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Photographer To Corporate Or Harmful Tips For Photographer

The main trouble for photographers shooting corporate celebrations is that many corporate photographers round in the eyes of zeros and count banknotes, forgetting to take care of really high-quality photography of the celebration, which seriously affects the image and recognizability of the photographer.

The main reason for this behavior is that one-time profit rises for the first place to the photographer, and to improve and develop, seriously preparing for the forthcoming photography - prevents the growing ego from becoming impossible.

Many corporate photographers, acquiring a good photo equipment, after a year of practice begin to feel great professionals, completely forgetting about self-improvement and preparation for photography. However, a truly successful photographer for corporate studies and constantly improves and, importantly, seriously prepares for every photo shoot.

Developed ego prevents many corporate photographers from not only improving, but also accepting advice. Therefore, trying to give advice to the current photographer on the corporate, in order to direct it in the right direction, I decided to build this article in the style of harmful advice in the style of Gregory Oster. I hope this article will help the current corporate photographer to move to a new level of photography.

Bad advice number 1. Personal meeting with the customer to hell.
You, as the most successful, competent and ingenious photographer on the corporate for the last three hundred years, and so you know what are the main wishes of the customer for future photos of the corporate celebration. And why, why waste your precious time for a personal meeting? You will already capture the corporate, and in such a way that the customer will simply squeak with delight.

Especially if you take into account that your name at the customer awe awe, he will not doubt for a moment that you will shoot an ideal corporate celebration even without a personal meeting with you.

Bad advice number 2. Corporate program? What it is?
Why do you need a program for the upcoming corporate celebration? You, as a photographer for a corporation with a global experience in photographing corporate celebrations, know exactly how each corporate celebration was built. Therefore, taking a look at what is happening on the corporation to its full wisdom, talent and experience, vzgyadom, you will understand exactly - what you shoot, where and what event of the corporate is of particular importance.

Especially if you consider that you are a genius photographer for a corporation with the ability to telepathy and the ability to instantly teleport from one place to another, you definitely do not need a celebration program - you will always be in the place you need to shoot and not be late for a second. And, most importantly, do not miss a single important corporate event.

Bad advice number 3. Clothes are a reflection of the soul of a corporate photographer.
You are a successful and long-time professional photographer for corporate. Accordingly, you are a very creative and easily vulnerable nature, which can not be crammed into a rigid framework. Including in clothes.

If you came to the photo shoot of a corporate celebration in a crumpled T-shirt and torn jeans, it means that you are in the mood for a similar type of clothes today.

The customer and all the guests of the corporate celebration will immediately understand this and will know for sure - you will capture the celebration perfectly, even in spite of a crumpled T-shirt and torn jeans. And therefore, in the photos there will be smiles and only. Everyone will be happy.

Bad advice number 4. Preparation for photography is for weaklings.
You, as the most experienced and successful photographer on the corporate world in the whole world, are already ready for any photography. Your experience is the most important thing. And therefore, why charge batteries for the flash and the camera - they will work exactly as long as your photo shoot lasts and will sit only with the last click of the shutter of your camera.

Why return camera settings to the original position? Your camera is a modern machine with built-in artificial intelligence and a telepathy module - it will reset all settings, and when you appear on the venue of the corporate celebration itself will make the necessary settings.

And why do you, in general, a flash camera? Thanks to your, undoubtedly the biggest, experience in photographing corporate celebrations, you can create great photos without flash.

Bad advice number 5. You do not need contact with the leading corporate.
It has already been mentioned above that you are an experienced photographer for a corporation with telepathic abilities. And on the basis of this, you will with masterly precision feel any change in the corporate celebration program, and also unmistakably guess what will happen at every stage of the corporate celebration. Therefore, keep in touch with the leading corporate celebration - below your dignity of a successful corporate photographer.

Bad advice number 6. Alcohol improves the effectiveness of photography.
You are a photographer for corporate, which means that you are shooting a holiday. Based on this, you - have the full right to drink. This will allow you to be on the same wavelength with the guests of the celebration, and photos from this will only improve. And, the more you drink, the better the effect will be.

I hope that the photographer for the corporate who reads this article will listen to my advice and will improve the quality of his photos day by day. With sincere respect, a professional photographer for the corporate Leonid Starikov.

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