HealthDiseases and Conditions

Symptoms of infective endocarditis: Osler's nodule

The appearance of pathological elements on the skin is accompanied by a variety of diseases. In some cases, densification is not a sign of dermatological pathologies, but is due to other causes. One of the examples of such formations on the skin is Osler's bundle. This element can be found in people with long-term infectious endocarditis. When Osler's nodules appear, a check-up is necessary. It should be remembered that self-treatment of seals on the skin can only weaken this symptom, but it will not relieve the cause of the disease. Therefore, such signs serve as an excuse for contacting a specialist.

Osler's knot - what is it?

Knots are called seals, which appeared on the surface of the skin. In most cases, they occur on the back of the hand or foot, fingers. Osler's knot never arises on his own, that is, for no reason. It is only a symptom of such a pathology as infective endocarditis. This disease occurs in children and young people, less often - in old age. Osler's nodules are painful seals on the skin. They are caused by damage to the vascular system. The color of the seal varies from pink to burgundy. When palpation nodules can be displaced. Usually they occur suddenly, with an exacerbation of the disease. In most cases, the seals dissolve themselves without leaving traces. With a severe degree of endocarditis and the absence of treatment, nodules do not disappear for a long time (weeks, months). To distinguish these formations from seals arising from other pathologies, it is necessary to be examined by a cardiologist.

The reason for the appearance of Osler knots

Osler's knot is developed because of inflammatory infiltration of subcutaneous fat. The cause of this symptom is the ingress of bacterial agents into the vessels of the microcirculatory bed and their defeat. This sign indicates that the disease began a long time and acquired a chronic course. The following conditions serve as the etiological factors of infective endocarditis:

  1. Rheumatic heart disease. Most often occurs in childhood and adolescence. Pathology usually develops in people suffering from chronic inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis).
  2. Atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels and heart.
  3. Mechanical effects (injuries), damaging valves.

First of all, infectious endocarditis affects the inner layer of the heart. Then the valve apparatus is involved in the process. With a long course of pathology, bacterial or viral particles with blood flow spread throughout the body. Part of the microbes settles on the walls of the vessels, causing their inflammation. In this way Osler's nodules are formed.

Infectious endocarditis: symptoms of the disease

The clinical picture of infectious endocarditis at the beginning of the disease resembles other infectious pathologies. First of all, the symptoms of inflammation develop. These include: an increase in body temperature (sometimes up to 40 degrees), pain in the joints and muscles. Also, patients may be disturbed by unpleasant sensations in the heart, tachycardia, a feeling of "tingling." With the spread of infection, endocarditis takes on a septic character. This means that the pathogens of the disease have entered the bloodstream and can enter other organs. The defeat of blood vessels can be judged by such a symptom as the appearance of Osler's nodules. They occur on the skin of the feet and brushes, have a red color, are slightly painful on palpation. The magnitude of these infiltrates can reach the size of a pea. Usually they pass independently for 5-7 days.

Another symptom is Rota spots. To detect this sign, it is necessary to examine the fundus. These formations represent sites of hemorrhage on the retina with a cent of enlightenment in the middle. Rota spots can occur not only with endocarditis. For this reason, they are not an accurate diagnostic criterion.

How to get rid of Osler's nodules?

To cure Osler's nodules on the palms and feet, complex therapy is necessary. First of all, it should be aimed at eliminating the cause of this symptom - infectious endocarditis. To do this, use antibacterial drugs "Penicillin", "Streptomycin" or medicines cephalosporin series. In cases of severe damage to the valves, surgical intervention is necessary. For local treatment of Osler's nodules apply lotions with infusion of celandine, honey.

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