
How to remove big gaps in the Word: tips

Carefully formatted and composed text looks exactly first of all because the distance between words is approximately the same. It is through this that the balance of "white and black" in the document is achieved. However, when the text is aligned in width, it often creates so large distances between words that it looks "leaky". The voids can be seen by eye, and often the width of the gap in the "Word" is so great that it prevents not only aesthetic perception, but also reading.

Possible causes of large gaps

This is usually due to the fact that the Word uses spaces as a reserve for aligning the string.

There are other reasons. For example, between words there can be not one but two or more spaces.

How to deal with this? How to remove big gaps in the Word? There are several ways for this. Spaces between words in the Word can be aligned and make the text more accurate, and for this you need to know the reason for the appearance of "voids".


The first way to remove large spaces in the Word is to arrange hyphenation. The program may carelessly distribute words, leaving long emptiness between them, because it is the only possibility for it to align the line. So you need to let her adjust the length of words.

If your text does not have automatic hyphenation, activate this function. To do this, you need to do the following. Click the Page Layout tab. In it, you need to find the "Hyphenation" button. (It's in the "Page Setup" section.) Click on it. In the drop-down list, check the box next to "Auto".

The program will place the hyphenation, the length of words will be adjusted, and large spaces will disappear.

Extra gaps

As already mentioned, large gaps in the text of the "Word" can arise because of the fact that some of them are simply superfluous. To verify this, activate the function "Display all characters". To do this, you can press the Ctrl and * keys. The space characters will be reflected as points between the words along the vertical center of the line. If they are really repeated, double spaces need to be removed.

To do this, use the search and replace function.

Press the Ctrl and F keys. In the window that appears, select the "Replace" tab. In the "Find" box, type two spaces. In the line "Replace" - one. This way you can delete all double spaces automatically. Then click the "Replace All" button. The program will report on the number of operations performed. However, that's not all. After all, initially in the text can be not only double, but also triple, etc. gaps. Click "Replace All" again and wait for the program report. Repeat the procedure until the program notifies you that it has made 0 replacements.

Double spaces from the text are eliminated.

Reducing the gaps in professional development

The text editor, in principle, is not entirely intended for professional layout, but sometimes it is necessary that the text look neat, and the use of a special application is either redundant or irrational, or it is simply not available.

In this case, the natural question arises of how to remove the large gaps in the Word. After all, for professional layout, not only is the text carefully formatted. It is necessary, for example, to compress the paragraph so that its last line disappears in the form of one small word.

In this and many other cases, it is possible to artificially reduce the gap. This will require the search function and the parameters of the "Font" window.

Select the text (for example, a paragraph) in which you want to reduce the spaces. Call up the search box. In the "Find" field, type a space. Click the "Find in" button and select "Current fragment" in the drop-down list. All the spaces in your paragraph will be highlighted.

Open the "Font" window (Ctrl and D), select the "Interval" tab and in the field with the same name, select the "Condensed" option. It is recommended to reduce the gap size to not more than -0.4 (ideally - to -0.2). Click OK. All previously allocated characters will be compressed, and the text will occupy less space. The size of the spaces is reduced.

Thus, there are at least three ways to remove large spaces in the Word. An alternative to all of them can sometimes be alignment on the left or right edge, but only if it is appropriate from the point of view of aesthetics and graphic text.

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