HealthPlastic surgery

Laser removal of spider veins on the face

Removing the vascular asterisks on the face is the problem that affects a large number of women. After all, their presence spoils the appearance, and decorative cosmetics can not hide them. In addition, the asterisks - this is the expansion of the vessels, which requires treatment.

The propensity to the appearance of asterisks is often inherited, and many factors influence their appearance, such as changes in blood pressure, vascular disease in chronic form, sudden temperature changes, and some bad habits (smoking, alcohol). Sometimes their appearance indicates skin diseases. Therefore, additional diagnostics are required to determine the cause.

Removal of vascular asterisks on the face of today is carried out by many beauty salons. Electrocoagulation or liquid nitrogen is often used for this purpose . But after such procedures, pigmentation or small scars are common. It is in connection with this that the laser deletion of stars on the face became more popular. The principle of operation of such a procedure is based on the point action of the laser on the capillaries. The walls of the vessel are stuck together, as a result of which blood flow in damaged vessels is disturbed, and tissues are not injured. After such an impact, even minor scars do not appear. The procedure is most often performed in several sessions, between which an interval of several weeks is made. The number of necessary sessions depends on the quality and number of stars. The duration of one procedure varies from a few minutes to a third of an hour.

In medicine, the spider veins are called telangiectasia.

The effectiveness of the measures for treatment and prevention depends on the degree of the disease.

The disease, which is in the initial stage, is well treated with the help of vascular training.

Prevent the appearance of asterisks using procedures such as cryotherapy (with the application of cold), darsonval (pulsed massage), contrasting compresses and mesotherapy (the introduction of cocktails and special preparations).

Removal of vascular asterisks on the face with the use of cryotherapy leads to a long vasoconstrictive and anti-inflammatory effect, the procedure also has an immunomodulatory effect.

Contrast compresses include vitamins, algae and green tea, which have a beneficial effect on the skin.

During procedures of mesotherapy, cocktails are injected under the skin from drugs that improve the circulation of blood in the vessels. As a result, fluid stagnation is prevented and elasticity is increased.

Professionals recommend to remove stars when it is not very cold outside and the sun does not shine very brightly, because after procedures you should avoid sudden changes in temperature and ultraviolet exposure, since there is a risk of pigmentation. It is also advisable to lubricate the skin with a moisturizing cream containing vitamins C, A, and E. Before going out, it is better to use those creams that protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Removal of spider veins on the face has some contraindications. This procedure is prohibited for pregnant, lactating women and those who have inflammation on the skin (including acne). It is not recommended to carry out such a procedure for very tanned people, because there is a risk that spots will remain on the stars.

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