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Self Repair Apartments

Can I make repairs at home if you are not a professional builder myself? The answer to this question is ambiguous. Yes - if the repair is purely cosmetic. No - if the repair is planned to be capital. So - how can you carry out the repair yourself without referring to qualified (and expensive!) Masters?
Self-repair in our country is usually timed to leave. So, beforehand, worry and figure out the time that you will need for some or other work. Then imagine, at least in general terms, what should happen as a result - without this you simply will not know what and in what quantities to buy. To do this, it is best to go through different construction exhibitions, look through magazines in which you can find interesting design solutions, look at dozens of other sites (building and design). The next stage will be the preparation of estimates (it is better to do this in advance, so that you clearly represent your future costs). To the amount that you count, you can safely add twenty percent and you will not be mistaken. Believe a lot of experience experienced builders - it is impossible from the first time to correctly calculate all costs. Yes, and waste and surplus will always remain.
Consider how to make a picture for yourself of the cost of building materials. First of all - it's a lot of work. You (if you really want to save money on repairs) will have to shovel a large amount of information : all sorts of prices, promotional offers, promotional discounts in construction stores. Do not forget also about seasonal price growth. In the cost of building materials, it is prudent to lay the freight in advance (most likely you will need a truck - and this is a decent line of expenses).
So - the repair itself . Where to begin? First of all, without unnecessary sentiments and doubts, take out a bunch of unnecessary things (if absolutely exactly, rubbish) that I'm sure you have stored on the nearest trash can.
The next stage is the preparation of those rooms where repairs will take place. The room needs to be completely freed, so that there is as much free space as possible. Walls, floor, ceiling are processed according to your plans.
If repairs affect the walls, then first of all you need to get rid of the previous "layers of repair", see how it is done here. If this is not done, then your new wallpaper (whitewash or paint) will not last more than a year, and the next vacation you will again devote to repair. Sometimes you have to get to the concrete before you can clear the walls for work.
If you have already started such serious actions as cleaning the walls, it is reasonable to replace electrical and plumbing communications at the same time (on how to correctly do this, see DaniloFF and K website). Yes, and you can change the windows. Of course - it's pretty decent costs, but once and for a long time. A phased repair can go much more expensively.
After all this, you can start decorating the room. Today for these purposes sheets of drywall or MDF are often used. This is quite convenient and solves a number of issues on the alignment of walls and ceiling. After installing the sheets of gypsum board, paint or wallpaper is applied over them. This you will already decide according to your design tastes.
Now a few general tips, the following of which can facilitate your repair. Be sure to use special protective clothing and respirators when working with paintwork materials and solvents. Observe the safety precautions. Follow folk wisdom - measure seven times ... Do not use building materials of unknown firms, do not buy unclear materials and tools on the markets, as cheap as they are not worth.
Good luck in your endeavors.

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