
The empire of Genghis Khan: borders, campaigns of Genghis Khan. Temujin (Genghis Khan): history, descendants

In the history of the world there are a lot of unique people. They were simple children, often brought up in poverty and did not know good manners. It was these people who changed the course of history dramatically, leaving only ashes behind. They built a new world, a new ideology and a new outlook on life. All of these hundreds of people, humanity owes its today's life, because it is the established mosaic of past events that led to what is today. The names of such people are known to everyone, because they are constantly on their lips. Every year, scientists can provide more and more interesting facts from the lives of great people. In addition, many secrets and riddles are gradually opened, the announcement of which somewhat earlier could lead to horrific consequences.


Genghis Khan is the founder of the Mongolian empire, the first great khan of which he was. He rallied various disparate tribes that were on the territory of Mongolia. In addition, he conducted a large number of campaigns to neighboring states. Most of the military campaigns ended in complete victory. The empire of Genghis Khan is considered to be the largest of the continental in the whole world history.


Temujin was born in the Delun-Boldok tract. Father called his son Genghis Khan in honor of the captive leader of the Tatars Temujin-Uge, who was defeated just before the birth of the boy. The date of birth of the great leader is still not known exactly, because different sources indicate different periods. According to the documents that existed during the life of the leader and his witnesses-biographers, Genghis Khan was born in 1155. Another option is 1162, but there is no exact confirmation. The boy's father, Esugei-bagatur, left him in the family of the future bride at the age of 11. Genghis Khan had to stay there until he reached adulthood, so that the children would know each other better. A little girl, a future bride named Borta, was from the kind of Ungirath.

Death of the father

According to the scriptures, on the way back home the boy's father was poisoned by the Tatars. Esughey's house was feverish, he died in three days. He had two wives. Both of them and the children of the head of the family were expelled from the tribe. Women with children were forced to live in the forest for several years. They managed to escape by a miracle: they ate plants, the boys tried to fish. Even in the warm season, they were doomed to starvation, since it was necessary to make food supplies for the winter.

Fearing revenge of the heirs of the great khan, the new head of the Targutai tribe, Kiriltukh, pursued Temujin. Several times the boy managed to escape, but eventually he was caught. He was put on a wooden block, which absolutely limited the martyr in action. It was impossible to eat, drink, or even drive away the annoying beetle from your face. Understanding the hopelessness of his position, Temujin decided to escape. At night he reached the lake, where he hid. The boy completely immersed himself in the water, leaving only nostrils on the surface. The bloodhounds of the head of the tribe carefully looked for at least some traces of the escaped. One person noticed Temujin, but did not betray him. In the future it was he who helped Genghis Khan to flee. Soon the boy found his relatives in the forest. Then he married Bort.

Formation of the commander

The empire of Genghis Khan was created gradually. At first, the nukers began to flock to him, with whom he made attacks on neighboring territories. Thus, the young man began to appear his own land, army and people. Genghis Khan began to form a special system that would allow the effective management of a fast-growing horde. Around 1184, the first son of Genghis Khan, Juchi, was born. In 1206 at the congress Temujin was proclaimed a great khan from God. From that moment he was considered a complete and absolute ruler of Mongolia.


The conquest of Central Asia took place in several stages. The war with the Karachite Khanate resulted in the fact that the Mongols received Semirechye and Eastern Turkestan. In order to gain the support of the population, the Mongols allowed Muslims public worship, which was banned by naimans. This contributed to the fact that the permanent settled population completely accepted the side of the conquerors. The population considered the coming of the Mongols "by the grace of Allah", in comparison with the rigidity of Khan Kuchluk. The inhabitants themselves opened the gates to the Mongols. It is for this that the city of Balasagun was called "a meek city". Khan Kuchluk was not able to organize a sufficiently strong resistance, so he fled the city. Soon he was found and killed. Thus, Genghis Khan opened the way to Khorezm.

