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Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov: biography, career, activity

Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov is a statesman of Russia and a candidate of economic sciences. He was appointed adviser to the Russian Mission to the UN and other organizations. He headed the post of head of the government, but since 2007 he was transferred to the external intelligence service Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov, where he now holds the post of director. Among his merits is the military rank of the reserve colonel and the civil rank of the state adviser of Russia.

Biography of Fradkov Mikhail Efimovich

He was born on September 1, 1950 in Kurumoch, Kuibyshev region, which was now renamed to Samara. The family of Mikhail Efimovich consisted of a pope, a mother and a younger sister named Olga. In the Krasnodar Territory, the Fradkov family came from behind their father, who was appointed head of geological research in those places in connection with the construction of the railway. After the completion of the construction process, the Fradkovs returned to Moscow.

Mikhail Efimovich graduated from the 170th school in Moscow (physics and mathematics class). Among his hobbies was volleyball and a visit to the photo circle. Teachers noted him as an active and diligent student. Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov, whose age is 66 years old, is currently in charge of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

Student years

After graduation he entered the Moscow State Technical University "Stankin" and got a degree in mechanical engineering. The Institute graduated with a red diploma in 1972. While studying, took an active part in the work of the Communist Party, was a member of it until the collapse in 1991. In 1972, Mikhail Fradkov passed specialized courses in English at the university where he studied. On this occasion, there were various rumors. According to unofficial information, Fradkov studied a special course of English with retraining at the KGB.

Business trip abroad

After graduation, he was assigned to New Delhi, India, to work in the Soviet Embassy, where Fradkov remained in this post until 1975. He was appointed as an engineer-interpreter. In such a business trip at that time they sent only close relatives of high-ranking officials or KGB officers. Because of this trip, many were interested in how he received this post and, in general, who is Fradkov Mikhail Efimovich. The biography in the official version does not contain any information about his service in intelligence.

From 1975 to 1978, Mikhail Efimovich worked as a senior engineer of the Tyazhprominvest association, which was engaged in the construction of plants in the metallurgy sector. Here, the statesman works as deputy head of the planning and commercial management, and from 1982 to 1984 - the head of economic management. In 1981, the official graduated from the Academy of Foreign Trade.

Carier start

Until 1988, Fradkov - deputy chief supply department of the State Committee of the USSR, and also participated in the working group of Konstantin Katushev, who was the minister of the country's foreign economy. The official was appointed adviser to the Russian representation in the UN and other organizations. He represented the state in the GAAT, the modern World Trade Organization. In 1991, he became deputy to Peter Aven, Minister for Foreign Economic Relations, and now head of Alfa Bank and one of the wealthiest people in the country. It was during his reign that privatization of large oil exporting enterprises began at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. The largest transaction of that time was the acquisition of a state-owned oil company Nafta Moskva.

Active Activities

Since 1993, Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov became the first deputy to the new Minister for Foreign Economic Relations Davydov . In the mid-nineties, information appeared about Fradkov's acquaintance with Vladimir Putin. As deputy minister he worked until 1997, then he was appointed to the post and. about. Minister and in the future Minister for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of the State. Two years later, Fradkov was appointed Minister of Trade of Russia.

In the spring of 1998, he was elected head of the board of directors of Ingosstrakh, and less than a year later he was appointed general director of the insurance company.

In 2000, the government led by Stepashin resigned, and Fradkov was appointed chief economic security officer and deputy secretary of the Russian Security Council.

Service in the Federal Tax Police

In 2001, in the spring, Fradkov was appointed director of the federal tax police service, where he worked until 2003. When he became head of the tax police, the employees were surprised that Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov became the director. How many years he worked in leadership positions, but he was a civilian, which is surprising for such a position. For his work in this post, he created an instruction that was aimed at calculating the malicious tax evaders and conducting explanatory work with them even without the involvement of law enforcement agencies. In general, during his time in office, the situation with the disclosure of crimes improved.

Also during the service was sponsored and created a TV series "Maroseyka, 12" about the life and work of the tax police. During his work, he proved himself to be a careful man, who carefully thinks over every word and action. The FSNP was dissolved in the summer of 2003, and the official started work as a federal minister, representing the country in the European Union. After the abolition of the FSNP, civilian employees in a minority moved to the department of the anti-drug committee, and most went under the wing of the Interior Ministry.

