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To help beginning mushroom pickers: how to distinguish a false spout from the present

Walks in the woods with a basket and picking up mushrooms are a real holiday for nature lovers, forcing out to fresh air from the gassed and living in the crazy rhythm of cities and even many rural centers. And what a pleasure for lovers of delicious food, when on the table there are pickled rozhiki , boletus in sour cream or pies filled with honey! By the way, we are talking about the latter in our article.

Doubles, not brothers

Perhaps the man of the ignorant march for mushrooms can not arrange in one case: when he is not very versed in edible and poisonous specimens. And, for example, such a question: how to distinguish a false gift from the present will put him in a dead end. But that such an incident does not happen, you should be careful on the forest trails and pay attention to important trifles. First, we describe food-usable specimens. And compare them with malware.

  • How to distinguish a false spout from the present: the variety that we eat is found in the forests around the middle of August, the last summer month, and until November until the land begins to grab serious frosts. Forests are considered fungal parasites, because they grow in large families directly on the roots of healthy trees or on stumps. By the way, because these plants are called! False ones are most often placed on sick, decaying trunks, just on the ground, near a cripple.
  • Young edible specimens have round convex hats of calm color, from honey-yellow to brown, almost rusty colors. But it is calm and discreet tone that should be taken into account - this is one of the main features of how to distinguish a false gift from the present. Since the fungus-twins coloring is more saturated, catchy. Over time, the shape of the cap changes with the edible representative, it becomes flatter. And the scales that cover it in young animals are almost lost in mature individuals. In the case of the harmful, the lower part is as if wrapped in a veil or "blanket." And this is the second sign of how to distinguish a false ghost from the present. At the last the caps are dry and velvety to the touch. Inedible, on the contrary, moist, sticky, especially in wet weather. Attention is also drawn to the size of the "headdress". It grows from 4 cm to 10.
  • The next very important identification sign of mushrooms, which should fill the basket, are their legs. Long and slender, they reach a height of 5 to all 15 cm. Inside are hollow. And it is by looking at the legs, you can immediately understand, in front of you are real or false honey agarics (photo). How to distinguish one from another - on a kind of skirt. It is clearly pronounced in the edible and encircles the leg like a ring. And the poisonous mushrooms on this skirt is only a hint. And they are too short, not more than 10 cm. But "podstavochki" in diameter reach 0.5 cm.
  • It also plays a role in understanding which mushrooms are false (photos are attached), the smell of them, the color and taste of the pulp. Good mushrooms smell nice - wood. Harmful - damp, rotting ground. The taste is bitter. Under the cap of a useful plant, the color is delicate: cream, light yellow, generally light. And for inedible, saturated-olive, poisonous-yellow, i.e., brighter.

Here they are - forest twins!

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