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Stroller "Bugabu Buffalo": review, specifications, models and reviews of the owners

Today we have to find out what the wheelchair called "Buffalo Buffalo" is. This product is not very popular, but every day more and more buyers pay attention to it. Is it worth to trust such a proposal? What can our current producer give to our customers? What characteristics distinguish all the models of "Buffalo Buffalo" from the rest? And is it really worth stopping the choice on this product? All this will have to talk, based on the numerous feedback from customers. It should be noted at once - one can not come to a common opinion quickly. After all, parents usually evaluate each characteristic separately, and then decide which points were most important for them.


Let's start with the fact that the assortment of offered goods and models by themselves is not too diverse. Rather, it is exactly the same as most competitors. "Buffalo Buffalo", a review which is presented to our attention - this is a variety of strollers.

Among them, you can always find what you need. True, it is almost impossible to buy cradles. "Bugabu" more specializes in universal and walking models. A practical and logical solution that pleases buyers. That is, we can say with certainty that you are more likely to find a wheelchair for a child of any age, rather than having to constantly update a child's vehicle. This makes me happy.

Models usually occur "3 in 1", "2 in 1", "walks" and transformers. Huge popularity of walking and "3 in 1". They are considered the most functional among all proposals. Thus, if you are looking for a universal solution for your baby, Buffalo Buffalo is an ideal candidate.


Also you can not ignore the "appearance" of strollers. Her many parents attach importance. Yes, each specific model differs in its own way, but, in general, the impression on the buyers is positive.

Kind of wheelchairs "Bugabu Buffalo" soundly, but no frills. Such minimalism, which is combined with universality and quality. If desired, you can in any model (except for "walk") to hide the baby from unnecessary eyes or the sun with the help of a large colored hood. This little thing enthralls many.

Speaking about the colors, we can not emphasize that they are, in the main, universal. "Buffalo Buffalo" ("walk" or the usual universal model) is distinguished not only by its simplicity and minimalism, but also by a bright, at the same time, discreet color scheme. You can pick up and "purely girlish" options, and boyish, and universal. Problems with this no.

On wheels

What else is worth paying attention to? Of course, as already mentioned, all models have their own peculiarities. But, in general, they agree with the manufacturer. That is, the characteristics, in principle, the same. What most often stands out by buyers?

For example, the fact that the "Bugabu Buffalo" strolls, which often leave comments, mostly positive, are equipped with 4 large wheels. If it is a question of "walks", then they are much smaller in size. But the main feature here is that the wheels are inflatable.

This solution ensures reliable and smooth traffic on different roads. Another parent is pleased that, for example, on the universal models the front wheels (those that are further from the mom / dad) are rotary. So, it will be easy to manage this design. The front wheels are just inflatable, they do not turn. This is a normal phenomenon that occurs in many manufacturers.


What else stands out? The Bugabu Buffalo stroller (any of its models) is not only a beautiful "appearance", but also a quality. In addition to the wheels, it is worth paying attention to the design of the chassis. It is made up of all the variants in the same way.

Which one? Universal strollers have a book mechanism. And "walks" are easily folded with one hand, like a "cane". This is a normal phenomenon that attracts the audience.

In addition, the chassis and frame are made on all models of stainless steel. Therefore, you can not be afraid of any changes in the weather. Such strollers will not be afraid of frost, snow, rain and heat. At the bottom on the universal models are large and spacious baskets for shopping. True, fabric. And this is not very encouraging for some. Just because there is no supporting frame inside. So, it is not worth much to load a basket.


"Buffalo Buffalo" reviews are different. But, in general, as already said, they are positive. Special features are blocks for the baby, which are used in universal models. What is it about?

Cradles at the "Bugabu" are usually light (up to 4 kilograms), beautiful and attached to the chassis without problems. In addition, they are compactly stored, but here for the baby are spacious. Even a large child can fit in the cradle. Such a unit can be used for more than 6 months. A very good option for parents who do not want to constantly change strollers.

Walking blocks also have special characteristics. They do not look like a template, rather, creatively. Equipped with safety belts, five-point. This approach ensures the child's secure position in the unit. Also there is a handle-crossbar in front of the baby, for which he can hold. It is soft, but it is easy to clean.

True, there is no customary support for the legs of a child. On the walking block the grown-up kid can not climb himself, only with the help of his parents. A trifle, but some sing it out, like the lack of all the buggies of Buffalo Buffalo. This is not at all a basis for refusing to purchase.


What other characteristics do our current products generally have? Regardless of which model is in front of us - "walk" or universal. For example, pay attention to the fact that parents often point out - the weight of all structures is significant. This applies to "3 in 1", and "2 in 1", and walking models. It is not always easy to manage such a product, especially a young mother. On average, strollers weigh up to 10 kilograms.

All models have adjustable knobs. For this "Buffalo Buffalo" receives positive feedback. After all, you can quickly and without special problems adjust the height of the handle for the stroller and for mom and dad. This characteristic is emphasized by those who differ in growth, and significantly.

However, if we talk about bundling, then no model "Bugabu" does not carry a newborn. A small flaw that disappoints many parents. Yes, you can always buy the missing item, but I would like to immediately get all the most necessary for the baby.

Price list

What other opinions does the Bugabu Buffalo stroller get? What do parents look at? In addition to the already listed characteristics, much attention is paid to the cost of a child's vehicle. It often has a decisive effect on the parents.

"Buffalo Buffalo" - this is a stroller "premium" class. They are all expensive, sometimes even too much. For example, the universal ("2 in 1") model will cost 85-90 thousand rubles, but the "walk" - 20-30 thousand rubles. best case scenario. This approach repels. After all, not everyone is willing to pay only for production and non-standard kind of stroller.


What can be inferred from all of the above? "Buffalo Buffalo" are strollers that differ in their quality and sophistication. They require careful care. Keep all models easy and simple, they do not take up much space.

Only here the price tag of the goods is too high. Therefore, many parents refuse this design. After all, in general, the characteristics of all models of "Bugabu" are no different from less expensive counterparts. The budget allows? Then buy a stroller of this production, you will not regret it. If this is not possible, look for the option "with hands" or just an analog. There are no significant differences between wheelchairs. So, why pay more?

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