Health, Diseases and Conditions
Treatment of chronic cystitis in women: what you need to know
Cystitis is difficult to confuse with another ailment. Acute pain during urination, severe discomfort after it ... Women who do not attach importance to the disease and do not treat it, face a chronic form. It is necessary to know the pathology "in person" to eliminate. Treatment of chronic cystitis in women is a topic of concern to almost a third of the population of our planet.
What is the selectivity of the disease?
The fact that representatives of the fair sex face pathology much more often than men, says statistics. Doctors say that often an ailment catches up women aged 18-45 years.
This selectivity of pathology is very simple. Initially, it is worth paying attention to anatomical features. The urethra in women is short and broad, unlike the male. Consequently, the infection is much easier to penetrate into the bladder.
Another factor that provokes in women the occurrence of cystitis, is the neglect of warm things. For the sake of beauty, young women wear short skirts, trousers that sit on the hips, thin pantyhose on cold frosty days.
What is cystitis?
What is the disease? The cavity of the bladder is lined with mucous membranes. Under the influence of certain factors, it can become inflamed. This process was called cystitis. If during a year a person faces relapses of this pathology twice or thrice, chronic cystitis is diagnosed. In women, treatment is prescribed by either a urologist or a gynecologist.
Causes of the disease
Do not yourself fight with such a pathology as cystitis. Women have symptoms, treatment, the causes of the disease are quite diverse. Correctly diagnose the source that triggered the development of the disease, only a specialist can. He will select an adequate scheme of drug therapy.
It is highly not recommended to choose an independent treatment for chronic cystitis. What do you need to know for those patients who buy drugs, hoping for recovery? Modern medicines can cure cystitis, but the cause of the disease does not eliminate. In this case, relapse and complications can not be avoided.
Cystitis occurs as a result of the following reasons:
- Hormonal changes;
- Trauma to the mucous membrane;
- Stagnant phenomena in the small pelvis;
- Prolonged sitting position;
- Poor hygiene of the genitals;
- Preference for tight lingerie;
- Frequent prolonged constipation;
- Supercooling (especially the pelvic area);
- Abuse of spicy, spicy food;
- Transferred urological, venereological, gynecological inflammatory ailments;
- avitaminosis.
The main reasons for the development of chronic cystitis are the following:
- Constant supercooling;
- The presence in the body of bacteria that promote cystitis;
- The urethra is deep;
- urolithiasis disease;
- Diverticula (hernial protrusions, stones) in the bladder;
- Infection with mucous viruses;
- Infected hydronephrosis;
- Leukoplakia of the bladder;
- Lowering the resistance of mucous bacteria;
- Infectious ailments of the genitourinary system, capable of being transmitted sexually.
Characteristic symptomatology
The most vulnerable are women with weakened immunity of such a pathology as chronic cystitis. Treatment (symptoms, signs are sufficiently characteristic) will be prescribed only after the true causes that have caused the disease are established.
Women face the following manifestations of the disease:
- Burning during urination;
- Discomfort in the lower abdomen;
- Frequent urge to go to the toilet;
- Painful urination ;
- Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
- Small amount of urine;
- Increase in temperature (37.5 ° C);
- Urine of a murky color;
- Ache in the lower back;
- Hematuria - the presence of blood in the urine.
First aid for relief
These recommendations should not be taken as prescribed treatment of chronic cystitis in women. A few tips will only help get rid of an acute attack if there is no way to contact the clinic immediately.
To stop acute cystitis will need drugs:
- "No-shpa";
- "Monorel" or "Phytolysin";
- "Monural" (3 g) - 2 packs.
Temporary treatment of cystitis in women (chronic and acute) is as follows:
- The medicine "No-shpa" is taken in the amount of 1-2 tablets.
- The drug "Monural" should be used 1 time before bedtime. If relapses are repeated often, you can apply two days for 1 time. Take the medicine on an empty stomach. And only for the night.
- The drug "Monouryl" ("Phytolysin") is taken according to the instructions. It is important not to use the medication in those days when the "Monural" remedy is used.
After completion of this treatment, after weeks 2, it is necessary to take tests and undergo a medical examination.
Diagnosis of pathology
Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will recommend taking the tests. It is they that make it possible to determine how pronounced the dysfunction of the bladder is, the degree of mucosal damage. In addition, this diagnosis will determine what was the starting point for the development of pathology.
The most effective are the following laboratory tests:
- Analysis of urine. It allows to identify the causative agent of the disease. Determines the degree of damage to the bladder, the intensity of inflammation.
