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Black and pink spots on the tongue. Is it dangerous or not?

About human health a lot can tell his language. And the person will be silent, and "speak" will be his language with his appearance, color, thickness, presence of a raid. In oriental medicine, language is a kind of card, a guide for a specialist in identifying problematic organs in a patient.

In a healthy person, the tongue is pale pink with a longitudinal even fold, ordinary moisture, soft, with protuberance - located on the middle line and does not deviate, freely moving around. Even in a healthy person, a small amount of plaque may appear on the tongue, the layer of which may be somewhat thicker in the summer than in winter. This is due to the presence or absence of some vitamins in our diet.

At this or that pathology in an organism there can be stains in language. For example, there is such a thing as a "geographical" language. For some, it is very similar to the geographical map that we know from the fifth grade. There is a more blurred, barely noticeable "map". In adults with prolonged chronic disease of this type, spots in the tongue seem very deep. In children, such a language can be observed at a very early age. And the spots in the language can change their outlines almost every day. If the child does not worry about anything, then the doctor can not be treated (more precisely, to calm down, it is better to show the child to a specialist, but most often no treatment will be required for the baby). And by the age of six, these spots usually pass by themselves.

A pink spot on the tongue most often indicates a deficiency of vitamins. In this case, you should consult a nutritionist, and if necessary, to conduct a survey.

White or gray spots may appear on the tongue. They are sufficiently dense in structure and rise above the surface of the tongue. The cause of these spots is the constant traumatization of the tongue and mucous membranes of cheeks with improperly made dentures, smoking abuse. These spots in the language are not dangerous. But if they are constantly traumatized, then they can degenerate into malignant formation, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the condition of the mucous membranes and if necessary show to the doctor.

Just tongue and mucous mouth can form just white spots. They appear at any age, beginning with the first day of the child's life. In everyday life they are called "thrush", in official medicine - candidal stomatitis. The reason for the development of these spots is the candida fungus. Such white spots have a specific cheesy appearance, cover the entire surface of the tongue, the sky, cheeks. In severe cases, they can reach the tonsils. Such spots do not have a shape, but they have quite clear boundaries. They are arranged asymmetrically. In children, thrush may be accompanied by a rise in temperature. The child badly eats, worries, is capricious, his sleep suffers. In adults, also the appetite is broken. Currently, there are various drugs for treatment of thrush. And it's better if they are advised by a doctor. At home, a soda solution is used to fight thrush (one teaspoon of soda per 1 liter of water), which is treated with spots twice a day, the solution must be warm.

Among all the variety of spots, black is also found. A black spot on a tongue can be one and a small size, and can occupy the entire surface of the tongue. Then they talk about black or villous tongue. Finally, the reason for the appearance of black language is not established. One of the hypotheses is a prolonged treatment with antibiotics. At one time it was believed that the spots - this is directly the fungus, living on the mucous membrane of the tongue. However, with a more detailed study, it became clear that the black spots are the changed papillae of the tongue, which became larger, stiffer, and changed the usual color to dark brown or black. This color papillae give the decay products of microbes that live in the oral cavity and process iron from food. This state of the tongue is more common in adults, but it can also be in children, the fight with such a phenomenon must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

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