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"Chevengur: a brief summary." Chevengur "- the novel of the Russian writer A. Platonov

We invite you to get acquainted with one of the most famous works of Andrei Platonovich Platonov. This is a socio-philosophical novel, in the first edition entitled "Builders of Spring." Today this work is known as "Chevengur". In 1928, Platonov completed the Chevengur. The summary of this novel is presented in our article. Some researchers believe that this work can be included in the "philosophical trilogy", which includes, besides him, the novels "Jan" and "Pit".


"Chevengur" begins with the story that every 5 years people had to leave villages to cities or forests because of a crop failure. At this time Zakhar Pavlovich remained alone in the village. Many items passed through his hands for his long life - from a frying pan to an alarm clock. However, the hero himself had nothing: no home, no family. One night Zakhar Pavlovich heard the distant whistle of a locomotive. The next morning he went to the city.

Service in the locomotive depot became a new page in the life of Zakhar Pavlovich. Again, for him, a skilful world was opened, long loved by him. The hero decided to stay in this world forever.

Family of Dvanovs

We turn to the acquaintance with the Dvanov family, describing the summary. "Chevengur" Platonov - a work in which some of its members have an important role. In total, 16 children were born in this family, of which only 7 survived. The eighth child was Sasha's adopted son. His father, a fisherman, drowned out of interest. He just wanted to find out what would happen after his death. Adopts Sasha - the same age as Prosonka Dwanova. When in this family another twain was born in a hungry year, Dvanov sewed a child's sack for alms and sent him to beg.

Sasha went to the cemetery to say goodbye to his father. The adoptive decided that he would pick up a bag of bread, and then he would dig his own dugout near his father's grave and settle in it, since he does not have a home.

Sasha becomes the son of Zakhar Pavlovich

Let us briefly outline the content of the subsequent events of the novel Chevengur, whose plot, as you can see, is quite interesting. After a while Zakhar Pavlovich asked his son, Proshka, to find Sasha. He declares that he takes a son to his sons.

Zakhar Pavlovich loves the adopted person with all the devotion to old age. Sasha - a student in the depot, he studies as a locksmith. He reads a lot in the evenings, and then writes, because at his age of 17 he does not want to leave this world unpunished. However, Sasha feels the emptiness inside his body. Life enters and goes through this emptiness, without lingering. Watching his son, Zakhar Pavlovich advises him not to harass himself, because he is already weak.

Zakhar Pavlovich and Sashka become Bolsheviks

Further in the work created by Andrei Platonov ("Chevengur"), it is said that after a while the war begins, and then the revolution. One night shooting is heard in the city. In the morning Zakhar Pavlovich, together with Sasha, go to the city to find the most serious party and sign up for it. In one building all parties are placed. Zakhar Pavlovich, choosing the best option, goes to the offices. Behind the door at the end of the corridor, there is only one person sitting, as the others were not in power. Zakhar Pavlovich asks him if there will soon be an end to everything. He says that socialism will be in a year. Zakhar Pavlovich rejoices and asks to write them with Sashka in this game. Returning home, he explains to the adopted son how he understands Bolshevism. In his opinion, the Bolshevik has an empty heart, because of what everything can fit in him.

Departure Sashki

It takes six months. Sashka goes to the railway courses, after which he studies at the Polytechnic. However, soon his teaching ceases for a long time. The novel "Chevengur" (summary) continues with the fact that the party sends Alexander Dvanov to the front of the Civil War - to the city of Novokhopersk, located in the steppe. Zakhar Pavlovich sits at the station for days at a time with his son in anticipation of a passing train. They already talked about everything, but not about love. When Alexander leaves, his father returns home and begins to read algebra by ways, not understanding anything. In this he gradually finds solace.

Dvanov in Novokhopersky is attached to the warring revolution. From the province soon comes the order for the return of Alexander. On the way, Dvanov leads the locomotive instead of the runaway driver. Composition collides with the counter. Only by a miracle Sashka remains alive.

Alexander's return home, illness and a meeting with Sonia

Dvanov, after a difficult and long journey, finally returns home. The hero immediately falls ill. For 8 months he turns out to be out of life because of typhus. Desperate, Zakhar Pavlovich makes a coffin for his son. However, Sasha is recovering in the summer. In the evenings, a neighbor Sonia, an orphan, comes to them. Zakhar Pavlovich decides to split the coffin into a furnace. He thinks that now it's time to make a baby crib, because Sonya will soon grow up, and then they can have children with Sasha.

Acquaintance with Kopenkin and Chepurny

Alexander, on instructions from the Gubernia Committee, is sent to "search for communism" in the province. He gets to the anarchists, but a small detachment, led by Stepan Kopenkin, beats him. The reason for Stepan's participation in the revolution is his love for Rosa Luxemburg. In the village, where Dvanov and Kopenkin come in, they find Sonya. It turns out that she teaches children at a local school.

