to build a society of general prosperity. Thus, liberals are a political force whose main idea is the values of the rule of law and individualism.

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