The empire of Genghis Khan swallowed Khorezm - a large state in Central Asia. His weak point was that knowing had full power in the city, so the situation was very tense. Muhammad's mother independently appointed all her relatives to important state posts, without asking her son. Having thus created a circle of powerful support, she led the opposition against Muhammad. Internal relations were greatly aggravated when a severe threat of the Mongol invasion hung. The war against Khorezm ended with the fact that neither side gained a significant advantage. At night, the Mongols left the battlefield. In 1215 Genghis Khan agreed with Khorezm on mutual trade relations. However, the first merchants who went to Khorezm, were seized and killed. For the Mongols, this was an excellent occasion for the outbreak of war. Already in 1219 Genghis Khan together with the main military forces came out against Khorezm. Despite the fact that many territories were taken as a siege, the Mongols plundered cities, killed and destroyed everything around. Muhammad lost the war even without a fight, and realizing this, he fled to the island in the Caspian Sea, having previously given power to the hands of his son Jelal-ad-Din. After prolonged fighting, the Khan overtook Jalal ad-Din in 1221 near the Indus River. The enemy's army numbered about 50 thousand people. To cope with them, the Mongols used the trick: after conducting a maneuver over a rocky terrain, they struck the enemy from the flank. In addition, Genghis Khan used a powerful guard unit of bagatury. In the end, the army of Jalal-ad-Din was almost completely defeated. He was swimming with several thousand soldiers from the battlefield.

After the 7-month siege the capital of Khorezm-Urgench fell, the city was taken. Jalal-ad-Din fought against Genghis Khan's troops for 10 long years, but this did not bring him much usefulness to the state. He died defending his territory in 1231 in Anatolia.

In just three short years (1219-1221) the kingdom of Muhammad bowed before Genghis Khan. The entire eastern part of the kingdom, which occupied the territory from the Indus to the Caspian Sea, was under the rule of the great Khan of Mongolia.

The West was conquered by the Mongols through the campaign of Jade and Subedea. After capturing Samarkand, Genghis Khan sent his troops to conquer Muhammad. Jabeh and Subadei passed through the whole of Northern Iran, and then captured the South Caucasus. Cities were captured by certain treaties or simply by force. Troops regularly collected tribute from the population. Soon in 1223, the Mongols defeated the Russian-Polovtsian military forces on the Kalka River. However, retreating to the East, they lost in the Volga Bulgaria. The small remnants of a huge army returned to the great khan in 1224, while he was at that time in Asia.


The first victory of the Khan, which occurred outside of Mongolia, happened during the campaign of 1209-1210 on the Tangut. Khan began to prepare for war with the most dangerous enemy in the East - the state of Jin. In the spring of 1211, a great war began, which claimed many lives. Very quickly, by the end of the year, Genghis Khan's troops owned territory from the north to the Chinese wall. Already by 1214 the Mongolian army had all the territory covering the north and the Yellow River. In the same year, there was a siege of Beijing. The world was obtained by exchange - Genghis Khan took as his wife a Chinese princess who had a huge dowry, land and wealth. But this step of the emperor was only a ruse, and as soon as the troops of the khan began to retreat, after waiting for a good moment, the Chinese resumed the war. For them, this was a big mistake, because in speed the Mongols routed the capital to the last pebble.

In 1221, when Samarkand fell, the eldest son of Genghis Khan was sent to Khorezm in order to start the siege of Urgench, the capital of Muhammad. At the same time, the younger son was sent by his father to Persia for robbery and seizure of the territory.

Separately, it is worth noting the battle of Kalka, which occurred between Russian-Polovtsian and Mongolian troops. The modern territory of the battle is the Donetsk region of Ukraine. The battle of Kalka (year 1223) led to the complete victory of the Mongol. At first they defeated the forces of the Polovtsians, and a little later the main forces of the Russian army were defeated. May 31, the battle ended with the death of about 9 Russian princes, many boyars and soldiers.

The campaign of Subadei and Dzhebe allowed the army to pass through a significant part of the steppes, which the Polovtsians occupied. This allowed the military commanders to assess the merits of the future theater of military operations, to study it and to think through a sensible strategy. The Mongols also learned a lot about the internal structure of Russia, from captives they received a lot of useful information. Genghis Khan's campaigns were always distinguished by careful tactical preparation, which was conducted before the offensive.