Wandering around the province, Kopenkin and Dvanov get acquainted with many people, and each of them in his own way represents a new life and its construction. Alexander meets Chepurny - a man who serves in the city of Chevengur chairman of the revolutionary committee. The word "Chevengur" is like Dvanov. It reminds this hero of the attracting buzz of an unknown country. Chepurny speaks of Chevengur as a place where the accuracy of the truth is, and the good of life, and the sorrow of existence, happen as they need, by themselves. Although Alexander dreams of returning home to continue his studies at the Polytechnic, he is fascinated by stories about Chevengur's socialism. He decides to go to this city, the description of which continues the summary.


The city wakes up late, as its inhabitants rest from the centuries of oppression. The revolution won Chevenguru dreams, the main profession in the city made a soul. Kopenkin, locked in the shed by the Proletarian Force (the name of his horse), walks through the city. He meets non-people in the face, pale in appearance people. Kopenkin asks Chepurny what the people are doing these days. He replies that the main profession is the soul of man, and its product is comradeship and friendship. Kopenkin proposes to organize a bit of grief, so that in Chevengur it was not very good. He believes that for good taste, communism should be caustic.

Heroes appoint a special commission, which is entrusted with compiling lists of bourgeois who survived during the revolution. These officers are shot by the Chekists. Chepurny after the execution rejoices that now the peace has come.

Kopenkin after the massacre still does not feel the communism with which Chevengur is so proud. The summary of the chapters continues with the fact that the Chekists are beginning to identify the half-bourgeois, from whom life should be liberated. They are collected in a crowd, and then expelled to the steppe. Remaining in the city, as well as the proletarians who arrived at the call of the Communists, soon eat up the remains of food belonging to the bourgeoisie. They destroy all the chickens in Chevengur, after which they feed in the steppe with one plant food. Chepurny expects that by itself the final happiness will be worked out, since the happiness of life is a necessity and a fact. Only Kopenkin walks around the city in sadness. He awaits Alexander's arrival and his assessment of communism built in Chevengur.

Useless invention

Next, we should talk about two inventions, describing the summary. "Chevengur" continues that comes Dvanov, but he does not see outside the new life: probably, communism disappeared in people. Alexander guesses why this system is so desired by the Bolsheviks-Chevgugans: communism is the end of time, the end of history. Only in nature there is time, and in man stands the anguish. Alexander invented a special device, through which you can turn the sunlight into electricity. To do this, all the frames in the city are taken out mirrors, and collect all the glass. However, this device does not work. The tower is built, fire is lit on it so that it indicates a path wandering in the steppe. However, nobody is the lighthouse.

Checking, the arrival of women

Comrade Serbov comes from Moscow to check the activities of the Chevgugans. He notes that their works are useless. In justification Chepurny says that they work for each other, not for profit. Serbinov in his report writes that in the city there are many happy things, but at the same time useless.

In Chevengur for the continuation of life, women are delivered. The young residents of the city are just warming themselves with them, as if with their mothers, since autumn has already come and the air is very cold.

The news of the fate of Sophia

Serbinov tells Alexander how he met with Sofya Alexandrovna in Moscow. This is the Sonia who Dvanov remembered before Chevengur. The girl now lives in Moscow, working in a factory. Serbinov reports that Sophia remembers Alexander as an idea. Sam Serbov does not say that he loves this girl.

Cossacks occupy the city, leaving Dwanova

A man comes running into the city and says that Cossacks on horseback are going to Chevengur. The battle begins, in which Serbinov perishes, thinking of Sophia Alexandrovna. Chepurny also perishes, like other Bolsheviks. Cossacks occupy the city.

Alexander remains in the steppe near Kopenkin, who is at death. When he dies, Alexander sits down on the Proletarian Force and leaves far away from the city, into the open steppe. Danov goes for a long time. He passes the village where he was born. The hero arrives at the lake where his father once died. He notices the fishing rod, forgotten by him as a child on the shore. Dvanov forces the horse to go over the chest in the water, then leaves the saddle in search of the road, which once passed his father.

The final

Zakhar Pavlovich arrives in Chevengur. He is looking for Alexander. In the city there is none of the people, only a brick house sits a crying Proshka. Zakhar Pavlovich asks him to bring him Sashka for money, but Prokofy promises to do it for nothing and goes to look for Dvanov.

This concludes the summary. "Chevengur" - a work first published in the USSR only in 1988. Today, finally, we have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the remarkable writer Andrei Platonovich Platonov. One of his best works is the novel "Chevengur." Read the summary is not as interesting as getting acquainted with the original of this novel. Certainly, Andrei Platonov is an outstanding artist of the word.

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