
Otitis treatment without delay

Otitis is a group of middle ear diseases characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process of bacterial or viral origin. Infection can develop as a result of water ingress, trauma, and also become a consequence of untreated catarrhal diseases. Factors affecting the incidence of otitis and complicating its course include chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, enlarged adenoids and allergic diseases, as well as harmful industrial conditions. In addition, the incidence is higher in childhood due to the special structure of the ear: a shortened and enlarged auditory tube, and in infants an additional provoking factor is the possibility of getting into the ear of milk from the nasopharynx.

The most common type of otitis is the inflammation of the middle ear, which affects the auditory tube and the tympanic membrane. With the diagnosis of "acute otitis media," treatment usually takes up to ten days. In the absence of proper treatment, recovery may take several months.

The acute course of the disease is characterized by symptoms such as obstruction of the ear and noise, which can go to nothing, and can grow and be accompanied by pain and high fever. Zalozhennost can appear sporadically, for example, when swallowing, and pain occurs at different times of the day or even absent. Self-diagnosis in infants may be difficult, however, if the baby is crying heavily, refuses to eat and rubs the ear, you can do the following. Click on the tragus, and if the anxiety and crying of the baby while increasing, it is likely that this is the otitis, the treatment of which should be done by the doctor. Timely treatment will help to avoid serious consequences, because shooting pain and purulent discharge are far from all the unpleasant phenomena that otitis threatens you with. Treatment can be simple, but it is necessary. Despite the fact that recovery can occur naturally, there is a risk of formation of adhesions on the tympanic membrane, its perforation, the transition of the disease to a chronic form with subsequent relapses at the slightest supercooling, and the most serious - a significant decrease in hearing.

If you are suspected of having otitis media, treatment should be started immediately. An accurate diagnosis to the doctor will help to put a simple examination. For this purpose, the ear is examined with the help of an otoscope, which clearly shows the turbid eardrum, edematous or thickened, and the swelling of the mucous membrane. If there is a possibility of rapid laboratory diagnosis, an analysis of the discharge from the ear can be made , which will make it possible to establish the necessity of taking an antibiotic. If acute otitis is diagnosed, treatment is usually given as follows:

- Disinfection of the ear cavity with ethyl alcohol or boric acid;

- Warming ear drops (forbidden for perforation of the tympanic membrane);
- Dry warm compresses;

- Physiotherapy;

- Antipyretics and analgesics;

- Treatment of the underlying disease that caused otitis media;

- Treatment with antibacterial or antiviral drugs.

Self-medication in otitis can be ineffective and lead to a worsening of the condition, since there is no method without contraindications. And even if you are against the medication methods, the doctor will be able to assess the severity of the disease and choose a safe alternative. Specific prevention of otitis does not exist. But in your power to eliminate the provoking factors and reduce the frequency of colds. Be attentive to yourself and do not neglect the axioms learned from childhood about sun, water, charging and healthy lifestyle.

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