Food and drink, Main course
To the mushroom pickers: is it possible to eat worm mushrooms?
Probably, there is no such person who has never been in the forest. Someone is there to just relax, take a walk or get some fresh air. And someone walks and "hunt", in this case we mean "quiet hunt", i.e. Picking mushrooms. And everything would be fine, but even here everything is not so smooth. Sometimes, you begin to cut the mushroom to put it in the basket, and you see - it's wormy! Should I carry this "booty" home? What is the best way to proceed? And in general, is it possible to eat wormy mushrooms? You will now find out about this and many other things.
Is it possible to eat worm mushrooms?
Most are more inclined to believe that there is nothing dangerous in this. The worm is not a fool, there will not be a bad mushroom. To some extent, this is true. After all, there is not enough intact fungi in the forest, therefore, even with industrial preparations, the specimens, which are damaged by worms less than half, are considered quite suitable for eating. Of course, before sending them to the store shelves, they subject the mushrooms to special treatment. Therefore, if you decide to harvest mushrooms for yourself, then you should not take worms. Adhere to the rule - better less, yes better. Otherwise, you may have a problem with how to protect uninfected fungi from worms. After all, the larvae are so voracious that they can quickly destroy all your "prey" collected in the forest.
What to do with wormy mushrooms?
If you still decide to collect them, then cut off all damaged by the larvae. So you will have at least some kind of guarantee that other good mushrooms will not suffer. Arriving home, if possible, immediately process them. To do this, cut each wormy mushroom into pieces and put it for a few hours in heavily salted water. Thus, from them all larvae will leave.
If you decide not to take a wormy mushroom, then do not throw it to the ground. Better put it on a branch or knit on a stick with spores down. In this position, the mushroom's head will not rot, but will dry up - the spores will start to dust, and soon new foci of mycelium will appear nearby. In this there is another plus. Dry mushroom in cold winter time will serve as an excellent food for animals. Forest residents will only thank you.
White fungus wormy. What to do?
White mushroom is considered the most coveted prey not only of man, but also of worm. He usually grows in groups. Therefore, having found one mushroom, be sure to look around, most likely, you will find a few more pieces. Gathering the intact harvest is a great success! But most often these mushrooms have already been tasted by worms or other forest inhabitants.
So let's draw a conclusion: is it possible to eat worm mushrooms? As it became clear, there is no unambiguous answer to this question. If the fungi are not severely damaged by worms, then they can be eaten. Only before processing it is necessary to soak them in salt water. But if the fungus is not only wormy, but also old - such a copy is desirable to leave in the forest. Otherwise they can be poisoned. Therefore, it's up to you whether it's possible to eat worm-eaten mushrooms or better to refuse them.
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