HealthDiseases and Conditions

Causes, symptoms and treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis

Cases of chronic glomerulonephritis are quite common in modern medical practice. And although the symptoms of such a disease can be mildly expressed, qualified specialist help is required here, since the lack of treatment often leads to severe damage to the excretory system, up to the development of renal failure.

The main causes of chronic glomerulonephritis

This disease, as a rule, is secondary. The chronic form develops as a result of improper treatment of acute glomerulonephritis or lack of therapy. Much less often the disease develops independently, without the preceding acute inflammation. Risk factors can also include a decrease in immune defense, the presence of chronic foci of activity of pathogenic microorganisms, which is often observed in chronic tonsillitis, caries, sinusitis, and so on.

Again, it is worth noting that such a disease is extremely dangerous, as over the years it leads to irreversible changes in the kidney tissues and, as a consequence, to the development of renal failure.

Symptoms of chronic glomerulonephritis

The main signs of the disease depend primarily on its form, and kidney damage can affect the functioning of various organ systems. Nevertheless, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis differ in the clinical picture.

For example, there is often a so-called latent form of the disease, which does not manifest itself for many years. In some cases, the inflammatory process proceeds with strong swelling. Often, the disease is accompanied by hypertension, and constantly high blood pressure can lead to pathological changes in the fundus and hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart. And for the mixed form, both symptoms are typical: the patients suffer from high blood pressure and permanent edema. Only occasionally inflammation is accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood along with urine.

Treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis

In fact, the selection of a treatment regimen is individual and depends on the form of the disease and the severity of its symptoms. As a rule, patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, with increased pressure, drugs that normalize this index are used, while diuretics are often used for edema. At the same time, patients take vitamin complexes, as well as drugs that improve the flow of blood to the kidneys. An integral part of the treatment is proper nutrition.

Chronic glomerulonephritis: diet

The patient's diet depends primarily on the form of the disease. But in any case, patients are recommended to reduce the amount of table salt to 2.5 grams per day, to stop using alcoholic beverages. Prohibited are also pickles, smoked products and spices. If the disease is not accompanied by edema, then patients are allowed to use animal protein (in the form of boiled meat). In those cases, if glomerulonephritis causes severe swelling, it is necessary to limit the amount of proteins and, at the same time, increase the level of carbohydrates. Drinking regimen also depends on the underlying symptoms. When swelling is required to limit the amount of fluid used.

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