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Cyst in the nose - is it dangerous? Treating cysts with folk remedies

Almost everyone is familiar with such catarrhal diseases as rhinitis and sinusitis. Most people think that they do not need to be treated at all, in a few days everything will be normalized. But this is a big mistake, because a harmless at first glance a runny nose can lead to complications - for example, a cyst in the nose will appear. Whether it is dangerous depends on the variety and degree of development of the neoplasm.

Clinical picture of the disease

Cysts in the nose can be formed in a single amount, and in some cases there are many. They can be located in any part of the nasal cavity, especially if the cause is sinusitis or other infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Until the cyst in the nose becomes large, she may not show herself anything. The person does not care about stuffy nose, swelling of the mucous membrane, but this is until the inflammatory process occurs.

Has a cyst appeared in the nose? Is it dangerous? The photo shows that for the time being no discomfort is felt by a person at all. Education begins to form from the glands of the nasal mucosa , and gradually there is a violation of its functions. And is guilty of all cysts!

Varieties of neoplasms

In medicine, two types of nasal cysts are diagnosed:

  • The true cyst appears from the mucosa and, as a rule, consists of two layers.
  • False can be formed from other tissues and has only one layer. Its cause is most often the allergic reaction of the body.

Do not panic immediately with a diagnosis like a cyst in the nose. What is this, the doctor will explain to you. To be frightened it is not necessary, in some cases treatment can be at once and it is not necessary.

Cyst in the nose: causes

The process of formation of cysts in the nose starts at a time when thick mucus constantly begins to block the opening of the gland ducts, which are located in the maxillary sinuses. Over time, the exudate begins to stretch the glands, which leads to the appearance of capsules with liquid contents.

Did you have a cyst in the nose? Is it dangerous? At once you can calm down, since this formation has nothing to do with cancerous tumors. Usually the main cause of cyst formation is sinusitis, although other inflammatory diseases can contribute to their appearance.

Here are some reasons and factors that can become a trigger mechanism for the formation of a cyst in the nose:

  • Allergic rhinitis;
  • Curvature of the nasal septum ;
  • Disorders in the structure of the nasal cavity;
  • Caries or pulpitis;
  • Asymmetry of the face against the background of an incorrect bite;
  • The descent of the hard palate.

In the presence of chronic diseases, such as rhinitis or sinusitis, the growth and formation of cysts in the nasal cavity occurs gradually and completely unnoticeably. Only a complete examination will help to recognize this pathology.

Symptoms of the disease

While the cyst is small, a person does not feel any discomfort. This can continue until the rhinitis or other inflammatory process in the nose begins. As the cyst grows in the nose, the symptoms that appear in this case are very similar to sinusitis:

  • There is a pain syndrome from the side of the forehead. Pain can be localized with one or both sides.
  • Pain in the region of the wings of the nose.
  • There is a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the nose.
  • The nose starts to periodically pawn, in due course this status becomes constant.
  • The genyantritis becomes more and more often.

If there is a cyst in the nose, the symptoms of sinusitis appear much brighter, and the treatment takes longer.

Complications of the cyst

If any infectious disease occurs, the cyst may be colonized by pathogenic bacteria. In this case, the cavity of the neoplasm is filled with a purulent fluid, and the symptoms begin to resemble an exacerbation of the sinusitis.

There are cases when for a long time the cyst grows slowly in the nose of a person, but he does not suspect anything. This is not reflected in his quality of life. But in some cases, education can cause some complications, for example, growing, the cyst can fill the entire maxillary sinus.

A person can not breathe normally, this leads to vessel spasms, the appearance of headaches and a lack of oxygen in the tissues. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms, then the question of whether the cyst in the nose - whether it is dangerous, is already guaranteed to have a positive response. Gradually, diseases of the cardiovascular system can develop, the work of the whole organism worsens, and in severe cases, breathing stops during a night's sleep.

Diagnosis of the disease

When the cyst is in the initial stage of growth and has small dimensions, it is difficult to correctly diagnose it. Only after suspicion of a neoplasm in the nasal cavity the otolaryngologist should carefully examine the patient and to confirm the diagnosis send it to a computer tomography or endoscopy.

These procedures are highly informative and accurate. After their conduction of doubts in the diagnosis does not remain. CT allows you to determine the presence of a cyst in the nose, its size and location. During endoscopy on the screen, the doctor sees the actual image of the formation, as well as its exact location. This method makes it possible to record and compare the results with the treatment.

Treatment of cysts

Usually, when different formations appear in the nose, this requires urgent treatment. In the case of a cyst, some doctors recommend monitoring its growth. Do this, of course, not yourself. If the cyst does not bother in the nose, the operation may not be necessary.

Physicians use the following methods to treat cysts:

  • Conservative therapy.
  • Operative intervention.
  • The use of folk remedies.

The method of treatment should be determined by the doctor, taking into account the size of the education.

