HealthPlastic surgery

Breast Implants And Breast Examination

Prevention of breast diseases, including cancer, are regular examinations that every woman should undergo. Firstly, this self-examination is examination and palpation of the mammary glands, which can reveal the presence of knots and seals in the chest, as well as external changes, such as the retraction or swelling of the breast, the state of the nipple and areola, the presence of secretions.

The palpation is carried out in a standing and lying position. Breasts are examined first from the nipple to the outer part of the breast. Then - from the nipple in the direction of the sternum.

In addition to self-examination, it is necessary to visit a mammologist regularly, who prescribes such studies as mammography, ultrasound of the breast, MRI and computed tomography.
All these studies should take place and so the woman who was made mammoplasty.
In the event that a woman underwent a plastic breast enlargement surgery with the help of implants, there are certain difficulties with carrying out the hardware diagnostics.
The fact is that the implant blocks some of the breast.
In the case when mammoplasty was performed with the implant installation under the pectoral muscle, 10-15% of the mammary gland is inaccessible for examination. And when mammoplasty was carried out with the implant placed above the pectoral muscle, the volume of the inaccessible part of the breast is increased to 25%. But in this case, a woman needs to undergo a regular mammogram.
As for other hardware types of research, they do not interfere with the presence of the implant.

In addition to examining the breast for the detection of diseases, every woman who underwent mammoplasty should regularly undergo examinations with a plastic surgeon who performed the operation. First, such an examination is carried out a year after the mammoplasty was done, and then every three years.

Such examinations will help early detection of complications such as contracture (scar tissue around the implant), damage to the implant itself or its displacement (the larger the implant is installed, the greater the probability of its displacement), the wrinkling of the implant (wrinkles appear on the skin of the breast) , The emergence of breast asymmetry, etc.
The more closely a woman watches her breast, the less likely that these complications will arise. In the event that such complications occur, often repeated mammoplasty is required.

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