- Cystography, cystoscopy. Such studies establish the type of pathology, the extent of the lesion. Based on these analyzes, the presence in the bladder of stones, tumors, ulcers, fistula is determined.
- Biopsy of the mucosa. This study is assigned to patients who are diagnosed with a chronic form of cystitis and the symptomatology is vague. Analysis allows you to exclude serious pathologies, such as bladder cancer.
Treatment of the disease
Leaving aside this pathology is unacceptable. It should be emphasized once again that a favorable outcome is possible only when the treatment of chronic cystitis in women is correctly selected.
The first stage is the removal of discomfort and the elimination of rapid urination. This task will help to solve the thermal procedure. It relaxes the smooth muscles of the bladder and helps prevent spasmodic contractions. Sitting baths are recommended, or a warm water bottle is placed on the bottom of the stomach.
Medication Therapy
Specific drugs are prescribed individually, which can eliminate chronic cystitis in women. Treatment is based on the following means:
- Anesthetic (antispasmodic) drugs. In case of ineffectiveness of thermal procedures, these medicines are recommended. Often prescribe drugs "Analgin", "Papaverin", "Baralgin", "No-shpa."
- NSAIDs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can remove inflammation, provide an analgesic and antipyretic effect. They are used for a very severe pain syndrome. The most optimal drugs are Ibuprofen, Faspik, Mig, Nurofen, Ibuklin.
- Antibacterial medicines. They are necessarily included in the therapy. However, it should be remembered that the doctor selects antibiotics strictly individually, taking into account the course of the disease, the characteristics of the organism. Widespread use of drugs "Monural", "Nitroxoline", "Furadonin", "Furagin", "Rulid", "Palin", "Nolitsin", "Nevigramon."
- Phytomedication. They are an integral part of complex therapy. Excellent uroseptikami are considered herbal preparations: extracts bearberry, horsetail, cranberries. The medicines "Tsiston", "Kanefron", "Monurel", "Phytolysin" are in demand.
- Probiotics. These drugs must necessarily be combined with antiviral therapy. The purpose of these drugs is to normalize the vaginal and intestinal microflora. The most popular probiotics prescribed for cystitis are drugs "Acipol", "RioFlora Balance", "Rio Flora Immuno", "Bifiform", "Hilak Forte."
Physiotherapy in case of disease
In addition to drug treatment, patients are prescribed procedures. Effectively improves the blood supply to the walls of the bladder physiotherapy. Patients are recommended:
- Inductothermy;
- Iontophoresis with nitrofurans and antiseptics;
- UHF procedures;
- Electrophoresis with medicinal solutions;
- Mud applications.
These procedures should be repeated 3-4 months later.
Folk remedies
There are several excellent recipes that help to combat such pathology as chronic cystitis in women. Treatment with folk remedies must necessarily be agreed with the treating doctor.
A decoction of chamomile and aloe juice is effective enough . Dry inflorescences (3 tablespoons) are placed in an enamel saucepan, poured into water (0.5 liters) and brought to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes. After that, cover the pan and cover with a warm terry towel. Minutes through fifteen decoction must be filtered.
During this time, it is necessary to squeeze out the aloe juice (5 tablespoons). Both components are mixed. This product should be drunk in small sips for one day.
Treatment lasts no less than 1 month, even if the symptoms of the disease disappear earlier.
Collection No. 1
For the treatment of chronic cystitis, a medicinal decoction is used in women. To collect the following ingredients:
- Birch leaves - 1 part;
- Root aira - 1 part;
- Leaves of bearberry - 2 parts;
- Herb yarrow - 2 parts;
- Flax seeds - 1 part.
Before cooking, you need to grind the grass a little. Overnight mixed ingredients are poured with boiling water. The calculation is as follows: at 1 tbsp. L. Collect 1 glass of water. The use of the drug is possible in about two hours. Take it necessary during the day, about twenty minutes before eating, for 1 glass.
Collection number 2
Treatment of chronic cystitis in women is effectively performed with this drug. The conditions for the reception and manufacturing of this infusion completely coincide with those that are inherent in collection No. 1.
To prepare the ingredients:
- Herb horsetail, bearberry - 1 part;
- Juniper berries - 1 part.
Collection number 3
It is necessary to stock up the following ingredients:
- Grass nettle, St. John's wort, mountaineer bird (sporich), shepherd's bag, plantain, sage - 1 part.
- Leaves of cowberry, mother-and-stepmother - in 1 part.
Take and prepare this drink should be the same as the collection number 1.
It is very important to follow all the doctor's recommendations. Be sure to follow all his instructions, take only those drugs that will be assigned to you. And then you will forget about cystitis forever. Health to you!
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