
"Spemann forte": instructions and reviews. "Spemann forte": analogues

Today, couples often face problems in their sexual lives, difficulties arise in conceiving a coveted baby. More and more often doctors make such a diagnosis as "infertility." But it is commonly believed that these issues are purely feminine, and for some reason among the male population there is an opinion that if the long-awaited pregnancy does not come, then only the partner is to blame. Is it really? Having read the medical statistics on this issue, it is easy to conclude that very often problems with conception of the child are due to violations of masculine health. In modern pharmacology and medicine, effective methods of treating intimate problems of the stronger sex have been developed. In this article, we will acquaint readers with such a preparation from male diseases, like "Spemann forte". Instructions for its use, composition, cost and analogues are described in this article.

"Spemann forte": description

"Spemann forte" is made on the basis of medicinal herbs, therefore it is a natural phytopreparation. Accordingly, this medicine is gaining the confidence of consumers due to the fact that it has a minimum of contraindications and side effects, acts gently, without causing disturbances in the work of other organs and body systems.

The drug is available in the form of brown tablets with small inclusions of crushed herbs. Packed in a plastic bottle of 100 pieces. Produced by an Indian manufacturer.

Indications for use

Assign tablets "Spemann forte" for various violations of the male reproductive system:

  • Acute and chronic prostatitis;
  • Oligospermia;
  • Increased viscosity of sperm;
  • Decreased motility of spermatozoa;
  • Spontaneous ejaculation;
  • A short sexual intercourse;
  • Premature ejaculation ;
  • Age violations.

How effective is the medicine? When the drug treats the above problems, patients leave different responses. "Spemann forte" really improves the sperm count. But for this, taking a pill requires a fairly long period.


Since "Spemann forte" is a natural preparation made on the basis of medicinal herbs, the contraindication to its use is only the individual intolerance of any component of the component.

But with certain conditions, you should take this medicine with caution. For example, with problems with blood vessels and the heart, as well as with hypervitaminosis.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that taking alcohol reduces the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, doctors recommend to stop using these drinks during the period of application of the drug "Spemann forte".

In the insert to the drug, recommendations are given on how to correctly take "Spemann forte". The instruction details the dosage and duration of treatment for various diseases of the male reproductive system.

Composition and therapeutic effect of components

The phytopreparation "Spemann forte" consists of the following medicinal plants:

  1. Strawberry orchis. This plant has an anti-inflammatory property, so popular recipes based on such a herb for the treatment of prostatitis. Young roots orchis also strengthen the strength of the body, tone up. Thanks to such properties, the plant struggles with sexual weakness, improves spermatogenesis.
  2. Seeds of a plant such as astermant are used for impotence and inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs.
  3. Survanavang, or mosaic gold, increases the duration of sexual intercourse and eliminates spontaneous ejaculations.
  4. A compass nut is a poisonous plant, but in a dosed amount it has a pronounced diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. The roots of arginia contain such substances necessary for the male power, as sterols.
  6. Fruits of anchors stimulate the sexual activity of men, are a urine and choleretic agent, and also, when systematically applied, improve the spermogram indexes.
  7. Rauwolfia serpentine has a sedative effect.
  8. Parmelia pearl helps to cope with overwork of the body, increases immunity, calms the nervous system.
  9. Laptagonia mesh has a powerful anti-inflammatory property.

Having united in one preparation, all the above mentioned plants help to solve such problems as sperm viscosity, high level of morphologically disturbed spermatozoa in the parameters of analyzes, decrease of motility of spermatozoa, reduced amount of sperm produced.

Absolutely identical composition has "Spemann forte" and "Spemann". Differences are only in the proportions of plant components.

"Spemann forte" or "Speman"?

In addition to the drug "Spemann forte" there is a similar medicinal product, which has the name "Spemann". In addition to the similar name, tablets have the same composition. What is the difference between these drugs? The thing is that the vegetable components from which such medicines are made have different proportions. Due to this, the drugs have different properties and spheres of action.

"Speman forte" and "Speman" have the following differences:

  1. The composition of the drug "Spemann forte" is used more often to correct age-related disorders of the reproductive system. These pills help with impotence, sexual impotence, a short sexual intercourse.
  2. The composition of "Spemana" is selected in such a way that the medicinal properties of the plants making up this preparation are aimed at solving problems associated with the deterioration of the sperm count: with increased semen viscosity, decreased sperm motility, etc. To treat infertility associated with violations of the sexual functions of men, Andrologist usually advises "Speman".