Medication cysts

If there is a small cyst in the nose, treatment without surgery (the photo is presented below) is quite possible. Here it is necessary to rely on the reasons that led to its formation. If it's all about the sick teeth, then it's worth treating them, and the disease will recede.

It must be said that any physiotherapeutic procedures with this diagnosis are contraindicated, especially those associated with heating. This can lead to the growth of the cyst and the transition of the inflammatory process to healthy sinuses.

Among the main conservative methods of treatment are the following:

  • Application of glucocorticosteroids.
  • Burying in the nose of vasoconstrictor drugs.
  • Pumping fluid out of the cyst.

None of these methods gives 100% guarantee of cure. If you already have a cyst in the nose, treatment without surgery can only slow down the process a little. At the same time, the recurrence of recurrence of the disease also decreases.

If the cause of the formation of the cyst became sinusitis, then it is necessary to treat, above all, this pathological process. Without this, getting rid of the new growth is impossible.

Cyst removal

There is the only way to fight the cyst, which gives a 100% guarantee of getting rid of it, is an operative intervention. However, this treatment is not always and not for everyone. When a "cyst in the nose" is diagnosed, the operation can be performed in several ways:

  • Laser removal.
  • Endoscopic method.
  • Surgical excision.

The method of disposal is chosen by the attending physician after a complete examination and study of the course of the disease. Lately, laser removal has been very popular. This is almost painless, and after the operation, recovery occurs in a short time, which can not be said about surgical intervention.

In addition, the laser is not contraindicated in people with allergies and bronchial asthma.

Surgical removal

Most often still resort to prompt intervention. This method is considered the most effective and not expensive. During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision under the upper lip and opens the sinus wall. After that, the contents are completely deleted.

Despite the high efficiency, the operation has its drawbacks:

  • The patient experiences pain during manipulation.
  • After the operation, the front wall does not overgrow with bone tissue, scars form.
  • In some cases, patients then start complaining about the constant discomfort in the place of surgical intervention.
  • There is a possibility of chronic sinusitis.

It is necessary to decide the removal of a cyst in conjunction with a doctor. If the education does not increase in size and does not cause inconvenience, then the removal process can be delayed.

Traditional methods of treatment

Most doctors can immediately offer to remove the cyst surgically. However, folk healers are sure that if there is a cyst in the nose, treatment without surgery by folk remedies can be quite effective.

You can try the following tools:

  • Bury into the nose the juice of aloe. Such treatment should be continued for about 6 months, every 25 days to take a break.

  • You can use the infusion for the same purposes.
  • As therapeutic agents, it is useful to use tinctures or decoctions of plants such as golden mustard and hemlock.
  • You can dig a cyclamen tuber, squeeze out the juice from them and dig in 2-3 drops into each nostril.
  • It is also useful to use this recipe: squeeze juice from onions and potatoes, mix them in equal proportions and add the same amount of honey. This composition should be dig in the nose three times a day for 2-3 drops in each nostril.
  • For washing, you can use the following recipe: grind one onion, take half a glass of hot water, dissolve in it half a teaspoon of honey and add the onion gruel, insist 5 hours, and then twice a day use to wash the nasal sinuses.
  • From celandine squeeze out 100 ml of juice and dilute in 0.5 l of propolis tincture. In it, add 200 grams of honey, stir everything and take 1 tablespoon before eating.
  • It is useful to drink infusion of herbs. To do this, you should take the same number of horsetail, lilac flowers, grass root and wild rose berries. 2 spoonfuls of brewing in 0.5 liters of boiling water (it's better to do it in a thermos at night), and then take a glass several times a day.

These recipes only confirm: if a cyst is found in the nose, treatment without surgery by folk remedies is quite capable of helping to alleviate the condition of the patient.

If you use the next "grandmother" recipe for a long time, then the positive effect is guaranteed: medical alcohol, honey, sunflower oil, milk, juice from onions and laundry soap in equal quantities must be put in a container, put in a steam bath and heated until All components will not dissolve. After the mixture has cooled, it is necessary to moisten the swabs in it and put them on for 15 minutes in each nostril. After a while, such procedures can be concluded that when diagnosed as a "cyst in the nose," treatment with folk remedies can give a good effect.

Prevention of disease

Despite the fact that it is problematic to prevent various inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, prevention of cyst formation is quite possible.

For this you need:

  • Conduct the correct treatment of sinusitis.
  • Always treat a common runny nose.
  • Eliminate irregular bite in children.
  • In time to treat sick teeth.
  • Carry out prophylaxis of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.

You were diagnosed with a "cyst in the nose"? "Is it dangerous?" - you ask. Pay attention to your health and do not forget to follow the recommendations listed above. Very often, these new growths develop asymptomatically, and it may take too long before you find and begin to experience some discomfort caused by the cyst in the nasal cavity. Take care of your health and contact your doctor in a timely manner!

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