Spiritual development, Mystic
Green agate (stone): properties, zodiac sign, value
The therapeutic and magical properties of green agate do not cause doubts. They are confirmed by centuries of practice. This semiprecious mineral was one of the earliest gems recognized by humans. It refers to the most beautiful species of chalcedony, a mineral extracted from the shore of the Sea of Marmara. In this article, we will consider in detail the green agate - stone, properties, the zodiac sign to which it fits, as well as other aspects relating to this amazing gem.
History of stone
The very first mention of this agate, according to the opinion of archaeologists, was in the V century BC. E. From the mineral in Mesopotamia, seals were made. It is interesting that Alexander of Macedon also became interested in the stone, than contributed to the development of jewelry art. In the III century BC. E. Agate was used to decorate the palaces in Sicily.
Hermitage collection of stones began to collect Catherine the Great, for today it includes more than 1500 various agates. We know a lot of Faberge works from this nugget in the form of bottles, seals, buckles and other household items.
Description of the mineral
Agate is a stone of green color, the basis of which is silicon oxide SiO 2 . In combination with the atoms of nickel, which are scattered in a mass of stone, it acquires a green color. Among its main differences that determine the aesthetic value of a mineral, geologists determine the saturation and uniformity of color, the forms and types of dissemination, the degree of transparency. The fineness of the structure of the mineral can always be seen under a microscope.
The shades of a nugget such as a green agate (stone, properties, the sign of the zodiac to which it is suitable, are described in the article below) vary from the tones of greenery blossoming in springtime under the sun, to the dark coniferous forest in bad weather. The name of the stone has Greek roots. In Russian, agate is translated as "happy".
Nature has given to mankind several species of such a mineral as green agate (stone, the photo of which is presented in this article). These include chrysoprase - a semi-transparent stone of high hardness with a bright color range of juicy greens. Periodically, in the array of a nugget, the favorite stone of Alexander the Great, one can see an admixture of fine blue inclusions. The brightness of shades of chrysoprase, explained by the presence of chemical elements of chromium and vanadium, determines its price. Due to the incredible beauty of this type of green agate from jewelers is in great demand. Gem is extracted in America, Africa, Kazakhstan.
Plasma is a mineral of a dark green hue. This kind of agate in jewelry is rarely used. Plasma is suitable for creating stunning mosaic paintings and paintings, as well as for the production of souvenirs.
Healing properties
Green agate (a stone whose properties are interesting to people from ancient times) is inherently special. Ancient healers used it to get rid of various ailments. He in the form of a powder was a part of various preparations. At the same time, to enhance the healing effect, the semi-precious stone was framed also in a frame made of copper. The medicinal properties of agate include:
- weight loss;
- Confrontation with infectious diseases;
- Improvement of vision;
- Excretion of slag;
- Help in getting rid of nicotine addiction, one of the most harmful habits of a person;
- Decrease in intoxication of the body after insect bites, poisonous snakes, as well as food poisoning;
- Getting rid of insomnia and unreasonable fears;
- Increase the resistance of the body to stress, and also a soothing effect;
- Increased hemoglobin;
- Strengthening of immunity;
- Positive impact on people with diabetes;
- Elimination of impotence and solving the problem of pathologies in the reproductive system of women;
- Protection against all kinds of skin diseases;
- Decrease in the intensity of the headache, as well as the frequency of epileptic seizures.
Magical properties
It should be noted that the magical properties of the mineral to its medicinal characteristics are not inferior. The value of the stone (agate green) is the guardian of family happiness, a home. These epithets accurately reflect his incredible properties. Talismans and amulets of green mineral are very popular. Even the Egyptian ancient priests purged the nuggets of the room from the evil spirits present in them.
The Greeks believed that the semiprecious stone of all possible green shades of luck brought in any endeavors, as well as harmony in all areas of its owners. In addition, he contributed to improving mood and health, strengthening health. Green agate, lying on the threshold of a new house, will be a source of attraction for good, good luck, good friends, health.
The stone around its owners creates a favorable and harmonious aura. They become lucky, achieve their goals, and also have the ability to concentrate their own attention on the necessary things, eloquence. The magical properties of the mineral help a person to reveal his abilities for clairvoyance, in addition, they are actively used in meditation. Also, agate cleanses the mind of unkind, sad thoughts, negative.
The gem is known for its powerful protective properties, due to which the stone owners are afraid of enemies, evil eye, spoilage is not worth it. The ancient Romans presented to their beloved jewelry from this agate as a token of love. In this case, small balls of this mineral, laid down when planting trees in the holes, were used to protect against lightning. The sage of the East was considered a symbol of courage, bravery and bravery.
To whom does the stone fit?
Who should wear green agate? Stone (properties, the sign of the zodiac, to which it is suitable, are described in detail in this article) is needed for a person who wants to better feel the thoughts of people, dreams of strengthening relations, overcoming pain.
Mineral facilitates a mood for meditation, helps in achieving peace and complete relaxation. It is necessary for people who are striving to achieve the knowledge of their higher self, in addition, to improve their concentration of attention.
Nugget also improves analytical skills, gives a sense of reality and allows you to achieve well-being. Agate at the same time inhibits irrepressible passions, especially in the sphere of material values. Artists and students will be able to stimulate creativity and intellectual abilities with the help of stone.
For woman
The agate stone is suitable for the fair sex representatives perfectly. Due to the existence of an infinite variety of shades, any woman can choose jewelry from him, regardless of the color type.
Ladies of the "summer" color pattern are perfect for stones of blue, gray or white shades. Warm "spring" recommended shades of yellow, orange or green colors. The contrasting image of "winter" can shade black, white and red colors of the stone. "Autumn" will look better with agates, which have green, brown or yellow colors.
Green agate (stone): the sign of the zodiac
This mineral is most suitable for Taurus, while it can also be worn by Cancers, Gemini, Virgo and Lions. Taurus should use jewelry made of copper. Aquarius and Cancers are more suitable for a silver or gold frame.
Sagittarius and Aries categorically contraindicated in green agate. The stone (properties, the sign of the zodiac to which it is suitable, are discussed in the article above) can lead them to irritability and overexertion, nevertheless the first one will help to get out of a prolonged depression.
Agate helps overcome the financial difficulties of Gemini and Taurus, favorably simultaneously affecting some of their character traits. At the same time Amulet Aquarius and Dev serves as a blue mineral.
Cancer nugget protects from various troubles, it makes it possible to activate creative talents and gain confidence. Leo will help to achieve success by constantly wearing striped agate.
Application and cost
Jewelers from all over the world use green agate to make earrings, rings, bracelets, beads, pendants, necklaces. Incredibly beautiful this semiprecious stone looks in a silver frame. Some masters use gold. This mineral is often used for decoration in exquisite, original interiors, in addition, when making souvenirs, church utensils, table-tops, dishes, coffee tables.
The cost of agate is determined by its shape, variety, size, color characteristics and density. The price of a bead of a gem with a dome of an oval form of an average size makes 70 rubles.
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