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Communion: examples of words in Russian

The Russian language is rich in a large number of different parts of speech, which help to build a literate and logical text. But one can not imagine our native speech without participles, verb forms, which contain both its signs and adjectives. Communion is a synthesized part of speech that has a lot of expressive possibilities, can perform different functions in the sentence. It must be studied in the course of the school curriculum.

Attributes of adjectives in participles

First of all, it is necessary to define the participle as part of speech. The participle is called the verbal form, which combines the attributes of the name of the adjective and the verb and answers the questions of what? which the? Communion characterizes the action and its sign at the same time. So briefly you can explain what is the sacrament. Examples of words related to this part of speech are leading, screaming, knowing, becoming, living, readable and many others.

Because the communion is inseparable from the adjective, they have some common characteristics. Thus, participles can vary in numbers, births and cases. It is important to note that both short and full participles have these characteristics. Examples of words that have these features, bringing them closer to adjectives: dreaming - dreaming (change by birth), recognized - recognized (singular and plural), compiled - composed - composed (change by case: nominative, genitive and dative, respectively).

Signs of the verb in the sacrament

Since participle is one of the forms of the verb, these two parts of speech are closely interrelated and have a set of common attributes. Among them it is necessary to note the kind (perfect - said, imperfect - speaker), recurrence and irreversibility (laughing, cleaned up), pledge (passive - cooked, valid - aging). Transitivity and intransitivity - this is another sign that characterized the sacrament. Examples of words that relate to transitional - cleaning (room), reading (newspaper), to intransitive - traumatized, inspired.

A special point is the presence of time in the sacraments. It must be remembered that this part of speech has only past and present time. Communion does not have a future tense form.

Actual Communion

This group of participles refers to the action that the object itself takes. But what is a valid participle in practice ? Examples of words of this level are frightening, whispering, living, shouting, flying, etc.

In the sentence, the actual participle describes an action that develops simultaneously with what the predicate calls (for example: Mother observes the playing child).

A special situation with the actual participles of the past tense. About what action describes a particular participle, you can judge after determining the kind of verb from which it is formed. So, if the actual participle is formed with the help of appropriate suffixes from the verb of the perfect species, then the action occurred before the other, called the verb. For example, in the classroom there is a student who decided to do a test. Communion is formed from the verb "to decide" (what to do?) - a perfect kind. In the classroom there is a student who decides the control work. In this case, the offer uses the participle of an imperfect species.

Suffering Communions

Passionate participles are another kind of this part of speech. Examples of words belonging to this category may be: created, purchased, dressed, built-in, slave, etc.

This kind of participle describes the action that is performed on the object. In turn, the process that the participle refers to can occur both simultaneously with what the predicate tells about, and end earlier, nevertheless have a connection with the present moment.

Very often, both in speech and in literature one can find a passive participle with a dependent word. Examples of such phrases: a composition written by a composer, a music track listened to by a music lover,

Relationship with other parts of speech

Communion can be transformed into other parts of speech under the influence of various processes that contribute to the development of the Russian language. So, the participle can be substantivized in the noun (it is necessary to pay attention to such words as the commander, the future, who answer the questions of who and what? ).

Another important concept is the communion that has been subject to adjectivation. Examples of words that have been exposed to this process are fried, mature, intimate, innate, etc. There arises a quite logical question: how to distinguish the participle from the adjective in each specific case? One of the main features that will help to separate these parts of speech is to find the sacrament with the dependent word. Examples of such words: fried potatoes, indignant act, etc.

The analysis of participles in the theme "Morphology"

In the course of studying each part of the speech, both in the school curriculum and in the curriculum of any philological faculty, there are tasks for analyzing a word in the sentence. For this, it is necessary to determine the part of the speech to which the given lexical unit belongs, and correctly perform the analysis. So, let's try to make out the sacrament. How to determine that the word is representative of this particular part of speech? You just need to know the typical suffixes of the participles. Examples of words containing the suffixes -uust-, -yas (participating, thirsting), -as-, -isch- (hurrying, sleeping), -w- (become), -t- (deceived), -en-, -nn - (built-in, recognized), -om-, -em- (adored, driven) - all are participles, real and passive, past or present.

So, the analysis of the participle consists of substituting the question (most often what?), Identifying it as a participle, indicating the initial form of the masculine gender, singular in the nominative, determining the verb and the suffix with which it is formed from it. It is also necessary to indicate the type, availability of recurrence and transitivity, pledge, time, form (short or complete), gender, number, case and declension, syntactic role in this particular proposal.

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