HealthDiseases and Conditions

Catnip - how dangerous it is for the pet

Pannelopenia, or Cat's feather is a disease caused by a virus belonging to the group of parvoviruses. The disease is highly contagious and proceeds very hard. This virus with single-stranded DNA predominantly affects the cells of the lymphatic system, intestinal mucosa and bone marrow. The causative agent is very stable in the environment, including disinfection treatment, stored in the premises for up to a year. For people, it is not dangerous. Catnip is transmitted by the fecal-oral route, through infected surrounding objects (contact), by air, and also in utero. Repeatedly the animal does not fall ill with this disease, its immunity to it is lifelong.

As manifested

Characteristically strong general oppression, diarrhea (diarrhea), vomiting, and in vomit masses and feces can be blood, raising body temperature to 41 o C. The animal hides in dark cool places, refuses food and water, there may be convulsions. Sometimes cat's distemper passes in the pulmonary form and is manifested by signs of the defeat of the respiratory tract: edema mucous, purulent secretions. The diagnosis is made if these symptoms are found after a clinical examination and laboratory tests. The latter include a general blood test in which there will be a critical drop in the number of white blood cells, as well as specific blood tests and excreta for the detection of the pathogen and antibodies to it.

How to treat this disease

Catnip is quite turbulent, it is difficult to miss such a pronounced symptoms in a pet living at home. It is urgent to visit the animal with the veterinarian. The disease is very dangerous, the mortality rate is high even in adult cats, and in the case of a disease of kittens up to six months it reaches 90%.

It should be remembered that specific therapy has not yet been developed against the virus. Animals die from dehydration and the addition of additional infections, as they lose immunity. All treatment is aimed at supporting the cat's body, helping it to cope with the infection on its own. Usually, with adequate therapy, the pet is cured within 4-10 days.

During treatment, such drugs as immunoglobulins and serums are used to strengthen general immunity, antibiotics to fight secondary infections, cardiac agents, if necessary, to support the function of the cardiovascular system, multivitamins. It is also necessary to introduce solutions to neutralize dehydration. Particular attention is paid to the sparing diet and regime of animal maintenance. It is isolated in a darkened room without drafts, at a temperature of 20-24 o C. It is strictly forbidden to release a cat into the street.

What can be done to prevent

Like many other infectious diseases of cats, this disease is much easier to prevent than cure. For its prevention vaccination is applied at 8 weeks, revaccination is carried out in a month. Then it should be repeated annually. Use modern vaccines - combined drugs against several different infections.

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