Health, Diseases and Conditions
Oxalates in urine: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Oxalates are oxalic acid salts , represented mainly by calcium and ammonium salts. Determine the presence of oxalate in the general analysis of urine, with microscopy of urinary sediment. Crystals of oxalate salts have a characteristic shape in the form of transparent octahedra or postal envelopes. They can be found in the urine not only in the sediment, but also in the suspended state. In addition to oxalates in urine, urates, phosphates, carbonates and other types of salts can be found . The appearance of one or another type depends on the characteristics of the patient's diet.
If urinary oxalate is detected, the cause of this symptom may be different. In a small amount, oxalate in urine or oxaluria can be detected in normal use with some foods. The development of oxaluria is promoted by the use of products containing a large amount of oxalic acid: spinach, tomatoes, chocolate, legumes, coffee, strong tea, citrus. In addition to increased intake from food, oxalate in the urine can appear with inflammatory bowel diseases, after surgery on the abdominal organs, excessive intake of ascorbic acid, hypovitaminosis B6. Oxalates in urine are often detected in residents of regions with a low content of magnesium in drinking water and food products.
Single detection of salts in the urine is not diagnostic and does not require treatment. If oxalates in the urine are detected during a second study, there is an increase in their number, then this indicates a metabolic disorder and can lead to the development of urolithiasis or nephrolithiasis.
Small stones in the urinary tract, consisting of oxalates, are distinguished by a smooth surface, light brown in color. Large oxalates have an uneven, rough surface, dark brown in color, solid.
Nephrolithiasis is often accompanied by pyelonephritis (chronic inflammation of the urinary tract). Urolithiasis is manifested by the periodic development of attacks of renal colic.
Oxalates form in the body endogenously and only in a small amount can be absorbed in the intestine from food.
Diagnosis of oxalates in urine and nephrolithiasis
The main method of diagnosis, which allows to determine oxalates in urine is the most common general urine test. No other diagnostic methods are required.
Diagnosis of the presence of stones in the urinary tract can be done using instrumental studies. The most informative are the X-ray study of the kidneys - urography and ultrasound examination of the kidneys.
Treatment of oxaluria
If urinary oxalate is detected in laboratory urine tests, the treatment consists primarily in the appointment of a diet. From the diet of the patient must be excluded products containing large quantities of oxalic acid: coffee, strong tea, cocoa, chocolate, tomatoes, spinach, sorrel, citrus. You can eat dairy products, boiled meat and fish, white breads, sweet fruit.
It is necessary to increase the volume of the received liquid. For a day it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of various fruit drinks, compote, mineral water, loose tea with lemon. It is better that the liquid is slightly acidified. To remove the formed salts, you can use herbal medicine, that is, treatment with medicinal herbs. Some medicinal herbs have the ability to dissolve small stones and remove salts from the urinary tract. For this purpose, for a long time, decoctions and infusions have been used from herb spores, leaves of strawberries, corn stigmas, field horsetail, birch buds.
Inside appoint sodium citrate and potassium citrate, due to which the formation of complexes of sparingly soluble calcium salts decreases, the concentration of its ions decreases and complexes with citrate are formed.
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