Health, Diseases and Conditions
Chronic constipation: treatment and prevention
So, let's talk about chronic constipation, as one of the most urgent and exciting topics of our society. The percentage of chronic constipation varies from 20 to 45. There are two types of chronic constipation. The first is called dyskinesia of the colon, and it is characterized by a violation of the coordination of bowel contractions and hormonal disorders. The second type of chronic constipation is dishezia. It is characterized by a decreased sensitivity of the nerve endings of the pelvic and rectal muscles.
What are the symptoms that cause chronic constipation?
Very often and, it seems to us, without any reason, we suddenly have fatigue, some lethargy, reduced efficiency, drowsiness. At the same time, abdominal pain can occur, accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of pressure in the rectum. With great difficulty, we perform bowel movement, while sometimes experiencing very severe pain in the anus. Often in the stool, blood appears in a small amount. Sometimes there is an unstable chair, which is accompanied by a change of diarrhea and constipation. This establishes chronic constipation, the treatment of which must be started immediately.
In people with chronic constipation, with the act of bowel movement, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine very often appears , with an effort some obstacle is felt. There may also be a partial exit of the rectum, which can be manually adjusted, but there are very unpleasant painful sensations.
There may also be no desire to go to the toilet, but at the same time a bloating is felt, a feeling of fullness appears.
Chronic constipation: treatment and prevention.
To treat chronic constipation, great efforts are required and the most important is the patient's desire to get rid of this ailment. The effect is achieved only with strict adherence to the recommendations of a specialist.
First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the change in the diet that is habitual for us.
It is necessary to increase the intake of products that activate the work of the colon.
The daily diet should consist of foods that contain high-fiber dietary fiber. Mandatory is the consumption of bread, containing flour, coarse grits, carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, beets. Also, it is mandatory to increase the consumption of fruits - sweet apples, peaches, dried apricots, prunes, gooseberries, apricots, melons, dates. It is very important to use oils: sunflower, olive, soybean, corn, palm. It is useful to eat fish oil. For normal operation of the intestines, dairy products are also useful. Fish and meat should be consumed only in boiled form.
If a person is diagnosed with chronic constipation, the treatment of the disease should primarily include the use of a sufficient amount of fluid. Its daily rate should reach about two liters per day. This includes tea, various juices (excluding grape), kefir. Try to drink daily and mineral water.
Fibers contained in beets, carrots, prunes, bran act as a laxative for the body, contribute to an increase in the volume of feces, which leads to increased activity of the intestine.
Next, you should talk about products that should be excluded from our diet.
To these products are primarily bread from flour of higher grades, fatty meat, smoked and spicy foods. It is necessary to completely eliminate from the diet the use of strong coffee, tea, chocolate. It is necessary to minimize such dishes as semolina and rice porridge, limit and potato dishes, vermicelli. Garlic and onions are also undesirable in our diet.
Chronic constipation, treatment is a very important problem in the life of everyone who has ever encountered it.
Many ask the question: how to treat chronic constipation?
The causes of chronic constipation can be very diverse and treat them in each case must be strictly individual. Therefore, laxatives should not be taken alone and uncontrolled , as this can be detrimental to your health and lead to serious consequences.
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