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Lavender honey: useful properties and contraindications

If someone was lucky enough to see flowering lavender fields, then it is impossible to forget. The endless lilac expanses and will float up in memory. Lavender honey is another pleasant memory in the piggy bank of the most wonderful moments.

Honey from the flowers of lavender

Approximately from the middle of spring and until the end of summer on the boundless lilac expanses, bees are scurrying everywhere, collecting fragrant nectar from flowers. Lavender honey is one of the best varieties. This characteristic is due, above all, its organoleptic qualities. Thus, nectar has a delicate consistency, harmonious taste and healing properties.

Like the plant itself, the sweet product is useful for the human body - heals the diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, and also promotes the effective healing of wounds.

Description of the plant

For the preparation of honey, plant varieties such as broad-leaved and narrow-leafed lavender, as well as lavander (a hybrid of the above varieties) are used. They grow the plant in southern France and England, Australia and Italy, as well as North America and Yugoslavia. Therefore, when buying lavender honey in stores, you should pay attention to the country of origin.

Lavender grows in small bushes with leaves of silvery color. Her flowers are gently purple, maybe not as beautiful as roses or chrysanthemums, but the smell that exudes lavender fields can make your head spin.

This plant receives an essential oil that has amazing properties and, of course, honey - an incredibly valuable and tasty product.

Useful properties of lavender

Even in ancient times, lavender was used as a universal remedy. For example, in Arab medicine, the plant was used as an expectorant and anesthetic. In European countries, lavender flowers were used for the early healing of wounds. Currently, all the medicinal properties of this plant are proven from a medical point of view.

Flowers have a diuretic, anticonvulsant and soothing effect. It is no coincidence that this plant is added to various creams and oils, which it is desirable to use before bed. In addition, lavender is an excellent antiseptic, so it is widely used for the healing of various wounds and burns.

Lavender honey: useful properties

Freshly picked honey from lavender flowers is like gold. Moreover, in terms of its valuable qualities, the product is not inferior to noble metal. Sparkling color combined with a unique aroma make lavender honey the most recognizable among similar products. Even with a closed container, you can not not feel the unique aroma of lavender fields. The product crystallizes not soon, but in the process itself it turns from a viscous and liquid state into a thick cream of white color. In fact, lavender white honey is not a kind of delicacy, but its condition.

All medicinal properties of the plant honey carefully absorbed into itself. The product, in addition to having a therapeutic and soothing effect, is incredibly tasty and aromatic. Honey from lavender flowers helps heal wounds, calms the nervous system, helps reduce pain, and also effectively fights bacteria and microorganisms.

Scope of the product

Lavender honey is used not only as a preventive and therapeutic agent. Has found the application he honey and in cosmetology. So, for example, masks on its basis allow to make a skin incredibly velvety. The product can be used for both the face and the whole body. Lavender honey is an excellent antiseptic, therefore cosmetic procedures on its basis allow to remove irritation and reduce inflammatory processes on the skin. Honey lotion is an effective remedy against acne.

Is lavender honey good? Useful properties and contraindications

The product photo eloquently shows how sparkling and golden it can be. In fact, the delicacy is not distinguished by a negative impact on the human body. An exception can be only one - individual intolerance of honey products or an allergic reaction.

Some experts in the field of medicine do not recommend using lavender honey and other products from this plant in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as after the abortions. This is due to the fact that the plant can cause a reduction in the uterus and, consequently, bleeding. In addition, lavender products should be consumed in moderation - the opposite can lead to depression and a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Healing properties of lavender specifically for the beautiful half of humanity

Mountain flower, which sang Sofia Rotaru, is useful for women. In addition to the broadest application for cosmetic purposes, lavender is widely used to improve the condition of the female body. What are the qualities of lavender honey? Useful properties and contraindications are actual information, which must be read before starting to systematically use the product.

Lavender is used to create unique aromas, aromatic soaps and candles, as well as to create room air fresheners. By the way, if you put a few twigs of lavender in the room, there will remain for a long time an incredibly fresh and pleasant aroma that you can feel only the boundless lilac spaces.

Lavender honey in moderate amounts allows:

  • Stabilize the menstrual cycle;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • To reduce painful sensations and to stop the inflammatory process in the body;
  • Restore strength and improve overall health.

It is a natural product created by nature itself. Useful properties make it possible to use it as a natural medicinal and cosmetic preparation. Lavender honey is a unique dietary product that is suitable for daily use in moderate amounts. In addition, the natural product has a general beneficial effect on the human body.

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