
"Immunoflazid" for children: instruction, reviews, analogues, photo

Immunomodulating and antiviral medicines are recognized as one of the most popular among consumers. Similar composition is "Imunoflazid" (for children). Instructions for using this medication will be presented to your attention in the article. You will learn about the schemes and the doses for which you need to drink this medicine. Also worth mentioning is that the contra-indication and side effects of the instruction attached to the preparation "Imunoflazid" (for children) are mentioned. A photo of this tool will also be presented in the article.

What is the composition of the medicine?

About the drug "Imunoflazid" instruction (for children), medical reviews say that the syrup consists exclusively of natural ingredients. The main active substance of the drug is proteflazid, which was obtained from wild cereals, as well as flavonoids.

The drug is a suspension. It is placed in a plastic dark package. Such conditions are necessary for proper storage of the drug. Attached to the drug and a measuring syringe or spoon. All this is packed in a small box.

How does the medicine work for a person, in particular, for a child?

What does the instructions (for children) say about the medicine "Immunoflazid"? Experts' comments, as well as annotation, indicate that the drug has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect on the child's body.

The drug quickly penetrates into the stomach due to its liquid form. There, the absorption of the drug into the blood begins. The composition detects the cells infected by the virus and depresses their vital capacity. After that pathological microorganisms are gently removed from the human body.

In addition, the drug also has an immunomodulatory effect. It helps to enhance the production of interferons in vivo. It should be noted that even with prolonged use this process is not inhibited. The syrup is not addictive and can be canceled at any time without any consequences.

About the preparation "Imunoflazid" (for children) the instruction says that the medicine remains effective for six days. In this case, the longer you use the medicine, the more pronounced will be its strength of action. The maximum effect occurs on the second day of treatment.

Indications for the use of medication in children of different ages

When is the doctor prescribed the medicine "Imunoflazid"? The instruction for children reports the following conditions, which are direct indications for the correction:

  • Diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Pathology of ENT organs;
  • Bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as bacterial and fungal diseases (in complex therapy);
  • Flu and colds.

In addition to these indications, the medication can be used for preventive purposes.


When should the drug "Immunoflazid" be used for children? Despite the fact that the medicine has a natural composition, it has contraindications. These are the following states:

  • The possibility of developing allergies to one component or several components of the drug;
  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • Violation of certain body functions.

It is worth noting that the medication is usually well tolerated. However, in overdose or misuse, the drug may cause constipation or diarrhea. Also, cases of rash or itching on the skin and mucous membranes are known.

"Immunoflazid": instruction (for children), doses of the drug for treatment

As you already know, the medication can be used under different circumstances. So, for treatment one doses are chosen. For the purposes of prevention, completely different schemes are prescribed. It is worth recalling that before you start taking it is always necessary to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe to your child the appropriate dose and treatment regimen.

  • Children from the first days of life and up to one year are recommended to give 0.5 ml twice a day.
  • In two years the dose of the drug is increased to one milliliter. The frequency of use remains the same.
  • Up to four years you need to take the drug for 1.5 ml the first two days. Then the dose is increased to 3 ml. The frequency of reception is two.
  • Up to six years in the first two days of the disease, the drug is used 3 ml twice. After this, the portion is increased to 4 ml.
  • Children up to nine years in the first days of treatment should be given 4 ml. Then the dose rises to 5 ml.
  • To children of older age the medicine is prescribed in a dose of 5 milliliters the first days. On the third day you need to increase the dose of the drug to 6 ml.

The drug for treatment is usually appointed for two weeks. Even with the disappearance of symptoms of the disease at an earlier time, it is recommended to continue using the medication as prescribed by the doctor.

Preventive actions

When is Imunoflazid used for children? Instructions for use indicate that the composition can be given to children and for the prevention. Usually this is necessary when contact with an infected person occurs. Syrup is often used in epidemics or for adaptation in kindergarten. It is during this period that babies are most susceptible to catarrhal, viral and bacterial diseases.

Prophylaxis is given in the same dose as described above. However, the course of treatment lasts longer. Typically, the doctor chooses a period of two to four weeks. If necessary, a break can be made in the correction and the medication intake scheme is repeated.

Syrup "Immunoflazid" for children is prescribed and with different forms of lack of immunity. In these situations, the dose of the medication is always chosen individually. Usually it depends on the weight of the child, as well as his age. Continue this course can be six months or more.

Is there a way to replace the medicine?

You already know what the instruction (for children) says about the preparation "Imunoflazid". Analogues of the drug are those that have the same effect. Currently, pharmacological companies produce a lot of funds that simultaneously fight the virus and have an immunomodulatory effect. These include "Ergoferon", "Isoprinozin", "Novirin", "Anaferon" and so on.

If you choose analogues among drugs of the same form, then you can select "Citovir". This medication has a completely different composition than the "Immunoflazid". However, its effect on the human body is absolutely the same. It is worth mentioning that this drug can also be used for a long time.

Reviews of consumers and doctors about the drug

Doctors say that usually the medicine is well tolerated by children. However, some babies react negatively to the medication because of the onset of reflux. Pediatricians and immunologists advise such babies to give syrup no earlier than two hours after a meal. In doing so, it is necessary to wash down the used composition with a large amount of water. In particularly difficult situations, it is worthwhile to dilute the medication in a small amount of any liquid.

Also doctors testify that many catarrhal diseases are accompanied by an increase in temperature up to 38 degrees. In such situations, you need to temporarily reduce the dose of the drug in half. When the fever passes completely, you can return to the standard scheme of using the syrup.

Consumers say that the medicine has a very fast action. At observance of the above-stated dosage effect from treatment comes in some days. Also, parents argue that the sooner the treatment is started, the faster the full recovery will be. That is why it is so important to start taking the medication with the appearance of the first symptoms.

Pharmacists say that this type of medicine is the most popular. Currently, there are a lot of similar drugs, but most of them have the form of tablets or rectal suppositories. They are very fond of children. The same kind of medicine babies perceive more calmly. It is worth saying that the taste of the syrup is quite pleasant. The children drink it with pleasure and do not resist treatment.

Despite all the positive feedback, doctors say that the medicine can not be taken alone. In case of excessive use, an allergic reaction may occur. In this situation, you need to urgently cancel the correction and see a doctor for advice. You may need symptomatic therapy.

Summing up the article

Now you know the information about which the attached attached to the preparation "Immunoflazid" (for children) instruction. The medicine is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases. It is recognized as universal. It is worth recalling that despite the safety of the medication, it is still a medicinal product. That's why you should not use it yourself. And even more so appoint his child for a long time. Before use, consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. If necessary, consult an immunologist. Be healthy!

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