HealthDiseases and Conditions

Salts in the urine: features and diagnostics

When a person gives an urine test, laboratory assistants test it for the presence or absence of several indicators characterizing the diseases of systems and organs. One such indicator is the salt in the urine, which, when the urine settles, begins to precipitate. When the concentration of salts is high, the precipitate is formed in any case.

In urine, either an acidic or alkaline medium may predominate. If the urine is acidic, then salts such as uric acid crystals, oxalates and urates can be found in it. When urine has an alkaline base, triphosphate salts, amorphous phosphates, phosphaturia fall precipitate. The presence of alkaline base salts in the sediment indicates the development of urolithiasis.

It should not be excluded that salts in the urine, the causes of which many see only in diseases, can appear as a result of the ingestion of certain foods. Thus, uric acid crystals can be the result of eating a large number of meat products, as well as a strong perspiration and a low level of consumed liquid.

When urate appears in a person in the urine, they can be seen with the naked eye. Salts in the urine of this kind appear with fever, leukemia, and also with a huge loss of fluid, which happens with diarrhea, vomiting and profuse sweating.

The presence of oxalate in the urine can be caused by the use of sorrel, apples, tomatoes and oranges. When their number exceeds the permissible norm, this indicates the development of urolithiasis or diabetes mellitus. Also, the causes can be poisoning with antifreeze and brake fluid. As a rule, most patients who have been diagnosed with persistent presence of oxalates in urine suffer from pyelonephritis. Also, the cause of the presence of these salts is Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic vitamin B6 deficiency, and excessive use of ascorbic acid. The main way to lower the level of oxalates in urine is a strict diet :

  1. Exclusion from the diet of chocolate products, sorrel, citrus, any currant, dogrose, as well as ascorbic acid and meat broths.
  2. It is allowed to eat fruits, dairy products, sour cream, vegetable and butter, wheat bread.
  3. From medicines prescribe the intake of magnesium and vitamin B6.

Tripolphosphates can appear as a result of the use of exclusively plant foods, as well as in cystitis. Amorphous salts in urine also result from a constant vegetable diet. It can also serve as an excuse for diagnosing kidney stones and cystitis.

It should be remembered that urine itself is a solution of salts. When some salts precipitate, this indicates their excess content. If the salts in the urine exceed a specific rate, it can talk about violations of the work of some organs.

As a rule, a certain preparation is required before passing the urine test. First of all, a day before the test is given, it is strictly forbidden to eat vegetables and fruits that can change the color of urine. And you can not take diuretic medications. Before passing the analysis, you need to conduct hygienic procedures for cleaning the genitals. This is due to the fact that microorganisms of the sweat glands can enter the urine. Women can not take an urine test during menstruation. You need to hand in the morning urine.

You can try to diagnose salt in the urine, the symptoms of which are manifested as pain or impurity of blood, by carrying out so-called quantitative urinary samples (additional urine tests, for example, according to Nechiporenko). However, their results can only indicate problems with the kidneys. And the other causes, which result in salts in the urine, they do not light.

The main criterion for determining salts in urine, their concentrations and species is only clinical analysis.

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