The post of head of government

In the spring of 2004, Mikhail Yefimovich was appointed to the post of head of government as a candidate from the Russian president instead of his predecessor, Mikhail Kasyanov. On March 2, he was nominated for the post of prime minister, and on March 5 it was approved by voting in the State Duma. Many consider him only acting, but not taking decisive action in this position. This happened because the government was headed by the president's staff. Appointed to the post of Prime Minister Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov, whose nationality is Jewish, he received the support of the chief rabbi of the country, who hoped to improve the situation of the Jewish community in the state. Soon after his appointment, Fradkov was baptized and became an Orthodox man. Yet for his rule, he made the following changes:

  1. Conducted administrative reform in 2004.
  2. I started implementing a project that offered affordable housing for Russian citizens.
  3. I signed a bill in which the benefits were replaced by monetary compensation, which caused a storm of protests among the population.
  4. Has launched the national projects "Health" and "Education".
  5. He began reforming the housing and communal services of the state, as a result of which about 15% of citizens could take a mortgage for housing. In this sphere, investors' money was attracted because of the development of the construction industry, which allowed changing the terms of lending.

Advantages and disadvantages of government work

The bill on the reform of the replacement of benefits with cash compensation is not very popular with people of retirement age, because they came out with demonstrations of protest. At the rallies they demanded the resignation of the government, and as a result the project was frozen. In March 2006, the head of government, in connection with unsatisfactory work to regulate inflation, reprimanded each ministry and threatened with dismissal if officials did not correct the situation.

On September 12, Vladimir Putin received a request from the head of government on the resignation of the government. Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov for many years himself held senior positions, but still criticized the situation with unscrupulous execution of orders and the work of the government. He explained his resignation as a step enabling the president of the Russian Federation to freely take any decisions and not limit the government's actions in connection with the forthcoming political changes in the country.

Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the country

The President personally thanked Fradkov for his service to the Motherland and noted the growth of the economy during his reign, the fall of inflation, the implementation of social projects for Russians and raising their incomes.

The official remained as acting head of the government until Viktor Zubkov was appointed in September 2007.

Fradkov Mikhail Efimovich, whose activities were highly appreciated by the government, after being appointed prime minister of Russia, was awarded the President with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland and was appointed director of the country's foreign intelligence service instead of Lebedev.

Family Officer

He is married to Elena O. Fradkova, the family has two sons. My wife has an economic education, but at the moment she does not work. Elena has experience working as a marketing specialist. In 1978, the first son Peter was born, who today holds the post of director in the financing department and is vice-president of Vnesheconombank. The youngest son is Pavel, he was born in 1981 and studied at the Suvorov School, but did not continue his military career. He graduated from the Academy of the Federal Security Service and is in the department of European cooperation as a third secretary.

Interesting information

Fradkov Mikhail Efimovich was born and raised in a Jewish family. There was information that his father, Yefim Fradkov, was a Hero of the Soviet Union, but the official denied this information. There is also a slightly different version. Then Efim Fradkov lived in the Samara region, where he came from, and Fradkov Mikhail Efimovich. The real name of the official could change, since the Jews at that time changed them everywhere.

The official conducts a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke and does not drink alcohol, as it monitors the state of health and follows the prohibition of doctors. After his arrival in the service of foreign intelligence, he announced a severe dry law to his subordinates and punishes them for his violation, regardless of their rank and awards.

Merit and awards

Mikhail Efimovich Fradkov speaks two languages, including Spanish and English. He defended his thesis on economics on the topic of modern trends in economic relations and external economic ties of the state.

The statesman was awarded many prizes, among which are the Order of Merit for the Homeland of the first and second degree, the Order of Honor and medals. He was awarded the title of "Honorary Officer of Counterintelligence of Russia" for improving communication between intelligence and the Ministry of Foreign Economy. He was also awarded the title of the best counterintelligence worker in 1994, which is considered very important in the Federal Security Service. Fradkov was a laureate of the Andropov Prize for his contribution to the country's security organization. He did a lot for Russia and continues his activities as head of the SVR.

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