The Mongol-Tatars invaded Rus in 1237-1240 under the rule of Genghisid Batu. The Mongols were actively advancing on Rus, struck hard, waiting for good moments. The main goal of the Mongol-Tatars was the disorganization of the warriors of Russia, the sowing of fear and panic. They avoided battles with a large number of soldiers. The tactic was to disunite a large army and smash the enemy in parts, harassing him with sharp attacks and constant aggression. The Mongols started battles with throwing arrows in order to intimidate and distract opponents. One of the significant advantages of the Mongolian army was that the management of the battle was organized in the best way. Managers did not fight alongside ordinary soldiers, they were at a certain distance, so as to maximize the angle of review of military operations. Instructions to soldiers were given by means of various signs: flags, light, smoke, drums and pipes. The attack of the Mongols was carefully thought through. For this purpose, powerful reconnaissance and diplomatic preparations for the battle were conducted. Great attention was paid to isolating the enemy, as well as inflating internal conflicts. After this stage, the Mongolian army concentrated near the borders. The offensive took place all around the perimeter. Starting from different sides, the army sought to get to the very center. Penetrating deeper, the military destroyed cities, hunted cattle, killed soldiers and raped women. In order to better prepare for the attack, the Mongols sent out special observation units that were preparing the territory, and also destroyed enemy weapons. The exact strength of the troops on both sides is not known reliably, since the information varies.

For Rus invasion of the Mongols was the strongest blow. A huge part of the population was killed, the cities fell into decay, as they were thoroughly destroyed. Stone construction ceased for several years. Many crafts simply disappeared. The sedentary population was almost completely eliminated. The empire of Genghis Khan and the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars into Russia were closely connected, since for the Mongols it was a very tasty piece.

The Khan Empire

The empire of Genghis Khan included a vast territory from the Danube to the Sea of Japan, from Novgorod to Southeast Asia. In its heyday, it united the lands of Southern Siberia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, China, Tibet and Central Asia. XIII century marked the creation and flowering of the great state of Genghis Khan. But already in the second half of the century a huge empire began to split into separate uluses, ruled by Genghisides. The most significant fragments of the huge state were: the Golden Horde, the Yuan Empire, the Chagatai ulus and the Hulaguid state. And yet the borders of the empire were so impressive that no general or conqueror could achieve more.

The capital of the empire

Karakoram city was the capital of the whole empire. Word literally translates as "black stones of the volcano." It is believed that it was founded in 1220 by the Karakorum. The city was the place where the Khan left his family during the campaigns and military affairs. Also, the city was the residence of the khan, in which he accepted important ambassadors. Russian princes also came here to resolve various political issues. XIII century gave the world many travelers who left records about the city (Marco Polo, de Rubruck, Plano Carpini). The population of the city was very heterogeneous, as each quarter was isolated from the other. In the city lived craftsmen, merchants who came from all over the world. The city was unique in terms of the diversity of its inhabitants, because among them there were people of different races, creeds and thinking. Also the city was built up by a lot of Muslim mosques and Buddhist temples.

Ugedei built a palace, which he called the "Palace of Ten Thousand Years of Prosperity". Every Genghisid also had to build here his palace, which, naturally, was inferior to the building of the son of the great leader.


Genghis Khan had many wives and concubines to the end of his days. However, the most powerful and famous boys gave birth to the commander of the first wife - Borta. The heir to the first son of Juchi, Batu, was the creator of the Golden Horde, Jagatai-Chagatai gave the name of a dynasty that had dominated the central regions for a long time, Ogadai-Ugadei was the successor of the khan himself, Toluy ruled the Mongol empire from 1251 to 1259. Only these four boys had a certain power in the state. In addition, Borta gave birth to her husband and daughters: Hodzhin-bagi, Chichigan, Alagai, Temulen and Altalun.

