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How to clean a grenade so as not to get dirty and avoid damage to grains

Useful properties of a plant such as pomegranate, were known in ancient times. In ancient Egypt, the juice of its ripe fruit was used as an anthelmintic and treated with dysentery. Hippocrates and Avicenna noted the astringent properties of the pomegranate and assigned its juice for enterocolitis, for the treatment of the kidneys, and also as a means for removing stones from the gallbladder. Traditional medicine uses not only juice from grains, but also other parts of the plant. So, the dried white membranes, which are extracted from the fruit, are added to the tea to relieve nervous tension, and the flesh of the fetus strengthens the stomach. The flowers of this tree are brewed with tea (it tastes like hibiscus tea). However, how to clean a grenade to preserve the maximum of its useful properties?

First, choose the appropriate fruit. In a shop or in the market, do not be attracted by beautiful glossy raspberry fruits - they, as a rule, turn out to be immature. A good, ripe and sweet pomegranate does not look very attractive: its skin turned crusty and slightly darkened. It seems that it covered rust. Each fruit below has a "crown", a knot. So, for a ripe specimen, it should be browned, browned. If its size is large, then it should be very heavy. Such specimens are very juicy, so before you clean the pomegranate, put on an apron so as not to contaminate clothing. These delicious fruits are also known for the fact that their juice is very difficult to wash.

Some people to clean the pomegranate, just cut off its peel, and then start to extract the grains with your fingers. This only leads to the fact that the juice flows on the hands of a stream, everything is splashed around, and the tortured fruit turns into a pulp. And meanwhile there are as many as three ways of cleaning the fruit in such a way that the seeds can also be whole, and not get smeared from head to foot. They all start the same way: we put on an apron and my berry, after which we cut off the "crown" with a sharp knife. Further, our actions differ depending on what method of clearing seeds from the peel and membranes we choose.

The first answer to the question of how to clean a grenade, or the first way is that we finger the edges. The ripe fruit is not round, the dried up skin tightens the grains. Where there are no grains, on the membranes, faces are formed. With a knife we make shallow incisions along, from top to bottom, but do not bring the cut to the very bottom by about a centimeter. If the fruit is very mature, the seeds will sit tightly in the "packing" of the white membranes. You will only need to turn the peel inside out of the meridian cuts and gently release the seeds from the translucent placenta. If the peel does not lend itself and does not turn out, turn the fruit over a bowl cut off the "crown" down, take a wooden kitchen hammer and begin to methodically knock on the top of the peel. The seeds will fall into the bowl undamaged.

The second answer to the question of how to clean a grenade, or the second way is somewhat similar to the first. We do not knife "meridians", but simply cut the fruit in half. We take a bowl, we put on it a lattice or a sieve with large apertures (they are often used to make mantas or other dishes for a couple). On this sieve we cut the halves of the pomegranate and start knocking on it with a hammer. After a while you will get a bowl of scarlet grains.

But how to clean the grenade to completely avoid splashing? There is a third way for this. Sow the fruits "meridians", like oranges. Fill a large bowl with water and immerse grenades in it. Clean fruit under the water by pulling on the lobes of the peel. Heavy grains will fall to the bottom of the bowl, and the peel and membranes will float up. Remove unnecessary peel from the surface, and the grains will drain from the water, using a colander or a fine sieve. The method is good for your hands and clothes, however there is a risk of losing the juice that will dissolve in the water.

Eat this gigantic berry with seeds, and if you squeeze juice, then drink it a little diluted.

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