Dosage of the drug

Despite the fact that the drug is safe enough and does not carry the threat of disruption of the work of other systems and organs of men, the dosage should be determined by a specialist. If the course is correctly administered, the drug receives only deserved positive feedback from the patients. "Spemann forte" can take a fairly long period (up to two months) without fear of an overdose. But nevertheless independent uncontrolled application can lead to unforeseen consequences. It is especially important to take responsibility for taking the medicine in the event that the spouse's pregnancy is planned during this period. Incorrect use of medications can adversely affect the process of conception and development of the baby.

The standard dosage of "Spemana Forte" in uncomplicated cases is considered to be taking one or two tablets three times a day. The course of treatment with such a drug is long enough and ranges from two weeks to two months. This is due to the fact that the preparation consists only of natural components, the therapeutic effect of which manifests itself only after a certain period of time.

Depending on the problem with men's health, the andrologist will individually determine the necessary course of treatment with the drug.

"Spemann forte": instructions for use in planning pregnancy

As already mentioned above, in the presence of male problems that interfere with the natural process of conceiving a child, doctors often designate "Spemann". But "Spemann forte", having a similar composition, improves the quality of sperm, thus contributing to the early fertilization of the partner. Such a drug will be especially effective in the case of planning the conception of the baby a man of mature age (from 40 years and older). In this case, "Spemann forte" will not only improve the morphological parameters of spermatozoa, but also enhance sexual activity, help restore the erection.

In the treatment of infertility, patients often leave positive feedback. "Spemann forte" significantly increases the likelihood of conception of the baby. But this fact should be taken into account in the event that pregnancy is not planned, and the medicinal product is used solely to eliminate any medical problem in the partner's sexual system, for example impotence or prostatitis. In this case, special attention should be given to contraceptive devices.

Treatment of prostatitis

It is effectively used to treat prostatitis "Spemann forte". Instruction for use assumes the use of this drug as a main drug, and as part of complex therapy, as well as with maintenance preventive treatment. It is noted that this medication copes with inflammatory and stagnant processes in the small pelvis, normalizes the work of the prostate, promotes the activation of sperm production, improves its qualitative composition.

Possible adverse reactions

Usually the drug "Spemann forte" is transferred without any side reactions. But in case of individual intolerance of any component that is a part of the tablets, allergies may appear in the form of skin rashes, itching, sensation of nausea. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor for advice about the possibility of further taking the drug. It is usually sufficient to reduce the daily dosage of the drug, but, perhaps, the expert will give recommendations on the replacement of tablets "Spemann forte" for a similar drug.


The drug has an average price category. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to afford this medicine. Its price is on average from 600 to 900 rubles. Analogues will not be much cheaper. So, approximately the same value have "Spemann" and "Spemann forte." The difference in price is only 50-100 rubles.


There are analogues for the preparation "Spemann forte". A direct substitute can be "Spemann". This drug has an identical composition, differing only in the quantitative ratio of the components.

By similarity of action, the following analogous medicines can be designated:

  • Vitaprost;
  • "Prostanorm";
  • "Spermaplant";
  • "Spermactin";
  • "Tribestan";
  • "Tenteks forte" and others.

Customer Reviews

Has a mixed opinion "Spemann Fort". The consumers of this drug are attracted by the naturalness and, accordingly, the safety of the components that make up the composition. With regard to the effectiveness of the action "Spemann Fort" opinions differ. Some patients talk about a marked improvement in the condition. There are reports that in the treatment of infertility the long-awaited conception occurred in the near future after the start of the drug. But whether fertilization is associated with the direct action of the drug or such a fact is an accident, studies have not been proven. Nevertheless, comparing the results of the spermogram conducted before and after the course of the drug "Spemann forte", you can find a significant improvement in the sperm count.

The indisputable advantage of the tablets "Spemann forte" - a composition of natural ingredients. This fact is important in dealing with such delicate health problems as male impotence or infertility. If the drug is used in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician, "Spemann forte" will undoubtedly benefit health and improve the quality of life of a man.

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