The second wife of Khan Merkitka Khulan-khatun gave birth to daughter Dairusun and the sons of Kulkan and Kharachar. The third wife of Genghis Khan Yesukat gave him the daughter of Charu-yonon and the sons of Chahur and Kharhad.

Genghis Khan, whose life story is impressive, left after himself descendants who ruled the Mongols in accordance with the Great Yasa Khan until the 1920s. The Emperors of Manchuria, who ruled over Mongolia and China from the 16th to 19th centuries, were also the direct heirs of the khan along the women's line.

Sunset of the great empire

The fall of the empire lasted a long 9 years, from 1260 to 1269. The situation was very tense, since there was a pressing question about who would go over all power. In addition, it should be noted the serious administrative problems that the management apparatus encountered.

The fall of the empire was due to the fact that the sons of Genghis Khan did not want to live according to the laws established by the father. They could not live on the main postulate "On the quality factor, the severity of the state." Genghis Khan formed a cruel reality, which constantly demanded decisive action from him. Temujin's life constantly tested, beginning with the early years of his life. His sons lived in a completely different environment, they were protected and confident of the future. In addition, we should not forget that they valued his father's possessions much less than he himself.

Another reason for the collapse of the state was the power struggle between the sons of Genghis Khan. It distracted them from the pressing affairs of the state. When it was necessary to solve important issues, the brothers were engaged in clarifying the relationship. This could not but affect the situation in the country, the world status, the mood of the people. All this led to a general deterioration in the state in many aspects. Sharing the father's empire among themselves, the brothers did not understand that they were destroying it by dismantling them on stones.

Death of the great leader

Genghis Khan, whose history is impressive to this day, having returned from Central Asia, went through his army through Western China. In 1225, near the borders of Xi Xia, Genghis Khan was on a hunt, during which he fell and was heavily bruised. By the evening of the same day, he began a violent fever. As a consequence, in the morning a meeting of managers was convened, on which the question of whether or not to start a war with the Tanguts was being considered. The council also had Juchi, who did not enjoy a special trust at the top of the government, because he regularly deviated from his father's instructions. Noticing this constant behavior, Genghis Khan ordered his army to go against Juchi and kill him. But because of the death of his son, the campaign was never completed.

Improving health, in the spring of 1226 Genghis Khan crossed the Xi Xia border with his army. Defeating the defenders, and giving the city for looting, the Khan began his last war. The Tanguts were completely defeated on the outskirts of the Tangut kingdom, the path to which became open. The fall of the Tangut kingdom and the death of the khan are very connected, because the great leader died here.

Causes of death

The scriptures say that Genghis Khan's death came after he accepted the gifts from the Tangut king. However, there are several versions that have equal rights to exist. Among the main and most probable causes can be identified the following: death from disease, poor adaptation to the climate of the terrain, the consequences of falling from a horse. There is also a separate version that the khan was killed by a young wife, whom he took by force. The girl, fearing the consequences, committed suicide the same night.

Grave of Genghis Khan

No one can say the exact place of burial of the great khan. Different sources disagree on hypotheses for a number of reasons. Moreover, in each of them various places and methods of burial are indicated. The grave of Genghis Khan can be in any of three places: Burhan-Khaldun, on the north side of Altai-khan or in Yekhe-Utek.

Monument to Genghis Khan is in Mongolia. Equestrian statue is considered the largest monument and statue in the whole world. The monument was opened on September 26, 2008. Its height is 40 m without a pedestal, whose height is 10 m. The whole statue is covered with stainless steel, the total weight is 250 tons. Also, the monument of Genghis Khan is surrounded by 36 columns. Each of them symbolizes the Khan of the Mongol Empire, beginning with Genghis and ending with Ligdan. In addition, the monument is two-story, and it houses a museum, an art gallery, billiards, restaurants, a conference hall and a souvenir shop. The head of the horse serves as a viewing platform for visitors. The statue is surrounded by a large park. The plans of the city authorities to equip a golf course, an outdoor theater and an artificial lake.

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