Food and drink, Main course
How to choose semi-finished products
Semi-finished products - this is an inadequate replacement of food. But they come to the rescue of those who do not have enough time to prepare healthy and balanced dishes. But how in a wide range of goods located in the grocery department, choose one that will pleasantly surprise you with its taste and quality?
One of the most popular and tasty convenience foods are sausages and small sausages, simple and quick to prepare. In addition, they perfectly complement the various side dishes and vegetable salads. Before buying sausages, check the quality of the product with a light touch. Good raw materials can not be soft. If we talk about sausages, then at the expense of a higher concentration of fat, they are softer, but after pressing they must quickly return to their previous form. Please note that the brighter the color of the product, the higher the content of chemical dyes in it. Therefore, refuse sausages and wursts, which are characterized by a rich pink shade.
Pelmeni and vareniki, richly sour cream - a favorite delicacy of many, which is prepared no more than 20-30 minutes. When choosing shop frozen convenience foods, it should be understood that good and quality products can not be cheap. Therefore, if you are interested in groceries in bulk which can be purchased at specialized exhibitions and fairs, you should answer the price issue responsibly. Carefully study the packaging of the product and information about the composition of the product, the percentage of meat or any other stuffing. It is desirable to choose semi-finished products, in which the content of preservatives, dyes and taste enhancers is minimal. When inspecting the dough, make sure that it has a white, not a gray tint. In case the product is packed in an opaque container, just shake it. Presence of sonorous impacts will indicate that the product was not previously thawed. If the dumplings and dumplings in the package are stuck together, give up buying, because this is a sign of improper storage.
Lovers of fish are delighted with various semi-finished products prepared on the basis of this product. But it's no secret that the fish itself in the frozen product in the form of a cutlet or little bit is very small. Therefore, carefully read the composition and choose the products with higher protein content.
In this case, doctors strongly do not recommend eating semi-finished foods on an ongoing basis, especially those who have dyskinesia, cholecystitis and gastrointestinal problems. Eat them no more often than several times a week.
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