
7 Ways to Make Learning a Foreign Language More Attractive

Nowadays , knowledge of a foreign language for one person is a hobby, for another - a professional necessity. The question of learning a language for each person solves independently. If the basic knowledge of a foreign language is obtained at a school or a higher educational institution, students can increase their level at special course sessions and trainings. For those who decide to study a new foreign language for themselves, it may be more appropriate to attend individual sessions with a tutor, which will help you to understand the unknown language environment more quickly.

In the presence of sufficient language training, as well as self-discipline and dedication, you can use an alternative method of learning, namely, to learn a foreign language by an independently developed methodology, taking into account the current and desired level of knowledge in a certain professional field. This method may not be so effective, but much less expensive compared to the exchange analogues, and also allows you to independently determine the time, place and thematic focus of the classes.

The most difficult moment in the independent study of the language is to force oneself to continue studies that can quickly become boring. To prevent this from happening, one must constantly strive to diversify self-education, approaching it with an interesting and creative side. Some of the approaches to learning a foreign language described below can be useful and will make the classes truly fascinating and productive.

1) Watching TV programs and films in a foreign language. This method will be convenient for students with the highest level of knowledge, who are able to listen to hearing dialogues or words off screen, the speed of utterance of which is close to ordinary spoken language. To facilitate the perception and training of visual memory, you can watch movies with subtitles in a foreign language. Playback on the player also allows you to scroll the recording back if you can not hear the word or phrase.

2) Reading books in a foreign language. The advantage of this method is active training of visual memory, which helps to increase the literacy of the letter. Favorite books have everyone, so why not try to reread the old adventure novel or modern literature in a foreign language. After a few pages, especially if the book has already been read in Russian more than once, attention from certain foreign words and expressions will shift to the plot, which in some way will allow to combine business with pleasure.

3) Communication on the Internet in a foreign language. As you know, the World Wide Web is able to "erase" the boundaries of communication, and this property can be used with advantage in the study of language. Not for nothing that now continues to gain popularity interactive learning through Skype. Here, again, you can do on your own, for example, to communicate in various thematic forums, chatting in chats, etc.

4) Communication with relatives in a foreign language. Practically everyone has friends or relatives who can support a conversation in a foreign language, most often in the most common English. The level of language proficiency depends mainly on the practice, and if it becomes possible to train your skills on a regular basis, when talking to English students at school or colleagues at work, do not lose it.

5) Systematization of learning a foreign language. Practically in any foreign language, there are many hundreds of thousands of words that only dictionaries can contain in the palm of their hand. Unsystematic learning of the language may turn out to be unproductive, because such a colossal volume of phrases and expressions from different fields of knowledge is difficult for perception. Moreover, often the interest in learning the language is due to the need to acquire a vocabulary in any professional sphere. It is logical that it is better to direct most of your efforts in this direction. For this, it is advisable to distribute the area of knowledge of interest to several smaller topics, each of which can be studied during a certain time interval, for example, a month. This will help to streamline the study of a foreign language and facilitate the translation of texts in the studied professional fields.

6) Compiling a glossary of foreign terms and expressions. To systematize the vocabulary acquired through the use of the previous method, one can turn to the classical "school" method: compiling a glossary dictionary. While working on the topic, the student can meet a lot of unfamiliar words, which are accurately entered into the dictionary, usually with several values and transcriptions. This method helps to memorize a large number of words and expressions precisely because of its "clustering" (in this case, thematic breakdown) of terms.

7) Listen to radio and audio records in a foreign language. It happens that learning a foreign language is hampered by the lack of time that could be given to pursuits. This is especially true for people with a busy work schedule, which can be advised to use the time during which they go to work. With an apparent insignificance, these 30-40 minutes, and in some cases, and an hour and a half almost daily for a month can take place in dozens of hours of effective training. Today, there are a lot of audio courses on the market that can be heard both in the car and in headphones in public transport. Even listening to ordinary radio, which has songs of foreign performers in its repertoire, can be useful for the learner, although it is probably not necessary to wait for any impressive results from this method.

In addition to these, there are many more options for learning a foreign language, most of which involve a more serious approach and certain material costs. However, these, perhaps more effective ways of learning can be perfectly used together with those described to accelerate the achievement of the desired result.

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