HealthDiseases and Conditions

Purulent otitis in children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Purulent otitis in children occurs very often. It is characterized by inflammation in the middle ear. Most often, this disease manifests itself in toddlers from 6 months to a year and a half. And in boys it occurs more often than in girls.

Disease in the child appears due to infection in the middle ear cavity. This occurs during colds or due to damage to the thin eardrum, which occurs due to improper cleaning of the ears or foreign matter entering them. Also contribute to the appearance of otitis may be an incorrect bathing of the baby, during which the water enters the ear. Therefore, this procedure should be done carefully.

Purulent otitis in children has such symptoms: sudden pain in the ear (while the baby is very restless, constantly crying), as well as unpleasant discharge, having a yellow-green color. The child also can not sleep properly, he has a high fever, he loses his appetite. In addition, you can determine the otitis by pressing on the edge of the auricle. In this case, the baby begins to cry and worry. If the tympanic membrane bursts under pressure, and the pus comes out, the temperature in the child may decrease, and the pain may go away. However, this does not mean that the focus of inflammation should not be eliminated. Naturally, it is necessary to cure concomitant diseases. They can be the cause of inflammation in the middle ear.

Before treating a purulent otitis, it is necessary to show the child to the pediatrician, since self-medication can have serious consequences, down to deafness. If the diagnosis is correct, then immediately begin therapy. The sooner the treatment starts, the less complications the body will get.

So, if the baby has a very high temperature, then it is necessary to give him an antipyretic. You should choose exactly the preparation that suits your child. Do not think that ear drops will solve all the problems associated with the disease. Treatment should be comprehensive.

Purulent otitis in children involves local treatment with therapeutic drops in the ears and nose. In addition, medications in the middle ear can enter the ENT, and a puncture of the tympanic membrane is required. It should also be carried out and physiotherapy. During the period of treatment, parents should more closely monitor the hygiene of the child.

Purulent otitis in children is eliminated with antibiotics, which have a wide spectrum of action. In addition, if necessary, the baby is given antihistamines. Since during the illness the risk of intoxication increases, the child should be given a lot of drinking.

Purulent otitis, the treatment of which is not simple and easy, is considered quite a serious disease. It can have serious consequences. First of all, we are talking about deafness, and irreversible. In addition, the child can develop meningitis, and this disease is already very dangerous. Therefore, it is so important not to miss the first signs of the disease.

A small child is still very weak to withstand different infections, so parents should be extremely attentive to it. Be healthy and take care of your children!

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