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What will the stains in the child's tongue tell?

Caring mother, kissing and feeding her child, will not forget to look at his tongue. He can tell a lot about the health of the child, even if the baby himself does not say a word.

So, what can spots tell in the child's language.

What should alert my mother

Looking at the tongue of the baby, the mother must, of course, understand how he looks normal. In healthy crumbs the tongue is pink, smooth, with evenly located papillae. If the color or shape of the surface of the tongue has changed, it means that the body is undergoing some changes and, as a rule, painful. Next, possible spots in the language will be described . The photo will help you better understand what is at stake.

Geographical language

If a tiny tongue is covered with pink spots with a yellowish border and looks like a map depicting countries and continents, do not worry. These are not dangerous changes, and by the age of six they will pass by themselves. The child does not bother. However, sometimes it can be a signal of an allergic reaction.

Dark spots in the tongue

After prolonged use of antibiotics, dark spots may appear. This indicates the presence of fungus on the mucous membrane of the tongue. With such a problem, you need to consult a doctor who prescribes antifungal drugs. Do not try to eliminate dark spots in the child's tongue.

Another reason for the appearance of dark spots may be problems with the pancreas and gallbladder. In this case it is necessary to make an ultrasound, which will help to determine the presence or absence of diseases.

White spots

White spots on the tongue of a child cause fungi-candida, which people call "thrush". The babies still have a rather weak immunity, and these pathogenic fungi almost freely populate their mouths. White spots are like a small cottage cheese and usually cover the whole inner surface of the mouth: tongue, cheeks, sky. They are located chaotically, without clear contours.

The kid, as a rule, with his own behavior also makes it clear to his mother that something is amiss with him: he is capricious, eats and sleeps worse. Only if you can not immediately consult a doctor, you can make a solution from a teaspoon of soda dissolved in a liter of water, and process stains in the language of the child twice a day. But still, at the first opportunity, consult a doctor!

Sometimes white spots (though, then they are located under the tongue) can also be a signal that little oxygen is supplied to the baby's brain. This is due to disturbances in the functioning of the brain vessels. You understand that this is a very serious symptom, and therefore, contact the doctor without delay.

A little more about coloring the tongue

Disturbances of the mucous membrane of the stomach cause the appearance of yellow spots on the tongue . And poorly working digestive organs give a grayish coating. When colitis the tongue looks "lacquered".

If the back third of the tongue is covered with a white coating, then the baby has problems with the large intestine, and the white middle third of the tongue is a signal about the diseases of the duodenum. Completely white, "obvozhenny" language, speaks about the presence of dysbiosis, or even gastritis. A violation of the level of acidity of the stomach will lead to the fact that this tongue tip will turn red.

If the lower part of the tongue of the crumb has a bluish tinge, then one can suspect a malfunction in the operation of the cardiovascular system. But the problems with the kidneys will manifest a burgundy tinge.

Let the little tongues of your kids be pink and talkative!

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